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Everything posted by Korichnovui

  1. This has got me a little worried. I’m planning a fairly intricate series of caches with a lot of personal meaning to them. But I’m planning on one of them being on an island in the middle of a large river. Only acccessible by motorboat, canoe, kayak, or (if you’re up for it) paddlebaord. Swimming definitely not a good idea. A lot of people in the area do have motorboats for recreation or fishing on this river. Hopefully the reviewer does?
  2. I was wondering to myself, maybe the owners don’t respond because they’re swamped with messages and they get fatigued from “dealing with it”? I could see myself feeling that way about it if there were tons of messages. Have any of you experienced types felt this way? It would be good to know what I’m getting myself into if I ever try to make a virtual or similar...
  3. Thanks for your (and others) education on this point.
  4. Thanks for the heads up. Actually I did a fun little puzzle today that was listed as a multi-cache. Basically we walked around the perimeter of a baseball multiplex and there were washers wired into the fencing at certain spots. Each washer had a word or two stamped onto it and the CO wanted the phrase they created sent in to him in order to count the cache. Maybe it would have more correctly been classified as a mystery? I don’t know. There was no physical cache location, just the washers. Kinda unique and fun. http://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GCHC3Z
  5. I’m new to the game and was recently asking a more experienced cacher about some of the non-traditional logs. I was surprised to hear them say that they disliked earthcaches and other types that require correspondence with the CO before credit can be claimed. In their experience, very few CO *ever* respond back, which was a surprising and disheartening thing for me to hear. This cacher also gave advice: When that person finds/solves such a cache, they will give the CO 1 week to respond. If there is no response, the cacher feels justified in claiming the smiley without the CO’s permission. Anyway, today I sent in my first earthcache and also a multi-cache that required CO confirmation to log it. I put both into a list to keep track of them. If you were me, what would you do if return correspondence didn’t come? Consider general etiquette and then also the special circumstances of the current event that will end soon.....
  6. Not from my perspective i hope it comes up at some point so I can download some caches I wanted to run later this had been a good lesson - ALWAYS download when you plan a trip :/
  7. I'm a premium member and I've got 27 points so far. So I should have 3 favorites to give out, right? But when I select the drop down menu, I am not given an option to "add favorite". What do I do?
  8. Never mind A more careful reading of the sticky post at the top of this forum answered my question Trackables are definitely one of the less intuitive features of this web experience....
  9. I placed my first TB today in a geocache but I now realize that I have no idea how to tell this website that I did it... I can't for the life of me figure out how to get my TB started. I'm going to the personal page of that TB and trying to select a new log but the only option is "write a note" Yes I already activated it What am I doing wrong???
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