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Everything posted by HHL

  1. Yes, that's pretty obvious. A “Cannot complete message” on a completed AdLab seems to be superfluous, right?
  2. 1. Start an AdLab 2. Hit "Start" 3. Open a LabCache station 4. Scroll down and see the link
  3. If you've found the traditional cache before 14:00 CET then it doesn't count as the Challenge starts at 12:00 Noon UTC.
  4. That's not as clear as the print version, and a waste of toner as well. Not recommended.
  5. Click one of the Print links beforehand. THEN use Ctrl-P. Result:
  6. GCABRWC_a-basic-reverse-Wherigo-cache Sweet
  7. "Velká čórka (lockpicking)" is not missing, but unpublished.
  8. No one has to deal with overlapping circles when using ONE bigger circle and split the PQs by date. See this: http://markwell.us/pq.htm#tips
  9. Lösch die Drafts doch einfach nach dem Upload vom Gerät. Der Garmin erstellt dann eine neue, leere Datei, in der sich beim nächsten Upload nur die Funde seit dem letzten Upload befinden. Ein sicherer Weg, Doppelungen zu vermeiden.
  10. Das hätte ich auch empfohlen.
  11. Just select "Non selected" with Placed date.
  12. Create a PQ. The Advanced Search does not support negative attributes.
  13. Found several Geocaches and LabCaches on July 3 and 4. Got no souvenir as well. Happy Coding.
  14. Save the filter's URL as a browser bookmark. That's what bookmarks are made for:
  15. Unfortunately GS's wording "... They’re about the size of a film canister, or smaller. ..." is pretty wrong and misleading, as film canisters have appr. 40 ml volume. So even bigger caches than a film canister are considered as a macro cache (as long as they are < 100 ml). GS may change their wording from film canister to Pet preform (which is most often used for micro caches. At least in Europe). Hans
  16. Its volume is less than 100 ml. Hence, a micro. http://More Info on cache sizes (click here)
  17. HHL

    Old map

    Actually, Swedish Län are similar to states.
  18. HHL

    Old map

    No, they haven't disappeared. Here you can see the borders of Västra Götaland Län and Halland Län: That's why I asked you to elaborate which map you're using.
  19. HHL

    Old map

    Which map are you talking about? Browse, Search, App map? Please elaborate.
  20. No. Just do NOT select any caches from the search. The "Add (n) caches to a list" button will show (and add) ALL resulting caches
  21. Das ist leider typisch deutsche, kleinkarierte Korinthenkackerei.
  22. No. Project-GC's database is just 24–36 hrs behind GS's database. So it's a sync lag only. Check again tomorrow. ;-)
  23. If you have issues with counting up to 20: Use a paper checklist, creating a tick each day you've found a cache.
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