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Posts posted by ski


    Seriously, what can you do?

    Setup a hunters camera near a Geocoin exchange?



    Rumor has it that there is already a wildlife camera in place near a geocoin exchange somewhere in the southern end of the state.

    Lower Bucks County PA is also a bermuda triangle for geocoins.

  2. I have two of the Kids Geocoins and I noticed the custom icon has been replaced by a "personal geocoin" icon. I activated them through geocoinclub.com. Did this happen to anyone else?



  3. I rather pluck of a dozen ticks off of me after caching then walk through a nest of chiggers.


    I'm with you on this one Nik... :rolleyes:

    The chiggers are so small, that you cant see them until it's too late. They go right for your ankles and waist line, which means it will be very painfull to wear a belt or socks for days after getting them on you..



    I heard if you had Lymes Disease in the past and got treated for it early enough, that your body will have the anti-bodies in place to fight it if you get bitten by another infected tick in the future. Has anyone else heard of this?

  4. California Micro 2006 "Poppy" coins by:Oakcoins.com


    I activated two coins on their site the other day... One worked and one did not. I get an "activation code not found/ or does not match tracking number" message from GC.com.

    After you unsuccessfully try to activate the coin again on Oakcoins website, you get locked out from trying again. Why?

    Since Oakcoins does not answer e-mails either... can Geocaching.com activate the coins on mt behalf?




    They are usually quite good at responding, but make sure you use: coins@oakcoins.com


    Rather than using their PayPal email address which probably does not get checked regularly.


    Thank You, The recommended e-mail for activation issues is service@oakcoins.com, but I'll try the other e-mail.

  5. California Micro 2006 "Poppy" coins by:Oakcoins.com


    I activated two coins on their site the other day... One worked and one did not. I get an "activation code not found/ or does not match tracking number" message from GC.com.

    After you unsuccessfully try to activate the coin again on Oakcoins website, you get locked out from trying again. Why?

    Since Oakcoins does not answer e-mails either... can Geocaching.com activate the coins on mt behalf?



  6. Congratulations!!! You obviously can find them as good as you can hide them. [:blink:]

    We enjoyed hunting for your Edison area geocaches earlier this month. [:blink:]



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