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Posts posted by ModelCitizen
You know, as fun as it is to post pictures of travel bugs, I really like to post videos of their adventures. Here are a few of the recent ones:
Exhibition jump into a C-Spire sponsored, televised local high school football game...
Alabama state skydiving record attempt and other jumps...
I arranged a private track day for me and some friends at the Talladega Gran Prix Raceway road course. Several travel bugs came along for the ride...
A few more jumps. One of the travel bugs got to come out of the fanny pack I carry them in and get some time in front of the camera at the end of this video...
Another exhibition jump, onto a tiny little spot on a downtown street for the opening ceremony of the Mississippi State Games...
Check out my YouTube channels for more videos. Search for "GCJumper" or "GeoTBJumper".
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
Monty Moose on the USS Alabama battleship.
I work with a local high school every year to help the kids design, build, and program a robot for the FIRST Robotic Competition. We only have six weeks from start to finish. Here's a SnowWolf geocoin on the front of one of the robots, amongst all the wiring and components.
The rest of the robot.
The "Race Official Tom" travel bug, about to make a 10-second, 140 mph 1/4 mile pass with me at the Hub City Dragway.
One of those green jeep travel bugs making a jump with me.
An American Caching geocoin with me in my favorite place to be in all the world -- up in the sky. I should have been born a bird.
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
Any travel bugs or geocoins that I pick up get treated to at least one adrenaline-charged adventure along with anything else I'm doing.
Here's an F22 Raptor travel bug flying with me under one of my parachutes.
And going to a New Orleans Saints football game.
Another airplane travel bug, right after getting down from a 14,000 foot skydive with me at the Gold Coast Skydivers drop zone in Lumberton, Mississippi. Yeah, we jumped out of that plane right there. Then it started raining and the skydiving day was over.
I came across this travel bug that is the same car as my little track car, so they had to have their picture taken together.
A "Stunt Coin" on my skydiving rig before going up for a REAL stunt.
A geotag flying with me. Looks like we're about 4,000 feet up at the time.
Another geocoin, this time under my zippy little modified canopy.
Watching a load of skydivers coming in for a landing.
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
Thanks for the help. I wonder which method would involve less additional overhead on the Player...
- adding an additional zone that would require the Player to evaluate positional information with respect to the zone, or
- allowing the OnEnter event to fire potentially multiple times, checking a flag and then exiting the event script each time.
Sounds like either should work.
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
I'm working on my second Wherigo cartridge and am using characters in this one. I'm concerned that I may need to be very careful how I implement the zones and characters so that I don't introduce situations that may cause certain GPS devices (Garmins in particular) to crash or shut down.
In my first cartridge I learned that I needed to deactivate zones as soon as the OnEnter or OnProx event fires, before putting up a message box. Otherwise, the GPS device may recalculate its position, decide that it has moved back out of the zone, then recalculate again and determine it has re-entered the zone, firing the OnEnter event again (possibly multiple times) and crashing the device. So in my first cartridge I deactive the zone as the first command in the OnEnter or OnProx script. That made a big difference in the stability and playability of the cartridge on Garmin devices. Much better now.
However, in my second cartridge I'll have characters in the zones. It appears that I MUST leave the zone active in order for the character to be visible to the player so that the player can interact with the character. What I want to do is show a message to the player when they enter a zone, activate the character in that zone, and end the OnEnter script, leaving the zone active the whole time. Seems like the OnEnter could then trigger multiple times as the GPS recalculates. I searched the forum, but didn't find any threads indicating that other people are concerned about this situation. In fact, the Wherigo Builder Tutorial describes using characters in this way.
For now, I came up with a work-around. I set up a zone with an OnEnter event. The OnEnter script immediately disables the zone, then activates another zone that is centered on the first zone, but is larger. So the player is already inside the second zone when it is activated. The second zone doesn't have an OnEnter or OnProx event. It doesn't have any events that could fire multiple times. The second zone just contains the character. This should allow the player to interact with the character without worrying about the zone events retriggering and messing things up.
Has anyone else had these type of issues with characters in zones causing problems in a cartridge? Or am I worrying about nothing? I'm trying to make my cartridges very stable and tolerant of any GPS device, even Garmins.
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
Looks like its working now. Thanks again.
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
Update: Moving the zone deactivation command to the very beginning of the OnEnter event completely fixed the crashing problem. I was able to walk the entire cartridge and verify its operation. I can certainly see how the OnEnter might get triggered more than once the way I was doing it. The Colorado is very slow to complete the display of the MessageBox and then deactivate the zone. In the meantime, the coordinates have plenty of time to be recalculated and bounce in and out of the zone. Thanks so much for clearing this problem up for me!
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
Thanks. In the OnEnter event for the zone I already have code to deactivate the zone and make it invisible, but it's not the first code in the script. The MessageBox comes first, then I change the active and visible states of an item before deactivating the zone whose OnEnter event was triggered. After that, some item, task, and zone updating is done, but the next zone isn't activated until the user answers the Input question correctly. I only have one zone active at a time, and during the time that the user is answering the multiple choice question no zones are active. I'll try moving the zone deactivation to the top of the script.
By the way, the Multiple Choice Input I was worried about isn't executed until the user clicks on the first MessageBox that is presented. I'm not using any proximity or other zone events; just OnEnter. Here's a code snippet: (in case it matters, I'm using Wherigo Builder)
-- Enter One Zone --
Enter One Zone Comment
Show a message to the player (Contains Button Script)
Set zitemOne Visible true
Set ztaskGotoOne Complete true
Set zoneOne Visible false
Set zoneOne Active false
Set ztaskGotoTwo Complete false
Set ztaskGotoTwo Active true
Set ztaskGotoTwo Visible true
Set zoneTwo Visible true
Move zitemOne to zoneAll
-- Message Box Button Script: Script run when default "OK" button is clicked on the message above --
One Question Comment
GetInput zinputOneQuestionInput
-- One Question Input Code: When a player inputs data --
One Question Comment
If OneAnswer Equal The surface
Show a message to the player
Set zoneTwo Active true
Save cartPOB game
Show a message to the player (Contains Button Script)
I won't be able to try this fix with the zone deactivation first in the script until probably tomorrow. I'll post an update later.
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
Thanks. I'll give that a try.
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
My first Wherigo cartridge is working in the emulator and on my Motorola Droid. When the cartridge completes, I display a message to the user showing them the CompletionCode. I also write that CompletionCode into the description of a "Completion Code" item I created and add it to the player's inventory. In the cartridge code, right after I write the CompletionCode into the item description, I automatically save the completed cartridge for the user, hoping that they would be able to run the cartridge again later at home, restore the saved game, and be able to check the CompletionCode in the item in their inventory.
The problem I'm having is that the Completion Code item's description is blank when the saved game is reloaded. I've checked it at the end of the game, and the code is there, but when it's reloaded it's gone. The Completion Code item I created is present in the inventory, but the description is blank.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong or how to get the code to stick with the item after the cartridge is closed and re-opened?
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
Another possibility I considered is to present some answer options to the user whith an option number in front of each and then have them enter the number of the option they choose in a text input. However, it looks like I can't format the question part of an input with line breaks to arrange the answer options neatly without having them run together. What I'd like to end up with is something like this:
Here's your first question: What part of the Sun has the highest temperature?
1. The core
2. The surface
3. The corona
<Text input field>
I think what I would end up with would be this:
Here's your first question: What part of the Sun has the highest temperature? 1. The core 2. The surface 3. The corona
<Text input field>
Anyone know of a better way to do this so that I can support Colorado devices?
Blue skies!
I've been refining my first Wherigo cartridge and hope to release it soon, but when I tested it today it ran fine on my Moto Droid, but not on my Colorado. There are a couple of explanatory message boxes at the beginning of the cartridge. Those worked. However, as soon as I entered the first zone, the Colorado screen quickly dimmed and the device shut off. I tried fresh batteries. It's not a battery issue. When the first zone is entered, the cartridge is supposed to show a message with a picture, then when the user clicks "OK" it gets a multiple choice input from the player. The Colorado dies before it even displays the first message.
So, I did a bunch of searching here on the forum and other places. I believe it might be related to the known bug with the Colorado and multiple choice inputs. When I first wrote the cartridge it was very simple. No inputs at all. Everything worked properly on the Droid and the Colorado. Now that I've added the multiple choice questions the Colorado crashes. I downloaded the latest firmware for my CO, but that didn't help either.
Does anyone know of a good work-around for this? I don't want the user to have to type the answers in, and I don't want to have to specify in my cartridge description that it won't work on a Colorado.
Sent: All sent and delivered to recipients
(Kini_Ont), (Lucecitka), (Mauison), (Nosnow), (PGHLooking), (Six Little Spookies), (Steben6), (The Moop Along)
(DrNeal x2)
(Manu Luq)
(The Moop Along)
Looks like I'm all done. Thanks for the trades, everyone. And thanks again, Chuck, for another perfectly organized Math Trade.
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
Sent: All sent and delivered to recipients
(Kini_Ont), (Lucecitka), (Mauison), (Nosnow), (PGHLooking), (Six Little Spookies), (Steben6), (The Moop Along)
(DrNeal x2)
(Manu Luq)
(The Moop Along)
Sent: All sent
(Kini_Ont), (Lucecitka), (Mauison), (Nosnow), (PGHLooking), (Six Little Spookies), (Steben6), (The Moop Along)
(DrNeal x2)
(Manu Luq)
(The Moop Along)
Sent: All sent
(Kini_Ont), (Lucecitka), (Mauison), (Nosnow), (PGHLooking), (Six Little Spookies), (Steben6), (The Moop Along)
(DrNeal x2)
(Manu Luq)
(The Moop Along)
No L
in Trackables
I too was fortunate and blessed enough to get a No L geocoin in the mail. It was pretty busy during the holidays so I waited until I had some free time and something interesting to post here. New Year's weekend I was finally freed up and could take the coin on an adrenaline-charged, high speed, high altitude adventure. As I do with other geocoins I receive or send out to travel, I took the No L geocoin to the Gold Coast Skydivers drop zone in Lumberton, Mississippi and made a total of six skydives from 14,500 feet with the coin. We did several formation skydives with other jumpers and a couple of wingsuit jumps. Due to problems with my video camera I only got three of the jumps on video: a 3-person formation jump, a 5-person formation jump, and a jump where I was coaching a student. The other jumps that didn't get recorded were a 13-person formation dive and a couple of wingsuit jumps. The student didn't want his jump video published, but I uploaded the video from the 3-way and 5-way skydives onto YouTube.
Check out the video here:
.Here are a few pictures from the coin's two days in the sky...
The No-L coin on my skydiving rig and wingsuit before a wingsuit dive where we got out of the plane two and a half miles from the drop zone and wingsuited all the way back:
The No L coin on my rig before my last wingsuit jump of 2011:
The No L geocoin and the drop zone's Super Twin Otter jump plane before the first jump of the new year:
Thanks so much, mystery coin giver! I had a great time teaching the No L coin to fly -- and we didn't even need any magic reindeer!
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
Once again, count me in.
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
This coin Model Citizen's All American LE has done enough traveling with me. Now it's getting ready to be released to travel with other geocachers.
Here it is taking a thrill ride with me in the sky
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
Recently, I found a nice looking geocoin in a cache. Before moving it along to another cache I took a picture.
I believe this is the Cache Icons - Traditional Cache geocoin.
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
The Geocoinfucius geocoin has been whispering a few words of wisdom for me:
- The sky is NOT the limit... the ground is.
- If at first you don't succeed, skydiving may not be for you.
- He who hesitates shall inherit the earth.
- Gravity: It's not just a good idea... It's the law!
On another jump I filmed Geocoinfucius and other geocoins and travel bugs right after landing. The footage of the geocoins is near the end in the video. On this jump I was filming (but not participating in) a four-way formation skydive. The dive started off bad with a tumbling exit from the plane. Three of the four jumpers linked up, but since the fourth jumper never made it into the formation I flew in at the end and made it a four-way round formation. We passed through some cloud layers during the dive and ended up deploying our parachutes inside a large cloud. We couldn't see a thing until we popped out of the bottom of the cloud around 1,500 feet. Fortunately, the pilot did a great job of putting us out of the plane at the right spot and we were very close to the landing area. We had no problem landing right on target at the drop zone. Here's the video link:
And if you liked watching those videos, here are the rest of the jumps (minus the one jump where my video camera malfunctioned):
Now this geocoin has tasted the thrill and beauty of flight and knows why the birds sing.
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
- The sky is NOT the limit... the ground is.
A couple of weeks ago I was fortunate enough to receive one of these wonderful Geocoinfucius coins in the mail. I've held off on posting until I had something interesting to post. But now this wise coin and I have had some fun, exciting, and foolish adventures and have even participated in a charity event together.
Over the last three weeks my Geocoinfucius coin and I have lept from an airplane flying at over 14,000 feet a total of eight times. If this coin came with any luck or wisdom stored in it I think I've used up a lot of it. We made three trips together to the Gold Coast Skydivers drop zone in Lumberton, Mississippi and managed to make at least a couple of skydives each time despite cloudy, stormy weather.
The first two visits to the drop zone were on July 23 and 24 when I took the coin with me to participate in the Wounded Warrior Project benefit boogie that was going on at the drop zone. A "boogie" is a special skydiving event where a lot of skydivers get together to basically have a big party in the sky. Skydivers attended from Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, and there was even one skydiver that came all the way from Ohio for the event. This boogie was held to raise funds to donate to the Wounded Warrior Project, a charity organization that gives support and aid to military servicemen and servicewomen who have been wounded while serving. This was the second year for the boogie and we raised more money this year than last.
On one of the skydives I deployed my parachute a little higher than normal and used the video camera mounted to my helmet to film the Geocoinfucius geocoin and another geocoin of mine while flying my canopy. This was a high-speed sit-flying jump with a couple of other jumpers. On this jump, we flew in a sitting position, which is more of a challenge than flying belly to earth. Since you present less surface area to the wind you fall much faster than when flyng belly-down. Speeds can reach 180 mph or more and it is much more difficult to stay stable, in control, and in position with other jumpers. Here's a link to the video on YouTube:
Geocoinfucius geocoin on my skydiving rig, about to jump:
Geocoinfucius coming out of my pocket to take a peek at around 2,500 feet:
Geocoinfucius checking out my little parachute / life preserver:
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
I received an All Season Caching black nickel four-coin set from keewee yesterday and a Lotus Compass Duat today from mamoreb, so that's it. All coins received. Thanks, everyone!
Status as of 7/19:
- Ashallond (6/30)
- AtlantaGal (7/1)
- Eseurat (6/30)
- LewisClan77 (6/30)
- Mauison (7/1)
- The Moop Along (7/1)
- toojin(x2) (6/30)
- Greenish (7/12)
- E&CPlus3(x2)
- mpilchfamily (6/30)
- Eseurat(x2) (7/1)
- drneal (7/1)
- Six Little Spookies (7/2)
- LewisClan77(x4) (7/5)
- yanagi (7/6)
- kini_ont(x2) (7/6)
- MoonCat&KDT (7/11)
- keewee(x4) (7/18)
- Mamoreb (7/19)
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
Okay, here's the pictures of the Caching on the Moon geocoin I got yesterday from MoonCat & KDT. This is probably the coin I was most excited about getting and it was high on my wish list. Reason? It comes with the deed to a parcel of land........... on the moon!!!
The other great thing about the coin is the tracking number starts with "MC" - for "Model Citizen", right?
Well, maybe not, but super cool anyway.
Thanks a bunch for the awesome coin, MoonKitty and KDT!
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline
Neat Coin! You might want to blurr the tracking number.
Some how i don't think MCZOOM is a valid tracking number.
PhotoShop is my friend
Your Geocoin Mileage, 2007 edition
in Trackables
Thanks for resurrecting this thread, Penny and Kona!
One of my coins posted in this thread way back in 2007 is still out there traveling. It's gone over 30,000 miles now - the farthest any of my geocoins or travel bugs have gone. The other coin I had listed in here, my SnowWolf black nickel coin, disappeared in December of 2007 after getting some great logs and traveling over 10,000 miles.
Your Geocoin Mileage, 2007 edition
Fehrgo's CR "Aussie" 2007 (2007-02-15) 50628 km (32458 miles)
Model Citizen's 'A Pair of Nickells' Geocoin (1/27/07) 30,759 miles
Map Monkey's Sydney Eternity Geocoin 8/4/2007 34255 km (22708 miles)
Map Monkey's Australia 2007 Geocoin #1 8/6/2007 33208 km (20859 miles)
Fehrgo's Lunch Time Gang Geocoin (2007-04-23) 33223 km (20643.8 miles)
Easy Orange (CachingCoins) 4/8/07 20,204 miles
Straight-arrow's "Alexander's Civil War Geocoin #2 Manassas", March 1 2007, 19,438.2 miles
Larry739"s Bunya Kansas Sunshine 2007 Micro Geocoin (13-II-2007) 18,510 miles
Ontario Coin (CachingCoins) 1/18/07 17,831 miles
Tokencollector's Kansas Sunshine 1/28/07 15991 miles
Kansas Sunshine 2007 Micro Geocoin 548 4/10/2007 15,553
Shilo's Prague 2007 Geocoin (5/27/2007) 12,441.7 miles
Atwell Family Come Together - Yang (March 01, 2007) 12,378 miles
911turbos World Caching - Ocean Geocoin 1/1/07 11,908 miles
Shilo's GAGA Geocoin (6-13-07) 11,617.6 miles
OshnDoc's Geo 40 (3/1/07) 11,578.4 miles
Chief's Geocoin - ( 06/30/07 ) 11468 miles
Magellan the platypus Geocoin (May 18, 2007) (11247mi)
dflye's Cache Critter Geocoin (2/23/2007) 10410.7 miles
Model Citizen's SnowWolf Dark Geocoin (1/26/07) 10,313 miles
Todd's Tubular Turbo (3/21/07) 9351 miles
Atwell Family Bitten by Whitebear (January 01, 2007) 8,442 miles
AG's Traveling Leaderboard Geocoin (4/18/2007) 8315 miles
Tokencollector's Geodic Center 1/4/07 - 7509 miles
Chief's Geocoin - 3 (07/19/07 ) - 7,449 miles
dookie's Cache Cow Geocoin (20Mar07) - 7051 miles
Black Dog Cacher Bagger (10/15/2007) 6443 miles
DD's Motoring motogrrl Memorial Geocoin (5/20/07) 5876.8 miles
dookie2000ca's 2006 Canadian Benchmark Geocoin (24Jan07) - 5593 miles
dflye's Hogwild Travelling Geocoin Silver Racer (5/26/2007) 5481.9 miles
Sui's Race Against her Brother 2007 Generic Geocoin (08/03/2007) 5441 miles
Chooch72's Idaho 2007 Micro Geocoin (2-19-07) 5428.1 miles
AG's Traveling GeocoinFest Attendee Coin (4/10/2007) 5412.3 miles
Chooch72's Geocoin Club Coin - April 2006 (3-22-07) 4970.6 miles
Run Like The Devil (2/12/07) 4941.5 miles
Oliver's Race Against his Sister 2007 Generic Geocoin (08/03/2007) 3735 miles
usyoopers Postal Geocoin (3/25/07) 3722.6 miles
usyoopers Generic Geocoin (3/20/07) 3258.9 miles
Green Magic Geocoin (TB1C1XM) 2/6/07 3082.5 miles
TokyoBlossom - Keep on Caching: In Memory of motogrrl 05/19/2007 2657.6 miles
Blue Magic Geocoin (TB1B56Y) 2/06/07 1252.3 miles
chaosmanor's Dorkfish 2007 #2 (2-II-2007): 1045.5 miles
PSU Fan's Racing Braving the Briars Geocoin (9/26/07) 1075 miles
PSU Grad's Racing Braving the Briars Geocoin (09/26/2007) 763 miles
TokyoBlossom - The Aloha Traveler 04/02/2007 712.2 miles
OshnDoc's Motogrrl Memorial Geocoin #2, May 19, 2007, 478.5 miles
Tw3nty3ight- Tw3nty3ight's Generic 2007 Geocoin (June 28, 2007) 414 miles
chaosmanor's Feng Shui Compass #2 (5-III-2007): 302.1 miles
Wyohunters 2nd Generic Geocoin 1/06/07 156.2 miles
Wyohunter - motogrrl Memorial Geocoin 5/19/07 79.1 miles
Tw3nty3ight- Tw3nty3ight's Homeland Red Handed Geocoin (July 29, 2007) 76 miles
bugsmasher69's The Herd Geocoin (4/13/07) 0 miles
bugsmasher69's Fall Caching Geocoin (4/13/07) 0 miles
Blue skies!
Model Citizen - Zero Discipline