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Everything posted by Ragnemalm

  1. Many fine memories! (At least they are fine afterwards.)
  2. FOUR Bingos! And you got this right, bringing back memories is actually why I did it, remembering "that time that we did THAT".
  3. Wow, two Bingos and several fours! Including the middle one!
  4. Just one box away from Bingo!
  5. You have a certain freedom of interpretation.
  6. Yes, this is the inspiration, but as you can see, the two bingo systems are very, very different. Mine is very much "how about doing it this way instead?" It started with "logged in blood" (kind of classic emergency solution) and then it kept growing.
  7. Precisely, there will almost always be a saw in the tree at one point. Nails are bad, screws are worse.
  8. That was close to bingo in two places! But if you have shed blood, you qualify for "hurt yourself", right?
  9. I have a cache in a cave. I was a bit disturbed by the lack of visits. Then we went there to maintain it and find 30 (!) logs by obvious non-cachers. Probably a visit by a group of scouts. That was really amusing to find!
  10. I was inspired by the bingo sent out by HQ recently so I made my own, with a different angle. How many boxes do you get, do you get any full lines (Bingo!)?
  11. Do not use nails, but even more important, never use screws! Short tacks with a large head can be pushed out by the tree as the tree grows, so they are not so bad. Screws are quickly "eaten" by the tree, sabotaging any future saw as well as your sign. Strings are good, but they need to have good slack, to avoid tree strangling. Also, you need to use good strings. Avoid cheap materials like PP that deteriorate in sunlight. Dead trees is a different matter. They don't grow.
  12. Just remember to be nice to newbies. Do we know that they have noticed the message you sent?
  13. That was not the question. I want to make lab caches instead of ALCs.
  14. When an area is plagued this way, it can help to make all caches premium, just for a while. Systematic saboteurs might check the map for caches to steal. We had that problem here and after making everything premium, the thefts stopped. The saboteur probably praised itself for its victory (or something) and went on to doing something else (like growing up?) and we could go back to normal.
  15. But would you have been surprised and upset if the user name had expired after 10 years?
  16. In case this is all forgotten now: A "classic" lab cache is physical, temporary and often experimental to its nature, therefore the term "lab". Now I have an ALC credit like everybody else. I am totally uninterested in making another stroll through the town counting windows (there are plenty of these anyway) but making real LAB CACHES for a bigger event would be just great! Can I do that?
  17. I don't see your point. Caches are owned by people, and much work may be put into it. Account names are just letters, they are not people. Caches are things made by people. So in order to be nice to people, inactive accounts could get some letters appended to free up the names for active people. Other services would delete the accounts. So we should only care about the digital property but not the physical? Isn't it super nice to see that your best caches are still in place, being maintained, when you come back after 10 years?
  18. I suggested 10 years. In just about any other activity, you can't expect things to remain after 10 years. I had a MineCraft license all the way back to the beta stage. It has expired, totally gone. Many online services expire weeks after you miss a single payment. Even bank accounts expire. Here it is just a matter of changing the name by appending _inactive. The member that came back, isn't that just a matter of returning the remaining adopted caches, if any? After 10 years, the most likely thing that happened with the user's "property" is that it was ruined by sun and rain, was archived and then taken away as trash. In many cases, an adoption would save the cache, not "steal" it. What happened to my property? (1) It has been taken care of by another user. Do you want it back? (2) It was forcibly archived five years ago since it had a wet logbook. It is still there but you can not unarchive it. What sounds nicest to you? Caches are archived within about two months after an NM. So we should be super nice in one way to people being totally inactive for over 10 years, and penalizing heavily in other ways after two months? Does this make sense to you?
  19. In my area we have 13 caches with more than 2000 days (5 1/2 years) since last find, and 47 with more than 1000. 151 are not logged for more than a year. Is that a lot, do you think?
  20. Good that it worked out in this case. But it is a bit unnecessary that IDs that are abandoned for many years are reserved, even ones with little activity. Wouldn't it make sense to "archive" a user after, say, 10 years of total inactivity (maybe including after the last hide is archived)?
  21. Many funny logs, but let me remind you: Newcomers are valuable, and they are inexperienced, so please respond in a helpful and polite way. Not least, newbies will often misuse NM, DNF and NA. They are just selections to them. And they will log found on a cache they have seen but not reached. I always reply as nice as I can and explain the rules as needed. I got a "standard newbie" log yesterday: Found it but had no pen. No photlolog, just "Found it". Hm, not quite how it is supposed to work.
  22. 1. how did you get into geocaching? Introduction at a scouting camp. 2. why do you do geocaching? - Get out to get exercise - Gratification succeeding in finding/solving. - Creativity, building custom caches, and the gratification for that when visitors like them. - Get to new places that I wouldn't see otherwise. 3. what made you want to continue on geocaching? I will make my own interpretation of this. We all have moments where we feel it can be time to move on. For me it was in 2016, after putting a lot of work into a mega event. I had decided to take a break to see if it was time to do something else. A month later or so, my body screamed for getting out. I went out and solved a looong reflex trail. Then I felt better... so let's get back in action.
  23. I can't really see the problem. Having visited the place months before submission is very generous. I would expect "yesterday" to ensure that the location is exactly as described. 20 favorite points? That should not be hard to get unless you are in an area with very few geocachers. A CO with very few FPs might not have any ambition to make the virtual interesting.
  24. It is meant to be, but caches published after a big event where it is supposed to be an important asset are very sensitive. I made such an event recently, with a number of caches. They are custom built. Having them muggled before the event would be a disaster and the risk goes up a lot if it has to sit there for weeks. Everything worked, they are still in place and in good shape, and maintained, but now the critical time has passed. When you have 100 people looking for the cache at a given time, you want it to be fresh. You want to place it the day before or even the same day.
  25. Wow! That was really high! I would be happy if I could bring the average over 3. I am fond of high-T caches so taking it up in that region would be managable. But bringing both D and T up that high sounds impossible. But I might try.
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