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Everything posted by ozymandiasism

  1. As I have mentioned before, buy 2 of the same coins! 1 for viewing/collecton and 1 for caching. problem solved. Now I understand that budget constraints can be a real issue, if you are only purchasing 1 coin, make a decision on whether the coin would be for caching or viewing, and stick to it. If it is for caching, expect the possibility that at some point, the coin will be gone forever (i mean, how often do you ever see your own TBs or coins again that have left previously in caches?) In a perfect world, we wouldn't even have this discussion. Until then, unfortunately, it is what it is.... I can see the viewpoint of having replicas in caches... but to me, it is no difference than seeing a white/yellow jeep TB listing on the website, and venturing out to the cache only to find out the TB is missing. It is equally disappointing. As the previous poster mentioned, "a geocoin that doesn't travel is what I would call a "coin". " And God knows how people in this forum feel about the whole coins vs geocoins issue... LOL
  2. Nice "the lost geeks" coin you have there!
  3. From the geocoin tracking guidelines, they are pinned at the top of the forums, you can see all the details there: "2. There is a 500 number minimum purchase required (although custom prefixes require a 1,000 code minimum order). (Note that some of the coin manufacturers listed below have purchased blocks of numbers for resale in smaller quantities). These numbers may be split between coins but each individual coin design must be approved prior to production." pghlooking was inquiring about the custom icon. judging from the guidelines, $150 is the only requirement to associate a custom icon to a coin. But I hear ya.... I was wondering the same thing when I read your post.
  4. That is not what I said at all. And trust me. I spend plenty of time in front of my computer, in chatrooms, forums, and various cyber channels so I will be the last person to make such comment. It sounds exactly like it is. Since "you" (meaning those that don't agree) have such strong opinions in this forum, I am interested to find out if the same persist in day-to-day life, (yes, real life)
  5. If I read this post right this price change is for residents of canada shipping outside of Canada. I live in South Carolina so this shouldn't affect me shipping TO Canada....or did I read wrong, it is 3:40 AM (baby feeding) You are correct. Oh.... hehe... it's the thought that counts... LOL
  6. I wonder how many of these people exercise their rights to voice their opinions as much as they do on here as supposed to in real life. Can you see them in some department stores..... seeing some over-priced products.... and walking right to the store manager and say, "these are just way too expensive. Your profit margin is X00%. It costs Y to make Z and although it is your choice to charge that much for a product, I am chosing NOT to buy it and that is my right to do so. And I'm going to tell you that I'm not buying. And I'm gonna stick around and make sure my voice is heard because it is good for you to know there are people out there won't pay such high price." Actually, I would LOVE to see them exercising their rights on voicing their opinions on expensive restaurants... LOL
  7. UOTrackers, make sure you send out your coins by 7/24!
  8. I was told once that you can print out your own postage up to 16oz without having to deal with a live person in the post office (drop them in the box). If you want, do a dry run... mail packages with different quantity of coins.. and write down the actual cost of the shipping at the post office. Next time when you bring in a huge stack of packages... you can sort them as mentioned by a previous poster to make the lives of postal workers easier,
  9. Woohoo! The coins have cleared customs and departed from Anchorage!!! YAY!
  10. Thank you for the kind words! It would definitely be interesting to see if some of them make its way down to SoCa! The coins have left the the coin mint!!!! very excited!!!! YAY!!!!
  11. After a few months of preparations and hard work, the Double Dragon Geocoins is now officially on sale! I want to thank everyone’s support. Most of all, for those of you who had already reserved and paid for your coins, thank you very much for the purchase!!! Coin Stats: Two-tones Double Dragon Geocoin (200 minted) [Please pardon the quality of the pictures. I have a hard time photographing the two-tones coins because of their shiny and reflective surfaces] Antique Gold Double Dragon Geocoin (100 minted) Antique Copper Double Dragon Geocoin (100 minted) Antique Silver Double Dragon Geocoin (100 minted) Diameter: 1.75" Thickness: 3mm Weight: 1.6oz Trackable on geocaching.com Custom prefix tracking code (DWXXXX) Custom icon Estimate Shipping Date: Mid-July, 2006. A confirmation e-mail will be sent out upon delivery. Sales and Shipping Information: Sales: 1 coin: $10.00 2-5 coins: $9.40 ea 6-10 coins: $9.00 ea 11+ coins: $8.75 ea Domestic Sales: Shipping and Handling included (domestic only) Delivery Confirmation included (domestic only) Residents in State of CA adds 8.25% sales tax. Shipping to Canada: Add $1.00 for first coin $0.50 for each additional coin, per order Shipping Outside of US and Canada: Add $2.00 for first coin $1.00 for each additional coin, per order All sales in USD. PayPal (credit card accepted) strongly preferred. However, cashier checks are also accepted (Please contact for details) Buy your Double Dragon Geocoins now! I understand some of you might resell my coins on eBay or other online auction sites. Respectfully, I will ask that you wait until I have received my coins from the mint before advertising them. It is not fair to presale my coins before I have them in my hands. Thank you very much again for your patient and support! Most of all, thank you for ordering my very first batch of geocoins. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at derek@dwprods.com Have a great day! d
  12. Looks like the coins will arrive from the mint ealier than expected!!!! We'll see how long it takes to go through customs.... YAY!!!!!!
  13. Fantastic reference page. Thank you! However, the color will look different on different monitors and resolutions... But you are right. I used to do a lot of print production stuff so I am partial to getting the color as close to what I want
  14. I kinda agree with you. But....I hate it when I go to get the code, and the site tells me that the coin does not exist. I have had several instances of just that happening. If the seller gets the codes, that is a way for them to verify that the Tracking numbers have been engraved correctly. What really burns my buttocks is when you pay all that money for coins and you have to play Sherlock Holmes to root out the location of the activation code site...no instructions included with the packaging. I agreed. Remember one time when I got a coin from a private seller, a generic coin club insert was in the sleeve of the bag but no code. I emailed the seller whom, did not return my email until over a month later (to be fair, when he emailed me, he did say he did not see my email in the 1st place and he found it when he was archiving his mailbox). Needless to say, I didn't wait for his answer. I had to post a question in the forum, wait for the answer, then go to the website to activate the coin. That was a pain.
  15. I hope I will get my coins from the mint soon and be able to ship them out before the price hike....
  16. Thanks for the list!
  17. Yeah, but I have also purchased coins and gave them to friends and family. They might not be geocachers but having those pieces of paper with the coins sometimes make them more.... special. Although I agree that online tracking is a much easier channel... But when I buy a coin, I know I want to see that dadgum code on a piece of paper with the coin.... I guess I'm my own enemy hehe, I could have had the coin mint to do it for me but I guess I was too cheap for my own sake. Now I'm paying for it with my sanity Well, I'll pay for it when the coins come.
  18. Is there a site out there listing all the micro (mini) geocoins? would be interested to find out whats out there
  19. I don't know... but I still like to see that piece of paper.... call me old fashion
  20. So I just printed and cut all 500 tracking and activation code inserts, ready to be put with the coins when I have them in a coupld of weeks. The cutting wasn't as bad... but I can see matching the insert with the coins is going to be tons of fun..... I can't wait to stuff all 500 of them....
  21. Isn't the PMS software universal? I mean.... you look at the physical color palette and choose the color that you want and select that number on your computer..? You should talk to my buddy. He's been designing tons of military insignia (including new overseas divisions). He's actually the guy that designed my coin!
  22. I haven't any idea where you could get a "cheap" set other than maybe a college student who's selling off their supplies. I still have all of mine (even though you're supposed to replace them every couple years) stored in dark-boxes. Coated vs. uncoated is an interesting question though since I've never seen a matte finish enamel. I'm not sure if they're available, but I would be interested in finding out. Anyone will trade a PMS set with a few coins????? LOL
  23. The estimate shipping date for the Double Dragon Geocoins will be in mid-July. They are in mass production right now and I shall send out a notice when I have more definite info. Thanks! d
  24. I see that a lot of coin designs are using PMS for coloring. Does anyone know where I can find a cheap set of PMS? (no pun intended). Also, I assume PMS C would be the idea choice for coasted coins and PMS UC would be for uncoated ones? thx d
  25. hehe. I'm hoping never have to deal with it
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