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Posts posted by 2happy2gether

  1. I agree if in doubt, call...


    In this day of stupidity, who know who will put what inside any kind of package to hurt someone.


    Although anyone with experience tossing grenades would know we do not use anything like that, not have I seen anything similar - kinda like the old US "pineapple"


    Cool story though.... Maybe we should have a category for strange finds, grenade - check


    To be honest the grenade looks very similar to one used by the US for riot control.


    A good rule of thumb for stuff like this is to note its location, walk away, phone the police, give them a point of contact and brief them when they arrive. Do not approach the item again until such time as the EOD guys ask you to accompany them to the item. The police will call in the miltary for recovery if it is in fact ammunition.


    There are plenty of legacy items like this still circulating around, some are still live. This stuff has been designed for one purpose; to maim or kill. If you don't know what it is and it functions as deisgned guess what!!!


    For safety sake, and from a professional standpoint, leave well enough alone if you happen to find anything like this, please. Don't assume it's not real.


    Oh yeah, take what I say as gospel; I sneak up on grenades for a living.

  2. AC Team is planning on the second COG CITO in Barrie, at Ardagh Bluffs. I don't know the date yet, but they are working out the final details.

  3. I know, I know...but can you tell me how many feet per second detonating cord detonates. Some of us are still stuck between two worlds.





    8,000ish..it's not an exact science.

  4. I've got one...


    On August 16th, 1960, Joseph Kittinger reached the altitude of 31km in an helium balloon. He then jumped and fell for 14 minutes before he reached the ground again.


    The question is: Which speed did he reach before he opened his parachute?




    I happen to know that is too low... but only because I cheated...


    It can't be low by very much. And 2h2g... tsk tsk! *Miles* per hour??


    I know, I know...but can you tell me how many feet per second detonating cord detonates. Some of us are still stuck between two worlds.

  5. I've got one...


    On August 16th, 1960, Joseph Kittinger reached the altitude of 31km in an helium balloon. He then jumped and fell for 14 minutes before he reached the ground again.


    The question is: Which speed did he reach before he opened his parachute?




    I happen to know that is too low... but only because I cheated...


    I was going to guess in the 360's, but I remember seeing something about this and that he had to slow down considerably otherwise his parachute would have failed.

  6. I've got one...


    On August 16th, 1960, Joseph Kittinger reached the altitude of 31km in an helium balloon. He then jumped and fell for 14 minutes before he reached the ground again.


    The question is: Which speed did he reach before he opened his parachute?



  7. Ibycus,


    Kudos for all of the maps. I'm a brand-new Garmy guy - my eXplorist died this past week. I found the maps easy as pie to install, extremely detailed, and my new Garmin runs like a charm with them loaded. The eXplorist would slow down and lock-up all the time.


    I'm really looking forward to field testing them sometime this week.

  8. OK... here you go.



    Mrs Landsharkz, who has forgotten her GPS and is therefore using a banana, is Waymarking the location of this old man-made stone structure in the woods. It is located on a trail in Goldstream Provincial Park... not too far from where we live. What is it?


    Is it a milestone?

  9. yup, I was looking at the Colorado's on the site.

    found a few online stored that have them listed for sale starting mid january,

    however the roughyl $500 price tag is pushing me off a little...

    don't think the better half will let me get that one..




    PDOP's, thanks for that link, I thought I remembered seeing a similar one, but my search technique's apparently need tuning.





    Consider the issues involved with purchasing a "new to the market" GPSr.


    - You will be comfortable in knowing that the unit is the latest in technology and will last for a few years; and

    - You will be the envy of the geocaching community and will make lots of "Garmy" friends :o.


    I'm a big believer in justifying the expense upfront and having a gadget that I know will last me the 5 years or so that I need to justify spending the original amount.


    If these arguements fail, beg!!!

  10. In Canada, estimates of cache sites number over 7,000. Quebec is estimated to have 6,400 and B.C. is believed to host 5,500 sites.


    I guess passing 2nd grade math is not a requirement to be a CTV reporter..... :grin:


    Technically speaking, 11,900 is over 7,000. They just ballparked it a little low. :)

  11. Thanks, Binrat. It's just as well they didn't use their last names. Burka GPSMap 60C just doesn't have the same ring to it. :anicute:


    One of the earliest forms of bicycle had a large front wheel and a small rear wheel. What is the value of its popular name in today's British currency?


    Would it be called a pence farthing?

  12. I like the Christmas theme going on here.


    What is the name of the radio station at N82 28' W62 30'?


    Bonus points if you know why this is seasonally significant, the name of the location and its claim to fame.



    Alert's FM radio station is no more!


    CHAR-FM had its license revoked last week at the request of the base commander.




    The base is seasonally significant because Alert always reported when Santa Clause took off from the North Pole to start his rounds on Christmas Eve. I don't know if the loss of the radio station will affect this announcement!


    That's correct and extremely sad at the same time.


    On to you.....

  13. I like the Christmas theme going on here.


    What is the name of the radio station at N82 28' W62 30'?


    Bonus points if you know why this is seasonally significant, the name of the location and its claim to fame.

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