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Everything posted by Sioneva

  1. Can I bring the cake into the box too? Food is not allowed in caches. But being this is a mathematical based cache, cake will be allowed - remember "pie are not squared, pie are round. Cake are squared." This message brought to you possibly, but not probably, by the square root of minus 1. If you bring a two or three layer cake, it can be cubed. Pi simply not allowed! I don't think it's legal to store cats in caches, either. Maybe. I have sudden, horrible images of a litter box cache.
  2. But if you don't find the cake, do you get an extra DNF? Is it a pocket DNF? A pocket DNF? I wouldn't want to eat cake that's been in someone's pocket!
  3. And if the cat is alive... and can't find the cake. But then you both have to sign the cake, even if only one of you found it.
  4. You can't have your cake and eat it too; therefore, if you want to eat the cake, you must first not have it; which means you must DNF it. I have an easy solution to the problem of what is a true DNF; we will simply put you and the cache in a box. As long as no one looks inside, you have both found and not found the cache, as far as we know; so every find can be counted as a DNF, and every DNF as a find. Pay no attention to the cat and the vial of cyanide in the box with you. THIS post was sponsored by ;!
  5. I had a dream last night that my three year old niece had three green jeeps and one white jeep under her bed. I can only conclude that they are being collected.
  6. Talk about padding your numbers. Ye gods.
  7. It's not that funny, but I've found a cache recently by foot power... I stepped on it, hidden in the tall grass, as I was turning to leave, having given up. The previous finder found it the same way as well. I didn't let my foot log the find, despite a fierce argument.
  8. If I'm alone, my iPod. When the time seems appropriate, I play U2's "Still haven't found what I'm looking for", or Billy Joel's "River of Dreams". Of course, I didn't have my iPod with me the day I fell in the creek. There is a God.
  9. Sioneva

    Server down?

    Did he take over already? Eeek!!!
  10. Maybe I should hurry out and place a lightpost cache at my nearby Walmart, so I can get it banned, too. I don't want to get left out, and you know, I don't particularly enjoy lightpost micros, so I'd better hurry! There's a Target on the way, as well...
  11. Hello, new person! Welcome to the insanity! Hey, fresh meat! We got some fresh meat!
  12. Well, I for one certainly hope that the moderators over at this site are feeling his wrath as wel! Bret *LOL*!!! Yes, I was afraid to eat my Cheerios this morning! Sorry, back on topic.
  13. You mean like old cemetaries with fragile headstones? But I thought it's ok to stomp all over dead people's faces and private property.............. Um, no. AFAIK, cemetery caches require *gasp* permission! At least nowadays, because of issues like this.
  14. What next?
  15. That's a great idea! I'll have to keep that one in mind for next time.
  16. ... muggled cache.
  17. Billy Joel 'River of Dreams', or U2 "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"
  18. I think it's time to go back to the old standby - hidden under rocks in a heaping pile of rocks. My grass-hidden caches just aren't doing well!
  19. One of the cachers who actually found that cache sent me an email about it. They felt insulted by the cache owner equating their success in finding the cache with the two failures. The email made it my business. Reference the part - 'between the cache owner and the hunter/finder'. I think that point sort of slipped by you, regardless of who emailed you. What, because you say it? Pfft. My opinion is as valid as yours... I just don't give everyone hell because I have an opinion. I'll continue playing this game according to the GC guidelines, and otherwise as I see fit, and I hope you will extend that courtesy to others as well. I'm done now.
  20. One of the cachers who actually found that cache sent me an email about it. They felt insulted by the cache owner equating their success in finding the cache with the two failures. The email made it my business. Reference the part - 'between the cache owner and the hunter/finder'. I think that point sort of slipped by you, regardless of who emailed you.
  21. It’s not about superiority, it’s about integrity. Then you should direct your anger at him since he's the one who got you into this mess. It really isn't any of your business, Criminal. It's between the cache owner and the hunter/finder. Don't you have anything better to do with your time, honestly, then play cachepolice? Why should Nature Nan be angry someone was considerate?
  22. Kinda discourages me from placing any more caches. I know, it's an occupational hazard, but...
  23. I'm feeling really discouraged here. I put out a CD exchange type cache only four days ago, one person found it three days ago, and when I went to check on it today, it's not in the spot where I hid it. I know the FTF would not have stolen it, I just thought I hid it well enough no muggle would ever accidentally stumble over it. Teaches me to put good stuff in caches. I had four CDs and a nice game in there. What's the record for shortest muggling?
  24. Just go hunt this Cache everyone gets to be FTF. That was worth reading - I cracked up, with my niece wondering 'what's so funny'? Clever idea for a cache!
  25. I am the type of person who geocache's. I am the type of person who is German. I am also the type of person who is Baptist. Hey, me too! Well, I'm part German anyway, and I do geocache. But I'm not Baptist. Does this mean I don't get to learn the secret handshake?
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