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Everything posted by beezerb

  1. Not Bat, that was Paladin Have Thingy Will Travel reads the card of a man. A knight without armor in a savage land. His fast thingy for hire head's the calling wind. A soldier of fotune is the man called Paladin.
  2. Are there any guidelines for removing wet logs that are in danger of disintegrating and returning them to the owner of the cache? Yesterday we found one of our caches muggled (first time for us) and what hurt the most was the loss of the log book.
  3. We use the rating tool for terrain, for the other rating one of us hides and the other one seeks and rates.
  4. Thank you, we picked one up yesterday and are wanting to drop it off tomorrow but it hasn't been logged into the cache where we picked it up yet. Didn't want it to get lost.
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