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Foothills Drifter

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Everything posted by Foothills Drifter

  1. That's pretty stinkin' funny.......... Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  2. No...it ain't frowned upon...leave as much as you want or as much as you can. Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  3. I remember that song.... I was 10 years old in '59
  4. What would the hint be... boner?
  5. Howdy...... My blessings to your 9yr old. Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  6. HI Jack! Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  7. Howdy...... $1ooo ! But... then I woke up. But it was a nice dream.... Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  8. Howdy again! Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  9. HOWDY! Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  10. Google is your friend......
  11. What do you have now....? I like the following..... Garmin Oregon 450 Garmin GPSMAP64s Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  12. Howdy...... You're welcome ... heaps! Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  13. Howdy...... BOTH! Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  14. Hay... I have one of those. I'd put a picture of it on here... however... You wouldn't be able to see it!
  15. Howdy...... I'm wishing for a crystal ball...... Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  16. Howdy...... +1 for them LACKEYS! They are always on the ball! Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  17. Well...... Like I have done many times... Kiss It Goodbye! Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  18. Howdy...... It's gonna be crowded up that way this weekend. Air show is going on with the BLUE ANGLES! BUT... It's still worth it. Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  19. Howdy...... THAT'S FUNNY! It took me about 30 seconds to get it. Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  20. YES! It must be placed before you submit it for review. Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  21. Howdy...... I've had that happen a few times to my caches. I just deleted the logs. None of them ever tried it again. It worked for me. Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  22. Obsessive Pubic Relations...
  23. But........ We still don't know the answer.....
  24. Sad news indeed..... Vern / Foothills Drifter...
  25. Howdy...... I've got one of them also..... It's on my back pack where I keep my containers waiting to be hidden. The wife never see's it! Vern / Foothills Drifter...
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