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Everything posted by Bzzliteyr

  1. The pictures on the right side of the map are hidden behind the background when I look at them. (IE 6)
  2. Must be the overlays.. just like any mapping software (the overlay), sometimes they are off. I know my latest Mapsource Topo is missing the new T-Can highway but my Pioneer navigation unit has it. You can never seem to find the perfect map software, you seem to have to use them all together.
  3. Looking at the routes I have been driving here at CFB Gagetown, I can say that it depends on the year that the satellite imagery was taken and how it corresponds to the overlay. My tracks line up almost exactly.
  4. From what I understand, it depends on the satellite imagery details. If you use google earth you will notice that some of the sat stuff is high def and other stuff is old. I also suspect that GC.com might be adding some value of error as it does with google earth, to make you more dependant on the GPSr.
  5. icefall, I must reply on this one as I see you state that "Jeremy has said that the location of the caches is adjusted on Google Earth so it's not exactly on, making it impossible to use just Google Earth." You have completely ignored what the original poster said about having found several caches using just that technique. Sonja, I see no harm in that attribute being put in there as it would make it easier to use the search feature to find caches you can do without plonking the cash on a GPSr.
  6. I check that site weekly.. It's too bad he left the sport. Travelpost seems like it might be a plausible option.
  7. "Your Rogers Yahoo! Mail Virus Protection detected a virus in the file '33088.gpx Rogers Yahoo! Mail successfully cleans most infected attachments, which protects you from viruses." I got this in the mail yesterday when I asked for my pocket query, I tried another today and had the same issue!! Help!
  8. My famliy has been across Canada two times in the past two years. We took pictures and we GPS logged the whole thing. I would like to make a trip history type page with a visible map so they can see wher we've been. Anyone know of any websites to do that?
  9. Thanks guys and gals.. I was aware of the "download all first" solution (I didn't mention I tried it and it worked) but I was looking at a quick upload solution that wouldn't involve downloading all my maps to and from everytime. Oh well.. thanks for the help.
  10. But if I have maps in my GPS.. they get deleted if they are not the same as the ones I am uploading. for example: I am going up north tomorrow, I want the map that is one higher than what I have loaded on my GPS, I open a new file, select the map and upload it. When I check my GPS, it has none of my old maps on it. From what I can remember, it wasn't like that with my old Legend. Unless it's the software version of Mapsource that has created this issue? Bzz
  11. Are these made in Canada? And sent from Canada? Then why the US price listings? Geez.
  12. As the topic says.. when I try to upload a new map area onto my 60C.. it likes to get rid of the older ones so I seem to end up with only that one new map.. meaning I have to select them all again to make my GPS the way it was.. am I doing something wrong?
  13. Thanks, my mistake.. solved.
  14. Hmm, yet it still shows on my page...any other ideas?
  15. I have people asking me about a travel bug in one of my caches. It has been removed but never marked as such. I have tried to contact the guilty party with no luck. How can I mark it "missing" so people don't go seraching for it in my cache? Bzz
  16. Thanks guys and gals, it turns out it was my outlook creating the duplicate.. cheers!
  17. I will try the rule first.. then work from there.. thanks
  18. Hey guys and gals. I have a strange "bug". I always get two emails from any update or found cache when geocaching.com emails me. Any idea on how to stop that from happening? Thanks Bzz
  19. So i took my unit apart hoping to fix the issue I was having with the screen.. it doesn't look like it did much.. I seem to be missing the upper "title bar" of my unit (the one with the menu selections, etc). I can only seem to make it show very slightly if I apply pressure to the "power" side of the unit ( I now know that is where the ribbon feeds to the LED screen.) I wonder if any of you have any experience with this or should I attempt a repair with Garmin? I have a basic legend and am looking to upgrade soon... trying to balance the costs.
  20. You might try using a hair dryer to soften it up before you try prying at it..I used that technique to remove the hard plastic auto spam on my sport truck when I first had it delivered,and they are super sticky!
  21. Bzzliteyr

    Missing Tb

    I had the same problem with my "Thatch all folks" cache until I physically read the log book today. I didn't know who had taken the bug in question but i knew it was missing. Through deduction by reading the cache logs, the bug log and then the paper log, I was able to launch off an email and I hope I will be able to make the TB owner happy. Good luck with yours!
  22. Zuuk, message me. If you can make it to Oromocto (about an hour and half past Grand Falls), you have a place to stay here. I am heading to Kingston on the 11th but you can stop and camp/stay in my VERY humble abode. I drove across Canada this summer and I know that you must be very flexible with your schedule especially with camping in the plans. Be aware, Manitoba/Ontario border has the most mosquitoes in the world!!! Ontario has AMAZING showers in their Provincial parks! Msg me for any other details!! Bzz
  23. Stop by and log my "Forest, Forest Clump!!" cache on your way through Oromocto, NB (exit 303). It's right off the highway and there's a Timmies stop for you too! Bzz
  24. I found that if I uncheked "favourites" when syncing, it would work.. then recheck for the next one.. odd glitch but an easy workaround nonetheless.
  25. Not really geocaching related, but this past summer, when travelling across Canada (from NB to BC and back) we took the US route back. After waiting forever in line to cross into Washington state, the customs agent there asked us what we were doing crossing into the US, our reply was "driving back to New Brunswick". He then asked "why aren't you going through YOUR country?!?!" I thought that was funny until five days later, I realized just what he meant... that was long...and flat.. and boooring!! Next time, I am coming back through Canada!!
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