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Team chelmo

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Everything posted by Team chelmo

  1. Very nice pictures ParentsofSAM And everyone else too, some awesome facts too! You guys are fantastic, I wish I had enough coins for all of you
  2. Less than 100 posts to go until the next coin goes to a lucky person, then we move on to the "BONUS" coin It's first thing in the morning here so off to work soon, hopefully in just over 8 hours we will have our second winner with the Third winner sure not to be far behind!
  3. Psst... You guys can keep a secret eh?
  4. "That's right folks, keep on posting because I have COINS to give away! Do you think that will keep them happy?
  5. Thanks OshnDoc, I guess if you live in a place all your life you don't appreciate what you really have. I'm glad you like NZ so much, bit warmer than Antartica too Wanaka is a cool place, plenty to do if you want and absolutely nothing to do if that's what you prefer.
  6. Hey Bunya have you heard I have a new girlfriend? Her name is BAAABRAAA No wait, that doesn't work, I'm taking the micky out of Kiwi's
  7. Best of friends but also best of rivals
  8. Time for a small geography lesson... Everyone knows that New Zealand is made up of many Islands, with the main ones being the NORTH ISLAND... And the SOUTH ISLAND... But there is also the long Last WEST ISLAND... Sorry Bunya, I know you are in here somewhere And Cheesy Pigs, Team Falling Numerals, Aushiker, Forthferalz etc etc etc, Truely we do love our neighbours
  9. Your age! Happy twenty-first! Not quite, but good try, I'm a Scorpio
  10. The McKinnon Pass, Milford Track. I sat up here a few years ago watching the Avalanches roll down the mountains all around.
  11. Something to see when you visit Kaikoura
  12. The best way to see the country...
  13. G'Day Guys & Gals Just thought I would throw a wee hint out as to when the next coin will go. It should be the secret posting number, and the hint is... The number increased by "1" today Any ideas? (sorry no free coin for getting this question right) Because I'm having so much fun seeing what you guys are posting I have decided that After this Post #) coin has been won there will be another small comp. to win another of my coins So keep them posts coming.
  14. Yes there is a winner, but only 1 still 3 coins to go And the biggy too the XLE ? ? ? CF30 has won the Two Tone Gold/Silver Chelmo for correctly guessing that Footrot Flats was the other idea I had for the back of the coin Meet "Dog" and "Cecil"
  15. Hello all, how are you? I am well. Goodbye! Congratulations, Cheesy Pigs!!! Very good! Send me your mailing info thru my profile and I will have it in the mail by Monday. Sorry, Team Chelmo, I couldn't help it CF30 WooHoo!!!! Thanks Crowsfeat! I am so happy!! I have wanted one of your coins for ever so long! I never thought I'd win your coin while entering a competition for a different coin It's all good
  16. OMYGOSH!!! I won?? How cool is that! I just stepped out to go to the grocery store (we're having crab legs for dinner tonight!) and come back to discover that I won! Wow! Cool! THANKYOU!! Now I get to sit back and see who else wins. I might post a few more tidbits tho, if I'm allowed to... CF30 Fell free to keep on posting and learning/teaching. I must admit that I was expecting this to take a little longer and perhaps even a clue or two, but you nailed it! Send me your address through my profile and I will be sending A Chelmo's NZ Silver Fern LE Two Tone Gold/Silver your way ASAP
  17. Yep I have a micro here too Right in the middle of town.
  18. WOOHOO! ! ! We have our first winner! and with no clues required. I love fun coins, this was the original idea I thought of for the backside of my coin. Because the front is so formal I was unsure as to whether to persue this theme, I actually got as far as recieving an e-mail from the cartoonist apologising for not allowing me to use the images but wishing me luck. This is a true New Zealand icon also, my coin was going to also picture "Cecil" Well Done Crowesfeat30 "Footrot Flats" was the theme
  19. And you can see the location of a micro I have here!
  20. Ditto! Double TRIPLE ditto!!!! CF30 We are a friendly bunch, and you guys are always welcome
  21. Where's the photo And yeah they love wrecking cars, well actually anything they can get their "Beaks" on to.
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