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Foothills Drifter

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Everything posted by Foothills Drifter

  1. Howdy...... And WELCOME! How come ya ain't found none of my caches yet.... Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  2. I was close... Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  3. Howdy...... I like to find an empty log book Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  4. Howdy...... I believe you want to use WGS83 Vern / Foothills Drifter... ...........Ya beat me to it.....!
  5. Howdy...... I opened it with Windows Picture & Fax Viewer. Looks like a small to me. Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  6. Howdy...... If you buy it,it should be in YOUR POSSESSION! I would not do it! Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  7. Howdy...... YES! Vern / Foothills drifter...
  8. Howdy.... Looks like ya got a free coin.....enjoy..... Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  9. Howdy...... I have tried this several times with NO success. What am I doing wrong???? Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  10. Howdy...... I have tried this several times with NO success. What am I doing wrong???? Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  11. Howdy...... THANKX! for your replies. A cache in her honor is in the works........ THANKX!...... Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  12. Where's th' new grandchild cache? Congrats Vern, they are fun. I have 5 grandkids. Yes you will have to start a grandkid cache series now that I am done. Howdy...... The Grandkid cache IS going to happen... Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  13. Howdy...... THANKX! to ALL...... Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  14. Howdy...... THANKX! Vern / Foothills Drifter
  15. Howdy...... I delete 'em. Been there...done that...don't need 'em no more. Garmin Etrex Vista HCX Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  16. Howdy...... I will try that....... Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  17. Howdy...... This discussion has been a great help to me...THANKX! Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  18. Howdy...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY FATTBOY! Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  19. We talking caches, or his age? Sorry Harmon, couldn't resist. You da man, I only wish I could hike the places you do if I ever approach your young age. way to go Harmon 4000 That is AMAZING!! You go Harmon? Need another rest stop now? Congrats! Thanks all, I appreciate your support. Jodi's Rest Stop for Harmon was almost my last find. Fell face down into a pile of rocks from a stable standing position. I suspect that my fall was Janie's fault but I can't prove it. I've been saving #4,000 until Sandy is able to be with me. Thing is that she spent the past week in Arizona with her mother and her sisters. Imagine ... that close but no cigar until she returned. Maybe today with Sandy but certainly not on a mountain-top due to her rebuilt big toe that's coming along nicely but still mending. Finally I owe most of my find-count to the Geobabes and since those days to my super hiking pal Janie of Splashette fame. Janie badgered me up more mountain trails than I can recall. My final push toward 4,000 included Guatay Mountain, Mt. Wood- son, Mt. Miguel, Sweetwater Reservoir, north of the fifty-two, and most recently Barber Road. Thank you all for the many hides on county power trails. My only regret is that 4,000 finds aren't even half of what is respectable in San Diego County. I suppose that tagging along behind Geocaching super-stars is the best that an old man can hope for. Your pal, Harmon p.s. I've started a list of local Geocachers that haven't expressed congratulations for my amazing feet. Oops, make that feat. Howdy...... CONGRATS! Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  20. Howdy...... I kinda like 'Morning Thunder' Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  21. Howdy...... I'm in Lakeside.....it ain't happened to me...yet. Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  22. Howdy...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKILLET Vern/ Foothills Drifter...
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