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Posts posted by Adrenalynn

  1. Considering the fact that Geocaching is a legal use of public property and there are laws prohibiting sex in public, I don't see that this thread is bashing when someone says things like "that should be done in private". If you choose to hang out to meet someone, hey, that is up to you. But the "hooking up" by homo or hetero should not be in public places. And yes, the police should be notified.


    My accusation of bashing specifically quoted a post, of which you are not referencing.

  2. And what half a dozen people are doing off in the bushes holding weird blinking things in their hands, kicking over rocks, and with luck, squeeling like pigs a few minutes later.

    LOL. We're all part of an alternative lifestyle here at GC.com


    Yup, we are. And people who live in glass houses should probably curtail their morning golfing activities, if ya catch my drift.

  3. I find it disturbing that you would compare my geocaching to someone placing "something" where feces comes out. There's a bit of a difference. Maybe there's a perception problem, but when it comes down to it, the activities are quite different.


    Aha. So there it is.


    It has nothing to do with how one should comport ones self if they should find themselves in "a gay cruising spot" - it's just simply a "hey, let's pick some group and bash them!" thread... Whew. Nice we have that out in the open!


    I'm sure you would find it disturbing. I would tell you why I'm certain, but that would be labled as a "personal attack". "Personal Attacks" are frowned upon here, but picking an entire subset of our culture and directly attacking them openly is encouraged.


    Woah! Look at that! I wanted to go to "forums.Groundspeak.com/GC" but I ended-up at "forums.gaybashing.com/GB" Wow. Those typos are gonna get me yet!


    i can't get over how convenient and useful of a tool this is, and when i encounter other cachers many seem not to know about it yet. it's so useful that it surprises me that its not a members-only feature, to be honest.


    Toooo inaccurate, imho.


    PQ fed into GPSVisualizer and the output fed into google earth. Now THERE'S a tool!


    Hi Adrenalynn,


    I agree with the Google Earth plugin inaccuracy. You can actually drag the PQ results file (the uncompressed .gpx file) directly directly into the google earth window and Google Earth will read it. One less step than using GPSVisualizer first :o.






    Doesn't let me mass-change the markers on the page, though, for example. Red for everything in the last 7 days, pink for everything I haven't found, black for those I have, green for those I've placed. At least, if so, it's not so obvious to me. Good to know that it'll read PQ directly though! Thanks!


    i can't get over how convenient and useful of a tool this is, and when i encounter other cachers many seem not to know about it yet. it's so useful that it surprises me that its not a members-only feature, to be honest.


    Toooo inaccurate, imho.


    PQ fed into GPSVisualizer and the output fed into google earth. Now THERE'S a tool!

  6. Of course, the "night caching subculture" is seen by many as "threatening".


    Have you seen some of those monster dogs people walk in the park at night? I find that threatening.


    In fact, I find those dark and lonely and evil looking wooded areas threatening in general. With all their bobcats and disease-laden tick-things, and mountain lions, and boogie-men lurking about. I think we should just napalm the lot of 'em.


    Who's with me?




    Can I get a witness?

  7. EXCELLENT WORK! Great editing, solid video. As has been suggested, when you get out of your car, you could then give an offset from that location. Stand in front of the camera like you did at the beginning and say "From this spot, travel 34 feet on heading ____. Enjoy your videoventure."


    It would give you video a nice feeling of closure, and wouldn't reveal the cache.


    Again, though - GREAT WORK! Your reviewer really needs to review their reviewing, imho. :o

  8. KFC, I was just thinking something very similar to that - re: getting hit on, even aggressively and obnoxiously, all the time. Guys just don't know how to deal with it, I guess.


    But look, I wasn't defending homosexuals in political correctness. The fact is: I couldn't freakin' care less. About _any_ group. There's a space six feet around my body. My sphere of control. Anything out side of that is a big 'so what'. Then there's the "inner sphere" at just out of arms-reach. Anything entering that without my permission is subject to immediate death and dismemberment.


    Keep it outside of that, and I really don't care what you do. Unless someone else is non-consenting and wishes to proxy their inner sphere of control to me. Then the "death and dismemberment" clause applies. I have enough interesting, concerning, hairy, amusing, frightening, exciting, ..., etc stuff going on inside my own sphere of control. I really don't need to be paying attention to what's outside of it, other than to make sure nothing is about to enter it by surprise.

  9. By the way, when I am in such parks dong cache maintenance on those occasions when I am in the kind of grim evil antisocial mood where I do not even want people looking at me, before I exit my car, I simply don my hardhat, safety vest, tool belt, and gloves, and carry my clipboard and GPSr prominently. Everyone disappears; the park empties out in less than two minutes.


    A hardhat, toolbelt, and clipboard - instant invisibility cloaking. As well as a master key to just about everything in the world! My favorite!

  10. Who cares? Dragging your kids into an urban park after dark is consent for them to see all kinds of stuff. Don't do it. As far as consenting adults go? If it bothers you - watch your GPS instead. Most people do anyway... :laughing:


    Sheesh, just go find the cache and mind your own business...

  11. I'm working on a rather unique geocache idea that would require use of a laptop computer. To get an idea of practicality, I'm asking how many geocachers own laptops that they can take with them and use while out hunting?



    A Win98SE needs extra drivers, etc.


    Microsoft drops all support for 98 in a month or two. So why should he be worried about supporting it? No self-respecting geek (which he's effectively said he's looking for) would be caught dead near 98/SE. The requirements for running 2k aren't effectively different than for running 98...

  12. GPX files contain the entire cache description, the encrypted hint (if any), and the last five logs (plus any logs you've entered on that cache).


    How are you obtaining GPX files and how are you reading them? You should be seeing all the information you believe to be missing.


    Wow. That's the first time I've really been prompted to actually toss a gpx file into a hex editor...


    Sure enough! Look at all that XML! I'll resist commenting on what I think of XML and parsing-speed, but, hey, that does give a lot of under-utilized power! Thanks for making me look!

  13. There are aftermarket garmin-like cables on eBay. Some pretty darned good - and pretty darned cheap compared to the highway robbery that garmin tries to conduct...


    I have two from: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...Y_BIN_Stores_IT


    These will work fine with the eTrex.


    These guys were really great to me. 11,000+ positive feedback, 0 negative!


    $6.95 for the cable, 4.95 for shipping. $12 vs Garmin's ~$50...


    Highly recommended!


    It doesn't matter where the markings are, it is still graffiti. See the cache hiding guidelines. Caches that deface public or private property, whether a natural or man-made object, in order to provide a clue or a logging method.


    I just can't seem to get very worked up about this one. It's kind of like driving 55.125 in a 55 mph zone. Sure it's against the law, but...


    In the big picture I don't think gc.com or the cache hider will get much negative exposure over this one.


    The problem, with the "big picture" as you describe it, is leaving things up to the sensibilities of the in-duh-vidual. If 55.125 is ok, how about 61.331? 74.275? How about 155.125? Sure, you and I might agree that that's pushing it a bit - but in the mind of the person doing it, petty justifications run rampant.


    It's a short walk from a Sharpie inside a sewer pipe to renting an up-and-over and tattooing the side of the Empire State Building... When it's carried to its [il]logical conclusion - where does it end?

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