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Team chelmo

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Posts posted by Team chelmo

  1. 1. Participating - email sent today (3/11/07) This mission is for the junior "Chelmo's", Brittany & Thomas :D

    2. Received name -

    3. Mission Complete -

    4. Santa arrived - :lol:


    Ho :D Ho :DHo :D


    He's on line and ready B)


  2. congratulations_05.gif


    To all the lucky recipients of these coins (so far). According to my maths there are 24 lucky people who have these coins in their hands as well as another 7 coins logged in to caches (The closest being 11,221.6 km from me :blink: ) But I have my fingers crossed still for one turning up in a box much closer :P

  3. These coins go on sale 11am Thursday Kiwi time, I have a real job and will be working out of town so will be taking my chances... hopefully keewee will be able to get me one of the antique nickel coins (He has a desk job :laughing: )

  4. Oh the suspense is killing me! I wonder what this coin looks like. My guess would be a Grim Reaper or a Bat. Hopefully the first sighting is soon so we can all find out.


    Team Chelmo, what is the name of that creepy crawley? It almost looks like a cricket that ate Miracle Grow or some toxic mixture and grew 10000 times it's size. Thank goodness we don't have those here or I'd never leave my house.




    He is a GIANT Weta


    Cali is a bit far for me to fly (Considering Kiwi's can't fly ;) ), will wait and hope for something a bit closer :yikes:

  5. Don't think I'm going to be able to make it over to the event :unsure:


    Man, you guys have all the cool stuff, love the copper, esp with the gold ;)


    Will have to see if I can pilage one from someone :o


    Have a fantastic event all those that make it :P

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