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Everything posted by YeOleImposter

  1. To convert an actual street address to lat/long I use: http://www.geocode.com/modules.php?name=TestDrive_Eagle Works pretty well.
  2. Here is mine: http://webpages.charter.net/paulsons/GeoCache.htm
  3. I have created my own 'found maps' Check my profile or my web page at: http://webpages.charter.net/paulsons/GeoCache.htm
  4. Maybe a 'solution' to the problems of SCUBA, Tree Caches, and others that some of us will pass on (Even Virtuals and Locationless) is a way to 'Personally Archive' them. Add to option to "Log a Find" etc, the option to "Archive" or maybe "Hide" the cache so it does not show up on the radar screen??
  5. gpx2html is the best I have found. It formats the gpx pocket queries into a usable format.
  6. Just found this cache - quite a bit of thinking & work appears to have gone into it. The Cache Page <quote> On 6/1/2001 a small metal box was hidden near the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory located on the Hanford Site. PNNL and Hanford played a prominent roll in the Manhattan Project and the secret research that was conducted throughout the cold war. The box was hidden on a small island in the confluence of the Columbia and Yakama rivers called Bateman Island. It contained files on floppy disks and a few other items that were to be used as evidence of a conspiracy to cover up a government within the government. The existence of this "Shadow Government" has been long suspected but never proven. It has been accused of many wrong doings. Hiding funding in "Black Budget" line items, causing crop circles, cattle mutilations, having knowledge of UFOs, and making a deal with aliens allowing abduction and experimentation on private citizens to name a few. The truth is I did not hide that box! A man named Anad Redlum, while in a state of sheer panic, hid it on Bateman Island and then came to me for help. He asked if I could figure out a way to get the information contained in the box out to others without implicating him. So I created Sluggo's UFO Cache (GCB10, currently archived). He told me what information to put on the page and I followed his instructions. </quote>
  7. I don't think my wife would let go hunt for a panty cache! And I am not sure what I would put in for trade?? $20??
  8. I just put up about 20 of my photos to a seperate album on the Yakima Cache Machine page at ClubPhoto.com The link to the album is: http://members16.clubphoto.com/yakima696688/1230635/ You can see all the albums as they are added by going to: http://members16.clubphoto.com/yakima696688/ (TravisL gives directions on the password to add more photos at the YCMachine page) I have a good photo of ElkMilk presenting Moun10bike with a jug of ElkMilk.
  9. So do you have to send a beer truck over every time you want the file updated??
  10. What do you use as the 'base' page for your Plucker Channel? Thanks.
  11. It would be cool to bypass the program altogether. I am sure it can be done, and Mapopolis may even be willing to share the file format. All the documentation I have for it is in the mapconverter.zip file that is manually downloadable since it is in their root web directory. Until then, point me to a sample 'Paragraph' and I will write one up.
  12. If you have only lost 2 hours - you are much farther ahead then I am!!
  13. Here also is a link to the message I wrote about creating the mapopolis Style sheet. mapopolis style sheet layout Gary
  14. I forgot to mention that I use GPSBabel to convert the gpx pocket quieries directly into the file that the mapopolis converter requires. GPSBabel also converts the file into a couple of other formats I need including waypoints for my Magellan GPS companion I use on my Visor. Gary
  15. I have been creating maps using their conversion program too. The maps it creates only work with the Enhanced version but can be tweaked to work with the Platinum maps. These have worked great for trips out of the area and I now have maps to all the caches I might want to visit. Gary
  16. I have been using it for about a year now with no problems on my handspring Visor. Besides using gpx2html to convert the gpx files into html/plucker, I have plucker & sitescooper that download about 15 web sites when there are updates. The only time I have had problems with Plucker is if my base memory gets too low and I am trying to read files of the 256M CF card. Gary
  17. Hey, was good to meet everyone that made it to the 'meeting'. Was great to put some faces to some names. Even though I didn't win no stinkin badges
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