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Posts posted by Salvo
I had planned a cache-a-thon that cut through the Nashville city area (and they thought General Sherman was something when he did something similar 160yrs ago!)
Some of them were historical virtuals, 1/3d were boxes, but there were MANY micros!
When travelling to cache, I like to create 1 virtual 'thank you' cache for the locals in their area for every 10 caches I find. I try to make them historical, and prefer military memorials as I am a veteran.
I plan mass caches like this as it helps me to lose weight. My goal is to lose 10 lbs for every 100 caches. I have over 200 hides/finds and have lost over 20 lbs! I'll be lean and mean when I make 1,000 caches!!!
I was out this weekend in Arkansas, had the cache in sight and was about to pull it from it's resting place when I was yanked out of my 'cache found reverie' by a snap of twigs nearby. Looking that way I saw a Arkansas Razorback and he wasn't too happy with me being on his turf. They are as mean as their reputation!
I threw everything I had at him 40' away -GPS, cellphone, and cache bag, then he charged, and I ran (Fight vs Flight). Dodged around and through trees but that didn't help they're nimble and can turn on dimes. All I could see was tusks, fur, and leaves getting kicked up!
Jumped up onto a tree finally, unfortunately... the tree was rotten (and burned hollow by lightening I discovered later) which proceeded to snap at the base. Down we came.
Fortunately all I heard was "Sqweeeeee!" as the Razorback got frightened off as the tree came crashing down. I figure one of the limbs must have hit him. I couldn't see nothing but stars and black as I took a shot from the tree to the jewels when it came down. Ow! That left a mark!
I did finally manage to limp back out to my truck.
Called my wife, and told her I was coming home early, but didn't tell her the story. When I got home, I found that she had made me Pork Chops for dinner (My birthday). There's just that special something that I love about that woman!
What better way, cannon law than through superior firepower!
What better way, cannon law than through superior firepower!
Yeah, cannonlaw, I've been there too!
By your handle there cannonlaw, sounds like we'd be an 'explosive' caching team!
Yeah, cannonlaw, I've been there too!
By your handle there cannonlaw, sounds like we'd be an 'explosive' caching team!
If I'm in a group, the agreed preference is that if any of us spot the cache, the finder is to move off a ways, and make a couple of turns stopping off here and there as you move off(pretending to continue searching).
Then after a bit, you proclaim 'I found it!' We then let each person try to find it, until everyone has finally spotted it. Original first finder of the group opens the cache and logs first.
I'm trying to adhere to a 10:1:1 ratio for finds/hides/ and TB's to be moved. Today I am at 149/17/12 but I'm working on it.
I believe in 'giving' something back to the cachers of the area, if I go into a town for a visit, I'll create a virtual cache if I find a worthy spot, and I pick up 10 on the visit.
I found 24 on this past Sunday's one day visit to Nashville TN, and created 2 virtuals for the area cachers as my thanks for the visit, history, scenery, and FUN!
309 posts in 15 days? Son, you need to get out doors more often, this board IS about GEOCACHING afterall!
If you want to be impressive, do over 300 geocaches in 2 weeks. Then you'll be MY hero!
309 posts in 15 days? Son, you need to get out doors more often, this board IS about GEOCACHING afterall!
If you want to be impressive, do over 300 geocaches in 2 weeks. Then you'll be MY hero!
309 posts in 15 days? Son, you need to get out doors more often, this board IS about GEOCACHING afterall!
If you want to be impressive, do over 300 geocaches in 2 weeks. Then you'll be MY hero!
Personally when I find one, I might move to the nearest flat open spot to check out the contents without risking injury to myself or to -gasp- lose an item out of the cache.
Once I thought briefly about bringing a cache back to my truck (about 300yds) to get a more (and extra) suitable items out of my cache stores for the cache site. But I thought better against it and just went and got the extra items and came back.
It probably has happened out there somewhere on micros where a pen or pencil wasn't in the cache, or upon finding a micro's logsheet full going back to get a spare logsheet ...thinking it'll only take a minute...
It's gotten these days that I always pack a micro logsheet with me, so many micro caches seem to always have full logs these days with more and more cachers these days. (I'm NOT complaining)
Personally when I find one, I might move to the nearest flat open spot to check out the contents without risking injury to myself or to -gasp- lose an item out of the cache.
Once I thought briefly about bringing a cache back to my truck (about 300yds) to get a more (and extra) suitable items out of my cache stores for the cache site. But I thought better against it and just went and got the extra items and came back.
It probably has happened out there somewhere on micros where a pen or pencil wasn't in the cache, or upon finding a micro's logsheet full going back to get a spare logsheet ...thinking it'll only take a minute...
It's gotten these days that I always pack a micro logsheet with me, so many micro caches seem to always have full logs these days with more and more cachers these days. (I'm NOT complaining)
My credibility is something that those who know of me or have have needed to interact with me is a point of non-consideration. Whenever I have ever committed to a course of action or even taken a stance on an issue. I will always hold the fidelity of my belief and course.
I've received a couple of emails from a few who are wondering why I'm holding my position. Well, I feel I certainly couldn't be reputable if I readily or easily changed my stance due to mass opinion.
Nor will I betray any trust or confidentiality by disclosing particular details from both parties. Especially when it will really not make the difference. Both parties can arbitrate this with the local group meeting, and it can be resolved.
Sincerely, haven't we all had one of those moments when we haven't put forth our best public face? (What I call National Geographic Moments).
I'm sure that this will be resolved without a lot of mass discussion.
Now to really get back on subject...
As for me, I haven't had a need yet to delete anyone's logs. But if I ever would have to, I'll send a note to the offender when I do it, to specifically tell him why I felt it was necessary that I had to.
As many have said, it's ONLY a game!
My credibility is something that those who know of me or have have needed to interact with me is a point of non-consideration. Whenever I have ever committed to a course of action or even taken a stance on an issue. I will always hold the fidelity of my belief and course.
I've received a couple of emails from a few who are wondering why I'm holding my position. Well, I feel I certainly couldn't be reputable if I readily or easily changed my stance due to mass opinion.
Nor will I betray any trust or confidentiality by disclosing particular details from both parties. Especially when it will really not make the difference. Both parties can arbitrate this with the local group meeting, and it can be resolved.
Sincerely, haven't we all had one of those moments when we haven't put forth our best public face? (What I call National Geographic Moments).
I'm sure that this will be resolved without a lot of mass discussion.
Now to really get back on subject...
As for me, I haven't had a need yet to delete anyone's logs. But if I ever would have to, I'll send a note to the offender when I do it, to specifically tell him why I felt it was necessary that I had to.
As many have said, it's ONLY a game!
Sorry to not have responded sooner sbell111. I was travelling to DC on 8/21, and I spent a good part of the afternoon hiking the DC area from a pont just south of the Pentagon then over the Jefferson Bridge to the Jefferson Memorial.
I then hit a number of caches along the southern expanse of 'The MALL' (the open expanse of memorials between the Congress Building and the Lincoln Memorial). At the end of my trek, the GPS reported a distance covered of just over 13 miles on foot. My dogs were barkin' last night!
This is probably my last opportunity to hit these caches due to AT&T downsizing.
No offense taken on quoting me. I hope you guys are able to work this out just before the local cacher meeting in Nashville.
I'll be there too, if there are no further health issues with my youngest Daughter.
Sorry to not have responded sooner sbell111. I was travelling to DC on 8/21, and I spent a good part of the afternoon hiking the DC area from a pont just south of the Pentagon then over the Jefferson Bridge to the Jefferson Memorial.
I then hit a number of caches along the southern expanse of 'The MALL' (the open expanse of memorials between the Congress Building and the Lincoln Memorial). At the end of my trek, the GPS reported a distance covered of just over 13 miles on foot. My dogs were barkin' last night!
This is probably my last opportunity to hit these caches due to AT&T downsizing.
No offense taken on quoting me. I hope you guys are able to work this out just before the local cacher meeting in Nashville.
I'll be there too, if there are no further health issues with my youngest Daughter.
Once again I lept before I looked, when I posted my previous reply about a dozen responses up on this string.
Being the father of a large army of squabbling children, the paternal side of me also came forth, offering sbell111 a opportunity to use one of my sites as a surrogate. It was a sincere and well meant gesture.
Initially my first (knee-jerk) reaction to brainsnat's putting a name to the deleter was one of caution. Unless he really knew who it was, he shouldn't have posted it. As it turns out (to my surprise) he is correct. I spoke with JoGPS last night.
But before this goes any further, allow me to state this. There are indeed TWO sides to this issue. After hearing them, I really can't fault JoGPS for his reasons. I will not disclose those reasons here, but I can say that if placed in a similar situation, I would be reasonably and understandably upset as well ...as would every poster on this channel.
We've all heard from sbell111 that he was wronged by his cache postings being deleted. BUT the one fact that he hasn't mentioned... we haven't heard from sbell111 is what originally sparked JoGPS.
I believe that it is important that when telling one side of a problem, that it is important to tell the whole side so that the entire equation can be concidered when appealing for public opinion as he has done.
Hopefully this will be resolved soon through arbitration locally in thier area.
I'm sure that Steve is meaning well, and that he is a great person, and I hope to get a chance to meet and cache with him Sunday. (Hey, I offered him a surrogate ...so he can't be all bad!
I also firmly stand by my originally stated opinions that Joe is a great person to know. He's very generous, and people oriented. He couldn't be as successful in his work as he is otherwise.
The Range Safety Officer reports all clear.
Once again I lept before I looked, when I posted my previous reply about a dozen responses up on this string.
Being the father of a large army of squabbling children, the paternal side of me also came forth, offering sbell111 a opportunity to use one of my sites as a surrogate. It was a sincere and well meant gesture.
Initially my first (knee-jerk) reaction to brainsnat's putting a name to the deleter was one of caution. Unless he really knew who it was, he shouldn't have posted it. As it turns out (to my surprise) he is correct. I spoke with JoGPS last night.
But before this goes any further, allow me to state this. There are indeed TWO sides to this issue. After hearing them, I really can't fault JoGPS for his reasons. I will not disclose those reasons here, but I can say that if placed in a similar situation, I would be reasonably and understandably upset as well ...as would every poster on this channel.
We've all heard from sbell111 that he was wronged by his cache postings being deleted. BUT the one fact that he hasn't mentioned... we haven't heard from sbell111 is what originally sparked JoGPS.
I believe that it is important that when telling one side of a problem, that it is important to tell the whole side so that the entire equation can be concidered when appealing for public opinion as he has done.
Hopefully this will be resolved soon through arbitration locally in thier area.
I'm sure that Steve is meaning well, and that he is a great person, and I hope to get a chance to meet and cache with him Sunday. (Hey, I offered him a surrogate ...so he can't be all bad!
I also firmly stand by my originally stated opinions that Joe is a great person to know. He's very generous, and people oriented. He couldn't be as successful in his work as he is otherwise.
The Range Safety Officer reports all clear.
From BrianSnat Quote:
Does it happen to be JoeGPS? ...
I've met JoGPS at the last Middle Tennessee Geocachers meeting about a month ago, and he's a VERY pleasant, good natured, mature, and likeable fellow. I don't think it's him, I can't see that coming from him.
JoGPS does generally require that you correctly answer a number of questions on his caches to get credit for them.
I don't know if that's the issue, or even the other cacher, but I hope that it ends well for sbell111.
sbell111, You may use my Salvo's Reserve Y2K cache for a surrogate if you wish, just state what's happening and that you have permission from me.(zipcode 38128)
I've been leaving a AM/FM mini radio as one of my cache signature items, either that or a light wand. The kids seem to like them, especially the real little ones.
We seem to have more and more families caching out here in Memphis these days.
Most people from Tennessee sport a sofa and a rocking chair on the back of our Pickups.
Jamie's sporting a coffee table and a bike in his. Must be that younger generation X thang.
Most people from Tennessee sport a sofa and a rocking chair on the back of our Pickups.
Jamie's sporting a coffee table and a bike in his. Must be that younger generation X thang.
I just spoke w/ Jamie
(albiet briefly, his battery chg on his handset was near 0).
He asked if I would post the update so far on this thread:
So far, 17 have been found as of this moment.
Sunday, 8/11 he found 5
Monday, he had plans -an off day
Tuesday, 8/13 he had found 10
Wednesday, 8/14 so far he has found 2 and was in route to a couple more at this time.
All attempted caches were found with the exception of 1 so far, Gov Shelby's Courage, a no find for that one. He spent a good amount of effort looking high and especially low on the correct tank.
His spirits are high, and the body is going strong. I think he'll pull this one off!
Most finds in a single day
in General geocaching topics
I had planned a cache-a-thon that cut through the Nashville city area (and they thought General Sherman was something when he did something similar 160yrs ago!)
Some of them were historical virtuals, 1/3d were boxes, but there were MANY micros!
When travelling to cache, I like to create 1 virtual 'thank you' cache for the locals in their area for every 10 caches I find. I try to make them historical, and prefer military memorials as I am a veteran.
I plan mass caches like this as it helps me to lose weight. My goal is to lose 10 lbs for every 100 caches. I have over 200 hides/finds and have lost over 20 lbs! I'll be lean and mean when I make 1,000 caches!!!