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Posts posted by MacDD

  1. Drop the 161m for WP's ot other WP's/stashes. Just make a pop-up if the new CO is aware of the fact that there is another WP/stash nearby. Especially in the outdoors it is a PITA.

    Drop crap like lab-caches, virtuals, souvernirs.

    Drop all the rule to regulate the thing.
    HQ is trying to turn it into Pokemon Go, but give us the trouble dealing with all the rules and regulations. Paperwork here, there. It is a game about stealth, so leave it like that. Forget all the permissions.

    • Funny 1
  2. Hello.


    I'll be in the are last 2 weeks of august and am looking for a 2 day hike preferable combined with some nice geocaching. I would love to stay in an Inn or do a BnB halfway the hike (circular then) or use it as a tartingpoint for both days.

    T3.5 tops would be nice with the occasional T4-4.5 as I leave my climbing gear at home.

    Would like do do a 10 mile walk a day.


    Any recommadations?


    BTW, sorry for the writing errors, me Dutch.

  3. High there


    I will be on Mallorca end of april, beginning of may 2014, on the NE side of Mallorca

    I can't take all my gear with me and I don't want to do the high T caches on my own (be it diving, climbing or caves).

    So, I'm looking for a group that i can join for a day and doesn't mind that I don't have my own boat, ropes or snorkel with me.




  4. Hello


    As usual another request.

    As usual during Maschinenfest 2013, Oberhausen.

    Date 11-13 october.


    During these days I would like to do a lot of caching, mostly at daytime.


    So, I'm looking for a group that goes caching on saturday or sunday and that would let me join them.

    I Love high T caches (I have my own climbing gear with me and a small inflatable boat). I adore Lost Places.


    My place to stay is near this cache ; http://coord.info/GC23FEA.


    Things I would like to do

    http://coord.info/GC34P7Z Wo ist Kumpel Anton

    http://coord.info/GC2JZ01 Schlackeberg-Erforscher - seid ihr das?

    http://coord.info/GC25PC0 Ein Stern, der Deinen Namen trägt (reloaded)

    http://coord.info/GC1GB3N Fridolin's No. 3 Die Knef lügt!?




  5. Sometimes I see funny or very nice logs as a CO. Sometimes I write the logger, most of the times not.


    I think it would be nice as a CO to give a Thumbs Up to a nice/funny log.


    Not for stats, no counters, only a thumbs up that is shown on the listing-page.


    Important, only a thump up to a log on a cache I own, no thumb up counters, so no goal to gain

  6. Goh, bestaat die site nog? Zat er in het begin eens op rond te kijken, had wat vragen en was geloof ik de eerste met een IP ban. Daarna nooit meer op terecht gekomen. Maar ik maak dan ook geen echte mysteries.


    En verder? Ik vind het een rot-site. Het verraad zaken waarvan je hoopt dat ddit niet gebeurt,. Het feit dat je nl. enkel mag kijken als je zelf wat aanlevert is echt van een orde van 3 maal nix. Als je zoiets wilt doen, gooi het dan open.

  7. aan deze overkant zijn we op zoek naar meer geintresseerde luitjes die mee helpen om dit gehucht een nieuwe bezigheid te kunnen geven


    Dit zal het zijn.

    Overkant ontstaat door ze hier in zeeland zeeuws-vlaanderen hebben en walcheren/enz.

    Daar ligt water tussen (de schelde) en door zeeuwen wordt de andere kant van het water altijd de overkant genoemd.

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