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Everything posted by ModelCitizen

  1. Virgo Zodiac Geocoin. Glowing in the dark...
  2. Leo Zodiac Geocoin. Glowing in the dark...
  3. Completing the series: SnowWolf Geocoin - Silver.
  4. Cancer Zodiac Geocoin. Glowing in the dark...
  5. Caching Coins' A Pair of Nickells Geocoin.
  6. I really enjoy taking photos of my geocoins before I send them out traveling. I love seeing other people's pictures of their geocoins too; especially of coins that I don't own. It's usually hard to see all the detail or read the text on most of the geocoin photos I see on manufacturers' sites. I'll try to post a bunch of high resolution geocoin pictures here. If you've got some good detailed photos of your coins, post them here too. Anyone is welcome to use any of my photos for your geocoin web pages if you would like. My Dressel Dragons geocoin that's in England seaching for dragons and castles... And here it is making a skydive with me before I sent it out. More to follow. Blue skies and happy caching! Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
  7. I'm on a roll! Got another of my geocoins photographed and ready to go traveling. Satellite Series V4 (2006) Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
  8. Here's the next coin I plan to release into the geoworld... World Travel Geocoin. Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
  9. I was able to talk my wife into letting me get a set of these after all. Happy Valentines Day to me!
  10. I usually try to do option number 4: place it in a cache near home that gets visited often UNLESS I'm planning a trip in the near future (no more than two weeks away). Then I'll probably log it into and out of a local cache, then take it on my trip and drop it in a cache there.
  11. Great pictures, Kifcog! I too have tried making something to put over the lens to shoot through to eliminate the dark reflections from the camera when shooting shiny coins straight down, but never got anything to work very well so I just shoot at an angle. I use the smallest angle I can and hold a piece of card stock just above the lens to block the reflection of the camera body. Thanks for the pictures and the shooting tips. Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
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