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Everything posted by Adrenalynn

  1. hmm lets see Member Since Wednesday, January 18, 2006 for you, Member Since Sunday, February 06, 2005.... HMMM yeah ok.... I am starting a new post, because like it was said before we shouldn't hijack this one.. If you are so sure you want to keep going you will find me on a topic of Continued from CCC, but since it is a bit Off Topic It'll be under the off topic, with any luck it won't get shut down.... I like making my points clear and like seeing other's opinions on my opinions.. may give me a few moments to get it done though.... Sorry, misread the year, my mistake. More caches, more posts still stands - unless I've misread that?
  2. Are you referring to me? I can't imagine that's the case since I have more finds and more posts than you, and have been a member longer... But by the same token, I'm the one questioning the hide, and questioning soil samples that don't meet a standard that would be used by a lab, and therefore, I'm asking what they're used for and by whom?
  3. Not necessarilly. Judging by the comments I'd say a pointy-object was used to collect soil samples. Then a clever cacher took advantage of an existing hole. It's all a matter of semantics. Very kewl camo! Ok, let's take that to another level. If I brought out our new cute little Bobcat and excavated your front yard about 24" deep, then dumped it in my back yard, it'd be ok, right? It's just semantics, after all. I wasn't really tearing up your yard - I was cleverly re-landscaping mine. Maybe i'm not the only one who can't connect the two? I did just use a hole that was left there, in fact there are many of the holes around there, I have to disable the cache occasionally because the school goes out to make collections and don't always 'replace their divots'. Sheesh, I was looking for a place to hide the ammo can, saw a hole that it would actually fit in, just set the thing in it and put some dead grass on top. I told the reviewer what it was and it was okay'd. Simply put I didn't use a pointy object to dig a hole for the purpose of hiding the cache and the cache is not buried. It hid well so I thought I'd share it. There is nothing wrong with it, if you don't like it thats fine, we're all entitled to our opinion. But don't go and say it should be archived, isn't allowed, breaks the rules, yada yada; because it simply isn't true. I guess I find it amusing because of the 9,000+ soil samples we've taken, they've always been round... I'm not sure what you'd do with a shovel full of dirt... Not have it analyzed by a lab, so I guess now I'm curious what they're doing with it?
  4. Duh! It's because the first cachers used to put bison in them out on the plains!!! Umm: I believe it's 'cause they were first manufactured by BisonDesigns. I've had one for years on my dog's collar. [edited to add: http://www.bisondesigns.com/ and http://www.bisondesigns.com/aluminum/keycaddies/capsule.htm direct link...
  5. AAARRRRGGGHHHH! Check and Mate. And literally ROFL! * * And now for those that AREN'T Psycho Vinny and his lovely but demented wife Sue: Yes. I'm well aware that gators don't generally take to dining on Piranha and Rattler Stew. It scanned better than my first post, though, which involved creating snake-proof boots from the gators, then fashioning a blow-gun and poisoned darts from the snakes to take out the piranha. It started to get a little too convoluted for me to follow, and so I gave it up... edited to add: Tiny and King - is there an event page up for this? I'll note my plans to have already attended!
  6. The secret is to double-book your clients. Then call the first, blame it on the second, call the second, blame it on the first. voila! Time to go caching. I then use GPSVisualizer to import the PQ into Google Earth. Pick a likely location, then pull the log on each, write it really tiny on a piece of paper. Then download the whole PQ into the handheld - just in case. Download the waypoints to the GPS using GSAK, and I'm out the door. None of this coffee , TV, yawn stuff ...
  7. Wouldn't the gators just eat the piranhas and rattlers? That's actually a good thing. I'll be encouraged that there will be no piranhas or rattlers - and I'll get to take home some new boots and an awesome new purse!
  8. I'm letting you know as soon as pastabowl that that date has already been taken for *MY* event. You'll need to reschedule, please. I've been planning it since my event in 2090BCE. I'm expecting this one to be much better attended! TIA!
  9. >> Speaking about FTF hogs, I'd personally would like to conceal a paintball grenade next to a cache container, connecting the container to the pin, making sure the first guy taking the box out would get his hands dyed a different color... I tried to think of a nice reply... Really, I did. But the only thing I could write would be illegal in 52 of the 50 states to even CONTEMPLATE, let alone write about. So I guess I'll just leave it alone.
  10. Not necessarilly. Judging by the comments I'd say a pointy-object was used to collect soil samples. Then a clever cacher took advantage of an existing hole. It's all a matter of semantics. Very kewl camo! Ok, let's take that to another level. If I brought out our new cute little Bobcat and excavated your front yard about 24" deep, then dumped it in my back yard, it'd be ok, right? It's just semantics, after all. I wasn't really tearing up your yard - I was cleverly re-landscaping mine.
  11. Adrenalynn

    Desk Top

    Beautiful, thanks! 1600.jpg still follows to be the larger size, too. Awesome!
  12. great points. Most rattlesnakes bites do not result in venom being released, the snake can control and only releases venom when he is hunting food. (of course I'll get the stupid one that can't control himself) True, but also remember that it depends upon how traumatized the snake is. If you're swinging it around on the end of a stick whilst people are snapping pictures, if it can get to you the odds are pretty good that there's going to be an envenomation event. As I've posted in this thread or elsewhere - they don't want to bite you. They want to "run away" and hide. That's their first line of defense. They don't want to waste venom that should go into basic survival. But piss 'em off enough and they're going to kick your @ss. I'm fairly attached to my body parts, average though they are, and I'd rather not have any of them inconveniently rotting off... So I do tend to keep in mind that although most bites do not constitute envenomation events, every bite should be treated as though it is, and every venomous snake has more than enough venom to down a human...
  13. I completely agree. Having the right tools and training (yeah, believe it or not, there are venomous reptile handling courses) doesn't hurt. But even the best get bitten now and again. And I further agree that "keeping it busy..." "balancing it on the..." don't qualify, as you noted. Incidentally, a great many states will charge you with Misdemeanor Reckless Endangerment if you get bitten by a snake whilst handling it. Showing tool and training will frequently get that dismissed, however.
  14. What responsible geocaching actually looks like: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...c6-268c6482c6a3 Look at the pretty pictures.
  15. I agree. It is likely that WalMart could care less about the design of the lamp post and its frock. They are probably chosen by the contractor by cost. As an electrical contractor I can tell you this is true. Its all about the bottom Line. I havent seen this type of skirt that bolts down though. The ones weve installed are the standard clamshell type. And yes I've resisted the urge to put a cache under one Edit - I just checked my lighting catalog thinking that the bolted down skirts may be a high wind issue but Kentucky isnt listed as a high wind category like for instance Florida is. All the skirts I've installed, slip as well as clamshell, have two screw holes (and their opposite threading) on opposite sides allowing for tying them down. Whether you do it or not is optional.
  16. Naw, I average about 120mi/mo in the wilderness, on foot, trying to dodge the freaking ATVs that clearly are much more environmentally friendly than a 140lb human... Ah, more sarcasm. That always makes for a meaningful exchange of ideas and information. Actually, it should have been taken at face-value - there was no sarcasm there at all. Just two simple statements of pure fact that say sooo very much.
  17. Naw, I average about 120mi/mo in the wilderness, on foot, trying to dodge the freaking ATVs that clearly are much more environmentally friendly than a 140lb human...
  18. I found some as cheap as $16, but I always get leary when there is that big of a difference. Not much to be leary about. USB is serial. There's not much other than a line driver and a few pieces of "glue" electronics to making one. I've built a few with $9.00 in parts from a RadioShaft. That said - you can find 'em all over around here for ~$20. It's hardly worth building them. The caveat is if you're running Windows98 (and I don't want to hear about it...) - then it comes down to where they get their device drivers. If you have 2k or XP - you're golden as they're supported natively in the OS.
  19. Yeah! Deities know that the 10,000 deer, and those three herds of elephants make WAY less of an impact than some 140lb geocacher. . . Of course, the primary reason for this is the International Deer Trail Management Council. The bucks meet twice a year to build new trails in an environmentally conscious sorta way. Definitely something to see! I suppose if you live on the moon, those footie-prints made by a human hang around for quite awhile. Here, they're gone in three days as the 6ft tall grasses reconverge on the area that got trampled.
  20. We have a ... Slightly Smaller ... "large" cache here where the title of the cache is the combination to the lock. It'd be fun to make it the 10th and final stage of a multi. Each a little bigger. Nano, Bison, 35mm film canister, Cigar tube, lock-and-lock small, medium, large, 50cal ammo can, rocket launcher can, 55gal drum, then that thing... Just put a tiny little log dead-center of the floor... I have two 40'ers as storage containers for my old mainframe stuff. It's hard to imagine just how much space is inside those things. Still curious how you got it home, and how you're going to place it. I tried to drag mine with a 1Ton duallie and could scarcely budge it - empty.
  21. I also thought "how embarrassing for her". But then I realized that for many people, opinions like this are their first information about geocaching. Another angle to this is that she appears to belong to the group, (fortunately not the majority), of people who love the outdoors, but believe............. It is best for the environment if only me and my friends enjoy it. This person is the sort who gets mad if a newspaper publishes an article on a nice place to hike, a favorite beach walk, beautiful mountain lake. They have this "exclude, exclude" mentality rather than realize that the more people that learn to enjoy and appreciate the great outdoors, the better it is for all of us. BRAVO, Cheminer Will! You've hit the proverbial nail squarely on the head! When the funds are handed-out for such things as Parks and Rec., they go to the where the majority of people are going to see them. I'd rather have too many people in the woods than 64 more basketball courts, frankly. I do believe there are areas that should be made offlimits, such as some migratory bird nesting areas as an example. But those areas are pretty few and far between. Better more people than less open area!
  22. Let's not forget the "colour screen" on their GPS...
  23. Thanks, Bec. I find my trust old eMap (no WAAS) is every bit as accurate as WAAS-enabled GPSrs. Caching with other folks that do have WAAS, I've had exactly one instance where my GPSr wasn't as accurate on the cache as theirs was. It put me on the other side of a tree. Like I wouldn't have walked around that tree to the opposite side after looking for 5mins (or less) on that side? By the same token, I've seen a WAAS-enabled GPS drop someone 20ft from where my GPSr said the cache was - and I grabbed it first. So at the end of the day? No measurable difference to my caching experience. I'd love to have all the "geocache-specific features" of a 60Cx. I'll probably eventually buy one. But for the moment, I've been unable to harm my eMap, it's always put me on the cache, and the mapping functionality has given me an advantage a time or two over the "cache-specific" GPS's that don't have maps installed. The driving navigation screens are great for figuring out where your *real* next-closest cache is without going into "find-nearest". Obviously, a top-of-the-line tricked-out GPS gives that and more. But sinking $400-500 so that I can have the hint or full name displayed, and a pretty color screen? I just haven't found $400+ advantage to it yet in Geocaching. "Run what you brung." IMHO. If you're not good yet at finding caches, the top-o'-the-line unit isn't going to give you an advantage. If you're really good at it, you don't need the advantage. But like everything else, if you've tightened the loose nut behind the GPS as tight as it will get, and you want that liiiittle extra edge, then it becomes a "gold card sport". As we always said in racing: "speed=money. How fast do you want to go?"
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