Team chelmo
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Posts posted by Team chelmo
Do we need an excuse for another secret mission?
The White Elephant mission sounds like fun to me,
(I wonder how much it costs to send a white elephat from NZ
Oh, hang on we don't have elephants down here
This is certainly one of the more appropiate reasons for a coin exchange
Not that we need a reason
1. Participating - Yes, e-mail sent 11/7/07
2. Received Name
3. Mission Complete
4. Package Received!
Nice wee twist on the secret missions
1. Participating - email sent 9/7/07
2. Received Name
3. Mission Complete
4. Package Received
Just FYI, shipping 1 coin to the States from New Zealand = $6nz (Over $4us)
Congrats Damenace
It would appear that the GeoCoin Bug knows exactly how to sum up our addiction
(and done with a very cute coin
Very nice
Saw them when they came up on Cointracking. You must be happy with how they turned out, good one guys!
Yes these are Suncatcher type coins. The colored ring is see-through.
They feature translucent and marble coloring.
They are 1.75" 3mm thick
I'm glad my hunch was right
Hopefully I can tempt you into a trade otherwise I will definately be buying a couple.
Congrats, a very nice looking coin. Simple design with striking colours. Is it "See Through"? Like stained glass? It looks like it, if so, there a a few of these now with Crakes Sun Catchers and Paula/Jims GW5 SunBurst. They seem to be popular and a sure hit, hopefully I can manage to get these ones. If they aren't see through, still a great looking coin
Just got home from work and went to order a couple and found... Sold Out!
I'm soglad there will be more minted so those of us that missed out can get some (to keep & travel)
I'm gona have to go with the majority too, If reminting then go with the "original metals".
Although I'm only after 1 of each metal (One to keep and the other to travel).
Thanks again FSM for an exciting wait
What ever it takes to get em, we will be keeping a close eye out for a FSM
(Boy I hope I don't miss out
) I do have a thing for copper but will be more than happy to get my hands on any of these guys
We love you FSM
Who ever you are!
Unfortunately it takes a lot to keep a good man down, hopefully it won't be too long until you are back to 100%. All the best for a speedy recovery Glenn, your kiwi friend, Mark (Elmo)
Packaged up and ready to send tomorrow are a total of 7 racers from New Zealand...
3 from Us (1 for me and 1 each for the kids)
2 from keewee
2 from rchdlyn
Should all arrive in time to make it to the start line and ready to race
Forks and knives beware!
After centuries of being poked, prodded and twirled about by countless cold and unfeeling kitchen utensils...pasta has finally gone "extreme al dente" and will now fight metal with metal.
Hi Guys, We have the complete set of your "GeocachingSkills" coins and enjoy showing them off, congrats on this one too It looks awesome, we love this one too
Yes the english reads good to me
Will you be trading any? I have something to trade now. Otherwise I will be keeping an eye out for sales
P.S. I got sent one of the skills coins as a secret mission and will be sending it off to travel and for others to enjoy
Antarctica 2007 Black Nickel/Satin Silver
This coin has to be seen to be believed, Thank's heaps OshnDoc
I do use this register! It has been VERY helpful & I have met a lot of great people through it! And, I now have coins all over the world!
And it is great to be able to help those who want to send coins out in to the wild like yourself CC
Thanks to whom there will be another 10 coins travelling around New Zealand in the next few weeks. (Thanks for the little extras in the package too, you are too kind
Summer Solstice (NZ Winter)
1. Participating - You betcha
2. Received Name - Oh Yeah
3. Mission Complete - Package sent 10th June
4. Package Received! - Oh Yeah
Our Solstice package contained a great stash of goodies, including;
*Crowesfeat30 Personal coin
(Copper) One of my new favorite coins (Thomas Loves it too!)
*Luminous Energy (Copper) I think someone knows I have a thing for copper coins
*Two very cute Geocoin Chicks
( CF011 (Orange) & CF111 (Red))
*And a couple of Geo Tags, Crowesfeat30 & Strider
Thanks Sarah
ummm I mean Secret Mission Chick
The kids also loved they other stuff in the package
4th of July
1. Participating--YES
2. Received Name - And this one too
3. Mission Complete - Package sent 12th June
4. Package Received!
And our 4th July Mission contained another great haul;
*Geocaching Skills - Protection (Although I do have this set I have really wanted to share these by sending out in to the wild but just couldn't part with them so now thanks to my secret mission buddy am able to share one in the wild, thank you
*Night Cachers Coin (And I did check it works, just a little
, well it is dark here at 6pm at the moment
*Texas Mini Micro (I hadn't seen these guys before but they are awesome, and teeny tiny too
*"The Alamo" Path Tag
Thank you also 4th July Mission Sender
The last few days have been good to us
Aussie '06 & Belken personal (traded with Belken, thanks guys
A swag of coins to release from Caching Coins
+ Gift coins (Cachingcoins personal (love this one
), Strawberry cheesecake Geo Jelly (our first geo jelly, and a sweet one at that
) and our first geocoin chick
. Thanks so much Sandy
Our Summer Solstice Mission
Crowesfeat30 Personal (copper)
Luminous Energy(copper) (hmmm...someone knows I have a thing for copper
& Strider Geotags
And two very cute geocoin chicks
Our 4th July Mission
Geocaching Skills, protection coin
(I bought the original set with the intention to release them but just couldn't part with them, so this coin will travel, Thanks)
Night Cachers geocoin (Does it glow
I think so! Not that I've tried it
, oh ok just a little
Texas Mini Micro (This teeny tiny coil is just too cool
and "The Alamo" path tag
Very nice looking coin, the colours are amazing! We will be keeping an eye on these beauts
I have two kids that make great slaves
(Kidding), hopefully I can manage to maybe trade something more appropriate for one of these very cool coins
Otherwise the offer of the kids still stands (although the shipping from NZ could be a little expensive
#9 Dropped in to a micro cache 9th June, Kiwi Time
Off and travelling
Apart from the retailers, a lot of new coins get posted in here with links to where you can buy them,(generally they average about $8 US + Shipping/coin). If you want a coin with your name on it then perhaps the Geo Jelly project could be for you
[NEW COIN] Geocaching is the Key Geocoins
in Trackables
Very cool coins/keys
How could I resist 
O/N 999