Team chelmo
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Posts posted by Team chelmo
Just wondering if a pinned topic summarising offers such as mine and the team from Portugal and others is worthwhile?
For example I would be interested in having my coins released in other countries.
I think that's a good idea, we have recieved several coins for release in New Zealand too. There is an open offer if anyone is interested
I think a hand full of these would be enjoyed down in New Zealand, so I'm interested
It looks like this has stirred up quite a hornets nest
I guess the thing is... All travel bug dog tags are the same, it is what's attached to it that makes it unique, so people don't mind as much a copy of the tag, whereas coins are all pretty much unique as you don't often come across the same sort more than a couple of times. If your coins are so valuble to you then keep them in your collection, take them to events to be discovered that way you will always know it's safe, (That's what we intend to do), if you want to keep with the spirit of geocaching and allow coins to travel from cache to cache then you have to take a chance that some dishonest person may pocket it, S**t happens! we have released several "real" coins and hope they don't go missing but it's they chance you take to share the joy of coins
The coins we had were activated and "exchanged" for release purposes only, they were not traded for Keeping. Luckily the sender of the laminated pictures missed out on recieving a "real" coin from us as the two real coins we had were already exchanged with other cachers, and I must add that the real coins were exchanged for real coins and we are keeping in touch with the genuine people we exchanged them with.
It just seems that we could have been caught out very easily when you expect everyone to be using the same rules, but once again I see their reason. One of the people we did a "real" coin exchange with is also due to recieve some coins from the "laminated" exchanger, so I have been in touch with them and curious to see what arrives to them.
I have lost nothing from this experience, I would just feel ripped off if I were the person who went to a cache to discover a new coin only to find a picture of it!
So whats the go... I traded a few coins for release around the world, the other day I recieved a parcel with laminated pictures of coins complete with a mission sheet with the tracking number written on on. Is this a legitimate form of coin travel? I can understand the reason for doing this but it seems to take a bit of the joy away from finding a new coin (or picture of it)
someone traded you laminated coin photos for coins??? you got ripped off if so.... i know some people let their coins "travel" this way and I have "refurbished" a TB this way in order to have it travel, but if someone legitimately traded this to you, i'd be mad...
Nah I guess I was lucky, I only had a couple of coins to release and by the time this person contacted me they were spoken for, they just sent them to me anyway.
So whats the go... I traded a few coins for release around the world, the other day I recieved a parcel with laminated pictures of coins complete with a mission sheet with the tracking number written on on. Is this a legitimate form of coin travel? I can understand the reason for doing this but it seems to take a bit of the joy away from finding a new coin (or picture of it)
I hdd a similar problem with a '05 EU coin a couple of weeks ago, turned out I had to ignore the last 4 numbers engraved on the coin.
Very cool coins, we are new to collecting and I'm sure one each of these would make a unique addition to our sparse collecting
Just ordered one set to head way down south to New Zealand, land of the long white cloud.
G'Day, I not been caching for long but always enjoy discovering new trackables. Because I'm so green I have not had a chance to start a coin collection, but I am getting a few 2006 "kiwi" coins if anyone has a coin coin they would like to trade. Also is it best to leave them un-activated? Anything else I should Know?
Well that was quick! Thanks to SUp3rFM and Creulla we now have a coin on its way to Portugal (via mail) to start touring around Europe and on its way downunder a unique sounding trackable which I'm sure my fellow kiwis will enjoy finding. Fortunately we have managed to get another couple of coins so we can still have one in our collection plus a spare
G'Day from down under. We have only been caching for a few months but can understand the excitiment of geo coins. What a great idea to send them to a cacher in a different country to release, certainly gets them moving to other parts of the globe quickly. We released our first coin a month ago and its still waiting to head abroad from a TB exchange! Anyway we have another one just sitting here, a 2006 kiwi coin if anyone is interested in an international exchange for release purposes, just get in touch.
Release Of Coins In Western Autralia
in Trackables
Posted · Edited by Team chelmo
The coins that we have received for release are ones that are owned and activated, the owners simply e-mailed us via our profile gained from the forum, we replied with our postal address and they mailed the coin/s to us. I guessing this is how most of it happens. We made our first exchange for release with Sup3rFM and Creuella, Portugal but we only had a couple of coins to exchange this way, others have simply sent coins to us to be released. We did receive one to release with one we purchased for our collection.
P.S. I do like your coin concept PrinceShoko