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Everything posted by jerryo

  1. I used to dislike micros but as they are all optional and I've never seen one in a flamin' plastic bag, I quite like some of them now.
  2. You can stop it switching off by putting a bit of plastic under the battery terminals. I can anyways
  3. Of course not! Not even slapped around a bit. I went for a one-off trip to Oxford a few weeks ago and couldn’t find one of Simply Paul’s caches (MORONIC ATOMIC MINI-MICRO No. 3), despite phoning the guy at ten pm, being told where the cache was and being literally two inches from the container at one point. I still didn’t find it and logged it as such even though I'm not going back in the foreseeable future. This character we’re on about logged it because she “is unlikely [to be] in the area any time soon” but “got within metres of the cache”. Well done to her.
  4. Bump the rant... What sad muppetry that is! You can’t log a find if you don’t find it. It’s different if it’s been muggled and you find the remains but to say “I was vaguely in the area and I could’ve found it if I’d been @r$3d to get out of the car so I’ll log it” is absolute cack. DELETE THE LOG, I shout.
  5. How about the fact that Geocaching.com is down for maintenance? It’s stymied me today.
  6. Dallan72 seems to be like some soldier ants, coming from afar and annihilating the local cache population. I once tried following a cache trail in the North East thinking that if I adhered to the same route I’d get a good few under my belt. Nope. I think you must go caching in a 4x4 or a hummer with a quad bike and trail bike in the back. Plus a unicycle; a crate of Carling Black Label; a Harry Potter pokey wand and a football team. Well done on your stupendous cache count
  7. I'll try but I have no thoughts at present
  8. As I said in my earlier phoenix-rising-from-the-ashes-inducing post, of course there is a place for micros/zeptos (good word) – I have a few micros out myself – but the consensus seems to be that they should be regarded as an opportunity to do something clever or elaborate, which is great, rather than use them as deliberately and unnecessarily difficult finds. Hiding a micro in the rectum of a reasonably patient and immobile (and hopefully toothless) adder is a great idea but chucking a dog tag ID barrel into/onto a field/beach/meadow/forest and saying it’s near some trees/in some grass/under some sand/in a twig doesn’t spawn a huge amount of fun unless it’s still attached to the dog, I suppose. There is another point to this though: if you’re looking for a wee cache and there is a general description of the area and a bad clue, how much damage are you going to do by trampling an area the size of a squash court even if you and the setter have the best satellite reception ever recorded by man?
  9. < rant> I can just about handle film-canister sized so-called micro-caches but now I’ve just come across an advert for a “nano” cache container. Great. Marvellous. Do we really need to encourage people who can’t hide reasonable-sized caches by giving them microscopic containers tailor made to irritate the bejasus out of people? What are they used for where I live? Secreting tiny little curls of paper inside twigs in the middle of forests or cunningly inserted into hollowed out blades of grass or the bowels of recently-dead mammals, that’s what. It’s not big (it certainly isn’t) and it’s not clever. I know where I’d like to insert them. Now don’t get me wrong: I can see the point in hiding urbane urban micros (there's one in Oxford that I missed, isn't there, Paul? ) but not in a huge forest, surely? Why do that as it only spoils it for a real cacher who wants to hide a proper cache? For the manufacturers of these little containers, the next prefix after “nano” is “pico”, then “femto”, “atto”, “zepto” and finally “yocto”. The day I see a yocto cache is the day I’ll quit. I couldn’t find it, by the way. < /rant>
  10. I'll reply anyway although t'other person was right: You need to tweak the coords: you can't just drop the decimal point because, say, 44 degrees 36.677 minutes is not the same as 44.3667 degrees. The correct coords are: N 44.61128 W 079.38509, about 20km from where you were! What you’ve said is that 36.677 minutes is the same as 0.3677 degrees but there are 60 minutes in a degree, not 100. So 36 minutes is 36/60 degrees, not 36/100. Ish
  11. The metamorphosis of a cache. It’s like the creation of a butterfly, only the beauty comes in first: Egg stage Most caches start off with reasonable stuff in them but over time this is replaced with “useful” gear like company key-rings and sales-representatives gimmicks like oversize paper clips with things like “Ernst & Young” written on them or paper weights advertising diarrhoea medicine. Larval stage For a time, people swap these useless trinkets around the countryside until they become so worn out (the trinkets, not the people) that people don’t bother tasking anything but they leave the tat that they had with them. And the occasional travel bug. Pupal stage Cachers following on try to find the log-book in the midst of all the tat in the box but invariably have difficulty replacing everything. Much like our beloved butterfly, this is a time when the insides are organised and reorganised for the general health of the cache. During this stage, there is often the introduction of a parasite, namely the McSoft toy. Eventually the soft toy expands and eases the top off the cache container allowing the damp and insects in. Cachers are still reluctant to remove the tat as they may not have anything worthwhile to put back. The rot sets in big time. Then, of course, there is the introduction of the inevitable. What a joy it is for any child out on a caching trip to find: a manky old golf ball Adult stage The cache rests for a while. Everyone in the area has visited it; travel bugs are removed and not replaced because they’ll just stay there forever and it spends the rest of its life having the occasional visit until such time as it’s visited by the dreaded mugglies. All good fun though TNLN
  12. I removed one recently at the owner’s request and have removed others from caches by the same owner. It was only yesterday that I removed a nasty bag from someone else’s cache. I’ve definitely found that the cache is more likely to be wet if there is a bag used. Unless, of course, the original Tupperware box is an el-cheepo one from Aldi. Wouldn’t it be better is this policy/guideline was better promoted? Every time you edit a cache listing you tick two boxes; why not make it 3, with the last one saying, “I promise never to use a plastic bag” or such like? I’ve found quite a few caches that may otherwise have been better concealed were it not for a tell-tale tuft of plastic. Personally I’d rather someone had the courage of their convictions and corrected any error I’d made in setting the cache rather than emailing me to ask permission. The problem could’ve been fixed by the finder immediately and now I’ve got to go all environmentally-unfriendly and drive to the cache to fix it. No one objects to the application of a bit of common sense.
  13. My first time on the forum and my first post. Does the expression "hook, line and sinker" ring any bells?
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