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Everything posted by ozymandiasism
Hi All!!! Hope everyone's doing well!! The Sundial Geocoins are finally here!!!!! Purchase your Sundial geocoins today!!! Oh, and don't forget to check out my other coins!!!
Thank you much!!!!
We have a winner for the icon contest. Congrats to Jan!!!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! Updates! 1) I have received the sundial goecoins in the mail and they sales will begin in the coming days. If you have not reserve your coins, you can do so HERE 2) The icon design contest will come to a stop by this Wednesday. The best icons will be announced by Thursday. You can post your design here or simply email them to me. The winner will be awarded a set of Sundial Geocoins. Please see previous post for contest rules. Happy caching! d
in a week or so
In a couple of weeks, the sundial geocoins will be here!! woohoo!!!! There is just one more thing to do.... Sundial icon. I hate doing icons, and I am not good at it. So, I am leaving the design to your capable hands!. Now, I am announcing the Sundial Geocoin Icon Contest! I will be offering a set of sundial geocoins (one of each finishing: two-tones, antique copper and antique gold) as a prize for the best icon. Rules: Submit both 16x16 and 32x32 icons as gifs. Icons need to be actual size [they should look good in small sizes] Keep in mind of the sundial theme Please submit your design to derek@dwprods.com And make sure you reserve your sundial geocoins!
Right on! Is there anyway to get reminded of what we reserved? I did so when this was first posted, and can't remember what I put down for (I may want to change... really like these) Thanks! I do have a reservation list but I do not have it with me at this moment. You can make another reservation and note (in the country field, or something) that this is the updated order. Reservations is primarily for my own use so I know how many coins I should mint. However, those on the list will have the chance to buy them before general hope this helps! d
Thanks for all the kind words!!! Individual coin will be $9.50 +S/H Geocoin Set (3 finishings) will be $28 + S/H regards d
Hello everyone! Hope you had a great holiday! I had taken some pictures of samples of the Sundial geocoins... hope you guys enjoy it! Note: The antique copper version will be much darker than in picture. Glow in the dark Click here to reserve these Sundial Geocoins!! Coming to you Mid-February!
Judging from some research I have done online, seems like you can still see the big dipper from the southern hemisphere. The closer you are to the equator, the more stars you can see from the North Celestial Pole. The Southern Cross would be the guidance stars on the South side of the hemisphere.
That is great. looking forward to seeing your design. and good luck!
The coin will work as sundial will work anywhere under the sun But it will be accurate to a certain degree. Obviously, it depends on the latitude of where you are. This coin can only provide approximation, esp with a fixed degree of the gnomon (the style).
Sorry about the delay. Let me answer some of the questions above: Price: I am not sure how much these coins will be yet, but they will definitely be under $10. Yeah, I know, that's not really saying much... Time vs. Navigation: Sundial and the star constellation represents the contract between day and night. During the day, you can use the sundial (the sun)... and flip over the coin at night and you can "see" the stars (hence glow in the dark, which by the way, the paint actually works VERY well!) Interesting question about time vs. navigation though, but you can actually navigate with a sundial, and you can tell time with the constellation (upon some research) Finishings, etc.: Two-tones plating are gold and nickel, just like the double and triple dragon geocoins. As far as quantity goes, it will either be 750 or 1000, but I'm leaning more towards 750. Also, the coin is made with zinc alloy, so it is not as heavy as my other coins. This is the only way to create the sundial geocoin with the complex design. What IS that thing at the top portion of the back of the coin? The pin mechanism consists of 3 parts: The pin, the hinge, and the back plate. When I was talking to the coin manufacturer, they explained to me that the back plate (top portion of the back of the coin) can match the same plating with the rest of the coin, but the design on it can't be too complicated. I figure a simple design at the back is probably a better idea... less production problem... However, you can't tell from samples that the back plate and the coin are 2 pieces. Quite well done really! Anyways, hope I answer most of the questions! d
After being away for a few months... the relocation… the new job… the new place… and the new back pain (ouch!)… I am finally ready to reopen my store dwprods again! And better yet... a new geocoin design! Sundial Geocoin This is a horizontal sundial… a flip-up pin to tell time on one side, and a “glow in the dark” big and little dipper on the other. Coming to you in Mid-March, 2008 Reserve your Sundial Geocoin here today! Thank you! d <indirect links removed by moderator>
Wow... how funny! To answer your question, yes the triple dragon geocoins come with coin sleeves with tracking / activation code info. Thanks! d
depends on the coin and the seller. Most times the sleeve comes with the coin. If you want to purchase just a few sleeves, crake has the 5-pack coin flips at his store: http://www.crakephoto.com/store/geocoins.html
Due to a cancellation, I now have 3 sets (the last 3 sets) of Mini Seashell Geocoin Combos for sale: Mini Seashell Geocoin Combo: 3 White Seashell Geocoins 3 Dark Seashell Geocoins 3 Aged Seashell Geocoins Set Price: $44.00 S/H: Domestic and Canada: $2.00 International: $3.00 Please email me @ derek@dwprods.com if interetsed Still have more a few more Dark Seashells for left.... and some Triple Dragon Geocoins and Hong Kong Geocoins. http://dwprods.com/Geocoins.htm Thanks! d
For those who were folllowing my hong kong geocoin missions and requested that an English translation on the Hong Kong geocoins, good news! Google map has finally finished working on the Hong Kong map... and vola!
What about the coins that were reserved will we be getting invoices or do we have to re-submit our orders? Individuals who have reserved my coins should have already received an email regarding the sales a couple of days ago. Andrew, I double check and confirmed that I have sent you an email. Did you get it by any chance? Only those who are interested in the special discount should contact me directly for a custom invoice. All other coin purchases can be done directly on my website: http://dwprods.com/Geocoins.htm Thanks again! d
Glenn, It is possible that I will be going to RI in the next couple of months (not sure when yet). If so, I might be able to help you out on dropping the coin there.... but I know there is a deadline so let me know if this is workable for you. d
Hi there, Hope everyone is enjoying the arrival of summer! These mini geocoins are now on sale, ready for those micro beach caches!!! Not that I need an excuse to go to the beach! LOL Purchase Your Geocoins Here!!!! **Special Offer!!!!** For limited time, when you combine your seashell geocoin purchase with any set coins: Triple Dragon Geocoin Set, Hong Kong Geocoin Set and Non-trackable Double Dragon Coin Set (max 3 sets in total, excluding seashell geocoins), you are eligible for S/H discount for the entire package!! Take advantage of this offer while supply last! Email me your order and your PayPal email address and I will send you a custom PayPal invoice. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at derek@dwprods.com! Thanks and have a great day! d
This looks like what I experianced the other day. They had a cheat sheet they were using. I'll try and get copy. In any case the bubble mailer needs to fit through a slot to go as they did before. They use to let them go but no more. Tightening up with all the changes. Whoever came up with those specifications must have forgot that the general public doesn't have degrees in mathematics. Even the guy at the post office I go to was talking about if they want them to do all these measurements they need to give them the right tools. Nothing like coming up with changes to make the lines in the post office even slower.... I don't mind the rate increase if it means a positive change. But the major turn off in this whole incident is the lack of training for their own staff. I mailed some of my packages as large envelop today.. I even put labels on the packages that indicate them to be "large envelopes". I'll see if they come back to me in a week....
Stay tune for sales!