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Everything posted by Tardis

  1. Weirdly I have literally _just_ done that, using a GPX track dump to add a walking track that went right past a cache of ours. Though you do lose a lot moving from Google to OSM, particularly the satellite/earth view & streetview, both of which I use extensively in pre-trip planning. One of the first annoyances I noted with streetview was that the old red "teardrop" marking current coordinates was replaced by an almost invisible "X".
  2. For those who have recently had the "new improved" Google Maps thrust upon them, & who preferred using the old "classic" interface accessible from https://www.maps.google.com/?output=classic but have discovered that the link to "classic" mode now merely takes them to a "lite" mode of the "new improved" interface, try the following link: https://www.google.com/lochp. It will still display the "this version is updating soon" message but works for now. If you're really annoyed by this enforced change, there is an online petition to bring back classic maps running at https://www.change.org/p/larry-page-ceo-google-tell-google-bring-back-classic-google-maps
  3. Try the World Coordinate Converter at http://twcc.free.fr/converter-en.php?noredirect=1. You'll find what3words in the world dropdowns. Converts both ways (plus many other conversions to boot). I couldn't get the newer version (http://twcc.fr/) to work properly for W3W. Also of note: http://w3waddress.meteor.com which converts to an address.
  4. Go here: http://www.geocachin...statistics.aspx Click on the "Milestones" tab. Under the "action" catagory, click on each milestone's pencil icon to choose the cache. Thanks for the quick response. All hunky dory & I can happily edit away. Though this raises another question. Why are there now two apparently almost duplicate pages? I could understand if one was the "private" page & the other the "public" but both are talking to "you" and both the basic & maps tabs are identical (apart from one having buttons & the other tabs that is). http://www.geocaching.com/my/statistics.aspx http://www.geocaching.com/profile/
  5. Another change that does not appear to have been covered yet. Prior to the update, I could go to http://www.geocaching.com/my/statistics_edit.aspx & edit my milestones to change & lock/unlock them if the automated process got them wrong - for example you logged (often even purposely pre-selected) a certain cache as your xxx'th milestone, only for the system to select some other one on that day due to some random order known to itself (order of logging?, time stamps?). Subsequent to the update I can no longer edit my milestones. I get to view the list and even see the popup: "A list of geocache milestones for <username> is displayed. To edit your own milestones visit the statistics settings page." When I click the link all I can change is the "Show milestones" checkbox.
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