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Everything posted by jerryo

  1. I just lost interest. Good hobby, but not for me now. Maybe I burned out? I don't blame micros/nanos/puzzles or anything, it's just me. I still have loads of friends in the community so I keep in touch.
  2. Oh God. Cue the lame suggestions.
  3. Rather than start a new thread, can someone tell me what's the best "entry level" car sat nav to just sat nav? My daughter keeps getting lost and need something simple and reliable. Cheers.
  4. Solution: put nanos out 'cause they ain't worth the bother!
  5. Many thanks!! That's me not setting any more then. I had intended planting a couple of caches that required a bit of effort to get to (climbing-related). The only way I could see of doing this was to get permission to have the cache container in one place and then having the arduous part in another, where people are allowed to go, but where a box etc could not be placed. I have been told that climbing-related caching activities are not-allowed in my area and that a cache would not get permission if it were placed at the top of a climb, say. My way round this was to have logging stipulations. Oh well, enjoy your stickoflage, everyone. I'll bow out now.
  6. Can I have a yes/no answer to this question, please? Does this mean that if I have a cache that, say, requires taking a photo from a location before logging to prove you've been there, then that task is unenforceable?
  7. Just to pick out the two points that affect me, if you don't mind a bit of quote mining. My point is that the caches I had out used to get regularly visited until latterly and, having examined why I placed them there initially, I have now removed them. I wasn't moaning, just being reactive/proactive as far as my placements went. It is for this reason that I haven't placed a cache for a while now, and don't intend to in the foreseeable future. It's just the way it's gone, I suppose and can't be helped. I wasn't attempting to single out any one individual with the 'don't moan' statement. It was aimed at anyone who might put out a good cache that is a decent hike but foolishly things everyone will flock to it . The activity needs the diversification, in the 'good ol'days' most caches were way out in the countryside; now they are all over the place. What is needed is balance so that the nano/mirco explosion doesn't consume the traditional sizes. Hey, I know!!!
  8. Just to pick out the two points that affect me, if you don't mind a bit of quote mining. My point is that the caches I had out used to get regularly visited until latterly and, having examined why I placed them there initially, I have now removed them. I wasn't moaning, just being reactive/proactive as far as my placements went. It is for this reason that I haven't placed a cache for a while now, and don't intend to in the foreseeable future. It's just the way it's gone, I suppose and can't be helped.
  9. That's why I now have no caches out. All gone.
  10. Couldn't get the link to work: here's another linkety link
  11. I've pretty much lost interest in caching. Not really sure why. There are enough decent caches nearby, but I just can't be bothered. I actually quite regularly visit areas where I have cached before to run, walk or whatever, but finding new places holds little magic now. Quite often the "suitable for dogs" attribute is added and when you on site, it's fine for dogs in that they are allowed there, but there's nothing to enjoy. Another thing is the amount of effort I went to to set caches - I used to have 40+ - and very few of them were stickoflage jobbies. People used to seek mine as milestone caches, which was very flattering, but visits became more and more rare after the influx of "numbers-nanos" that I decided there was no point. Anyone want a 60CSx with Topo 2? To buy, you pikeys!
  12. I know: it's because they know they have to bag it up, but then their limited intellect kicks in and they think that's the end of their responsibility. They are tossers of the highest order. Some may make the excuse that they intend to return for it later, but this is codswallop. It would be better just to leave it in the first place. If ever I see anyone doing this, I'm going to put the contents in their car/letterbox.
  13. Not all are 5/5 ! Try 'Underwater cache' http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...b9-a64147971f7a 1.5 / 2.5 rating ! That's good. I was told to make it a 5/5 but it was maybe a 5/3. The difficulty was its invisibility cos of the silt. Actually, I caught giardiasis from the river bugs, so maybe it was a 5/5.
  14. You're probably about to find out in a bit ...
  15. I set an underwater cache and was told by a reviewer to make it 5/5. End of story.
  16. It's not. It's closed. It can't.
  17. Yeah but you thought better of offering an opinion did you not? Leaving it open might have started a row and mtn-man has staved one off.
  18. Just watched it. It was a bit misleading, I thought: a huge ammo box and two umpty lock boxes were the examples used. Plus a long walk in the countryside. No nanos, bus stops, drive bys, dog pooh bins or stupid puzzles that only the owner thinks are clever.
  19. It's just a bit of light hearted fun, nothing more nothing less. The question was what has it got to do with caching. I know it's fun, but caching items have been closed by the mods in the past so why not this one? Perhaps it would be a good idea to have this left open. It's harmless fun, and, let's face it, it's better than anything in which everyone starts to argue. Personally, I think that some of the problems that have existed on this forum are because every topic has to adhere to a caching subject and eventually people run out of things to discuss 'cos talking about caching all the time is really dull ( ), so they argue. Easy.
  20. Tis a huge shame Jeremy you have set some fab caches I hope you keep coming to the monthly meets, and if/when that evil inspiration of yours flashes you do set a few more caches........ Your right in what you say if it's not a drive by folks are not interested, I know from how many of our caches get visited regular and how many don't, a lot of folks are missing out on some lovely areas cos they wont walk the walk It may be because of the Winter things may get better once the weather warms up Could you not keep numbers open and just close it if/when something goes wrong, if you are determined to close it give me a ring and I will take it, it seems a shame to loose such a clever cache M No worries about the meets, Mandy. I know who my friends are and that I can find them in the pub! Likewise with events: I'll still go if and when I can. As far as normal caches are concerned, there are still plenty of good ones about to do, and the fact that I'm not doing any is a reflection on me rather that the quality of caches in the area. I intend to do them sometimes but I will be picky. I'm going to Leeds tomorrow and I'm not taking a GPSr with me: last year I'd've had PQs coming out of my ears. I'll see what happens with NUMB3RS over the next couple of days. Thank you for your offer
  21. I'm pretty much losing interest in caching*, to be honest, so over a period of time I have archived all my caches or they've been kindly adopted. I have one left, GC1D9B7, NUMB3RS, which is an unknown type (aka puzzle) but it's not really a puzzle, just different. Needless to say, because it's not a drive-by and it involves a smidgen of effort and that big question mark on the page, it's not been visited too often - thanks to those that have, or who have it on their list. Anyway, it's going in a few days unless someone wants it. Cheers, all. *Not losing interest in my buddies, tho!
  22. Except it’s not the same thing: if you click the profile link on the left side of the page you get account info and activity, and if you click my profile on the right of the page, you get the profile info. Two buttons saying the same thing, but giving different info. Maybe I do care a bit after all.
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