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Posts posted by hbrx
Siden det begynner å bli litt frynsete med diskusjonsgruper lokalt, kunne der være en idé å prøve å få til noe her? Det meste ser jo ut til å gå på ræva "heme!". Hadde vært gøy med svar!
Det er jo bare å bruke denne nordiske gruppen.
Hvor ligger problemet?
My opinion is that Geocaching forums for geocachers shuld be availible at geocaching.com in their own native language.
Holy banana!
Are you serious?
Why are you suggesting this split?
Geographically Finland is closer to Estonia than it is to Faroe Islands.
Not only geographically, but language-wise as well.
The finnish language belongs to the Finno-Ugric languages.
Norwegian, Swedish and Danish belongs to the Indo-European languages.
Read more about it here: Wikipedia: Finno-Ugric
You will note that part of Norway and Sweden are marked as partly-Finno-Ugric-speaking.
That is the Sami language. Spoken by less than 70000 people out of 13.5 mill (19 mill including Denmark).
Not understood at all among the majority.
So a split is based mostly on language.
If any change is to be made, the creation
of a separate Finnish group seems more
Care to elaborate?
This is the traditional way to do this.
Roots back to USENET.
If one newsgroup got to large, or dominated by one
type of postings a split into two or more groups
was often the result.
Today we have one sub-forum for Nordic and baltic coutries.
Sweden, Denmark and Norway have their own forums in their
native language on non-Groundspeak servers. Finland does not.
We who do not read or speak finnish sort of drown inbetween the FIN-threads.
If the FIN were moved to another forum they get their own
playground, and the rest of us have a 'fresh' well known playground.
Doing it the other way around will only result in the danes, swedes and the icelanders
demanding their own forum.
That is the Wrong way to do it.
Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and to some extent Icelandic languages are
similar enough to be understood by the others.
Finnish and baltic languages are NOT.
So, split out in one Finnish/Baltic, and one Scandinavian/Icelandic forum.
IF a split is to be made.
I cant really see why qurius makes all this fuzz about it.
Whats the point?
I do not support this idea!
If any change is to be made, the creation
of a separate Finnish group seems more
Drita Før Drøbak-Sundet
= Drunk before we reach the Strait of Drøbak.
(Strait of Drøbak reached after ca one hour from Oslo towards Copenhagen)
Bus, Local
Bus, Long Distance
Canoe (new 2005)
Ferry, Local
Funicular (new 2005)
Rollerblade (new 2005)
Skiing, CrossCoutry
Skiing, Downhill
Train, Local
Plane and Cruise/Distance Ferry (but purpose was not solely caching...)
In planning:
Long Distance Train
Wish i had used:
Always mount a scratch monkey!
Finally got around to fix the 'Firefoz already running' bug on my
machine and have tested a lot of the scripts. Cool.
Might even go as far as to make the switch from Opera to Firefox
for my GC-surfing...
(have used Opera since about 1.x)
It seems to me that putting caches out in public areas where there is a good chance of being observed is just asking for trouble.
Guess putting the cache on the other side of the shed had been sufficient here...
Quite a few in Norway. covering the sites of the 1994 games held at Lillehammer.
I have one at the hill where the 1952 Slalom took place.
Know nothing about the 'current' games.
Hello alll, im going to Oslo next week can any one recomend a couple of decent caches? with a good view or just intresting? thanks for any help
Have you left for Oslo yet?
Still want some recommendations?
What kind of visit are you on.
Are you into skiing?
Considering Oslo have its highest snow level since
1968 a lot of caches are unavailable. But quite some
of them are still accessible.
How much time do you have?
You could also benefit from asking in the local norwegian forum
on http://forum.kart.no as only a few of us drop in here occationally.
pls send me a mail via gc.com if time runs short.
Any way of including in bookmark emails the name of the bookmark list that triggered the email, and/or a link to it? As it is now, all you know is that it came from some bookmark list.
I'll second (or third...) this.
Putting the name of the bookmark list that triggered the mail will be
very helpful for sorting the mails into folders. Single cache names in
my mailfilter-file will be extremly messy after just a few minutes...
(couldent find a reply to either of the two previous posts on the theme)
Easy one!
We both found Hermetikk in Stavanger, Norway. We even both have found St Etheldreda's in London.
As for 'degrees of Markwell', since GeoPirate have found my cache Small Brown
Horse AND one of the Project APE caches by Markwell there is a close tie to most
of the Norwegian cachers as well.
And since GeoPirate has found one of CCCooperAgency's caches that pretty much
links most norwegians to most of USA well within six degrees. Only counting
regular caches.
[edit: layout & typo]
A 2005 Gary Fisher Big Sur is my prefered transportation device nowadays.
(or whatever car the rental company have if I am in that mood)
I wasn't sure the forest was public... but I thought that Kirsten had mentioned something about trails
The restaurant link is not working for me, but I'll take the warning that the sculpture has been moved.
Btw all forrest in Norway are public accesible. It's the law!
The restaurants name is Ekebergrestauranten. Their pages are unfortunately
only in norwegian. The picture of 'Joy' was found on this page.
> I do not know where in Oslo the school is located... but I thought there was a
> possibility that there may be caches in the forest or along the trails
Must be kidding...:-)
And I now even recall living just a few hundred meters from the school for 3 years,
and must have passed it several times. Also have seen it where it is placed now.
Well, some of us visits here from time to time just to catch
this kind of requests. Fun to try helping out.
My guess is that the sculpture was placed at
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences.
Looking in my Oslo Encyclopedia reveals that a full figure statue called "Joy"
was placed there in 1987.
Some web searches have led me to believe "Joy" have been moved to the
newly renovated Restaurant Ekebergrestauranten.
Name of the artist is Kirsten Kokkin.
The statue is placed very close to GCH1EK.
Original placement is close to GCGH0R
Hope this is what you were searching for.
Also found on the web that Kirsten Kokkim was the artist behind the
statue of HRH Crown Princess Märtha(1901-1954) recently erected in front of the
Norwegian Embassy in Washington DC.
Kokkin is actually now living closer to where you are located than where I am.
She lives in Colorado, and is a very reknown artist.
Just have to hope I have guessed right...even found a reference to study in Italy.
Is that you leaping?
in Oslo.
Cant see if this has been covered/answered in the past.
When submitting multis or mystery caches with false start-coords
the aprover needs to know the final destination (and any intermediate)
to check for proximity.
Could a new coordinate field be made on the subscription form
to accomodate that? Knowing that I forgets that every time I submit one
i might not be alone...Having a required field would cut down on
iterations before a cache is aproved and reduse load on the aprovers.
Have this been considered or discussed before?
the renaming of the pq's according to the subject line works.
Yes it works fine.
Now on to make the names of the PQs a bit more meaningful
(and on to remake my scripts that moves files in archive-folders.
Any chance of including date (load or PQ) in the file name?
Istead of the numbering. Of cource with the numbering still as
a last resort to uniqueify the file names.
Tha coordinate grabber does a good job of not including
coordinates containing formulas!
the Load GPX
function includes all subdirectories in the search path for files to load.
Clyde fixed this in a previous build. Make sure that you get the latest build and try it again.
Of course...
My bad in the hurry today before leaving for the Airport and fiddling to
get all the latest PQs loaded. Hadent noticed build 53, and the post regarding this
have mysteriously slipped my tired eyes.
Works like a charm now. Thanks.
I havent had time to check this thoroughly, but it seems like the Load GPX
function includes all subdirectories in the search path for files to load.
This is mildly annoying since I keep all my old PQs in dated subdirectories
under the directory that holds the most recent PQs.
Is this so or am I doing something wrong. This has started to happen
lately (and since I have not loaded PQs for more than a week I am
not shure I can entirely blame the new Beta...)
Havent tried build 55 yet.
Why do you have a "found" database?
I have a separate found database. Or at least I have made one now.
Very easy done with the new PQ.
One very good reason for doing this is that not all my finds are in my
Default database. My Default database I have limited to caches in
my home country (Norway). I have separate databases for neighbouring
countries (Sweeden and Denmark), and separate databases of countries/cities
I travel to on a regular basis. In my day to day fiddling I stay in my Default
database. I do not travel each week (or even month) so a joint database
all my databases I dont consider practical to work with. And as I have found
caches in most of the other countries/cities I have databases of, the result
of clicking on the found field in my Default database will not produce the
correct total overview. Of cource I use this function inside each database,
but a separate Found-database gives me the whole picture.
So, yes, a separate database for your finds is practical.
NOR: Norge
in Scandinavia and Baltic countries
Ble diskusjonen lagt død bare fordi noen som noen mener er autoriteter ikke likte forslaget?
Var det ikke noen gode argumenter mot engang?