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Posts posted by Sioneva

  1. Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't win this coin that he'd melt my brain.


    I like my brain.


    Oh that's so funny. That is really lame if you have to rely on old movie quotes.


    But there's only one thing lamer.


    Logging on at 12:30 in the morning to point out how lame it is to use old movie quotes.


    But that is a great movie quote. One of my favorites.


    It IS really late, I can't tell if you're serious or not. :)


    I'm never serious at 12:30 in the morning.


    I saw your second post as it was e-mailed to me before you deleted it. I understand where you're coming from.


    Besides, is there anything serious about this cointest at all? It's nice to have a place to come to and not worry about acting stupid. Did you see my original cointest entry above? There was nothing serious about that one at all.


    Just having fun. :laughing:


    May the lamest person win! :)

  2. Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't win this coin that he'd melt my brain.


    I like my brain.


    Oh that's so funny. That is really lame if you have to rely on old movie quotes.


    But there's only one thing lamer.


    Logging on at 12:30 in the morning to point out how lame it is to use old movie quotes.


    But that is a great movie quote. One of my favorites.


    It IS really late, I can't tell if you're serious or not. :)

  3. Oh, no! A reviewer MADE A MISTAKE! Worse, they honestly owned up to it in a public forum! We must immediately rework the whole system - in the meantime, everyone is directed to take cover at opencloning.com, where the offending mistake may not have yet been duplicated...


    ... okay, who slipped the sarcasm pills into my coffee?

  4. What kind of discussion is it if you invite only those that agree to join? <_<


    Latest trend in discussion?


    I hid my first cache when I had barely 100 finds, about 5 years ago. It's still there, going strong, and people enjoy it. Number of finds has nothing to do with how creative a person is, so, no, no such rule should exist. :)

  5. SH-knee-va....

    Seriously? Or are you just messing with us?


    I thought it was "sigh-oh-NEE-vah".


    No, seriously! That's how it's pronounced!


    You know...



    I've been giving this thought all day long.


    And you know what? You are wrong. There is no way that Sioneva can be prounced "Shneeva". OK, I might buy into "Sheeoneva", but if you want Shneeva, you must have spelled it wrong. Sorry, but look at how its spelled. Welch or whatever... it just doesn't work like that, Sheeoneva.


    Okay, you are off the guest list! And I'm writing you out of my will!


    It's a slightly slurred derivative of the Welsh Sion... And there's no Sheeeeee here you go.


    "Slightly slurred"... OK. Why didn't you say that before. Now I get it.


    Go look at the Stands, silly. :(

  6. SH-knee-va....

    Seriously? Or are you just messing with us?


    I thought it was "sigh-oh-NEE-vah".


    No, seriously! That's how it's pronounced!


    You know...



    I've been giving this thought all day long.


    And you know what? You are wrong. There is no way that Sioneva can be prounced "Shneeva". OK, I might buy into "Sheeoneva", but if you want Shneeva, you must have spelled it wrong. Sorry, but look at how its spelled. Welch or whatever... it just doesn't work like that, Sheeoneva.


    Okay, you are off the guest list! And I'm writing you out of my will!


    It's a slightly slurred derivative of the Welsh Sion... And there's no Sheeeeee here you go.

  7. As to your last question, I'd say emzernask answered it quite well.


    FWIW, I hope you continue to chew. And being that you have outed yourself previously as a Catholic how about a question for you? If God is omnniscient and omnipotent, why would some of His followers question His creation of gay people?


    (that question is open to anyone who believes in God - doesn't have to be limited to just Sioneva)


    Well, since someone already just labelled me bigoted... and this is going to be waaaay off topic, so I'll apologize in advance.... I'm not not uncomfortable with what they are, I'm uncomfortable with what they do.


    This is how I see it. God created people and gave them free will. While I believe that the natural order of things is that opposites are meant to attract, for whatever reason, that isn't always the case. But... and here is where free will comes in... just because there is an attraction doesn't require an action. As a straight woman, I can feel a very strong attraction to a straight man. It doesn't follow that I have to act on it, or that I should.


    So, no, I'm not questioning the creation of people with a tendency to be attracted to the same sex. I just don't agree with the choices they make, but God gave them free will to make those choices.


    Regarding the definition of 'normal': I'm aware I have a tendency to split hairs. But words having meaning, sometimes I wish people would think more about the meanings before tossing them out. That's all. :(


    (and re: my question - I was hoping people would actually think about it before answering, not just toss off a one-liner insult)

  8. ...The gay people that I know are just normal people leading normal lives.

    You were doing good 'till you got to that point. Their being NOT normal is the whole issue here, for both sides.

    They are normal in every way, except for who they are physically attracted to. And since I'm married, and not available for anyone other than my spouse, who they are attracted to is of no interest to me.


    I'd like to know who appointed a couple of posters on this thread to be the arbiter of what "normal" is?


    What gives ANYONE the right to tell gay people they aren't "normal"?


    I find that statement to be extremely offensive. Hear that TAR and Don B?


    TAR you wanted to see some evidence of intolerance on this thread? There you go.


    Depends on your definition of normal, truly.

    Merriam-Webster defines it as:

    a : according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle

    b : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern


    If the ratio of 10% gay to 90% straight is correct, I'd classify that 90% as a regular pattern. No offense is intended by this.


    I know I said I wouldn't post again. I've just been turning things over in my mind for two days, since I read what Chokecherry posted. It's a viewpoint I admit I have never considered before, and she made some telling points.


    A major problem is that a movement or religion, any movement or religion, can become defined all too easily by the militant, in your face, my way or the highway, me above all, types that claim all the attention. We've seen it time and time again. Like the example given above, of the gay people acting out, or the people who threatened Chokecherry for what she is, or the people who try to kill abortion workers, or the Westboro gang (I won't dignify them by associating "church" with them). It becomes the public face, becomes the stereotype, and it gets harder and harder to dig through and see the people who just want to live and let live, the longer and louder these extreme fringes act.


    The rest of it, I'll just refer to OregonCacher's posts for. I know I've strayed off topic again, but I think the topic itself has shifted, and like I said, I've been mentally chewing on a lot the last day or two, and wanted to put some semi-coherent thoughts down to help the process.


    Closing off with just one honest question: There have been homosexuals throughout the entirety of human history. Why is it such a divisive issue now? Is something forcing it? What is the cause?

  9. Whenever I see this topic I can tell who it's directed at. :unsure:


    For my geocaching name this may require a longish post, but I will give it a shot anyway.


    First of all, the English language has just five vowels most of the time, but sometimes it also considers 'y' to be a vowel: a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y. But English isn't always that simple since they are not always pronounced the same way. There are long vowels and short vowels or silent vowels. I've been told that it is nothing like Italian, so I won't use it for examples


    a is pronounced like a long or short a

    e is pronounced like a long or short e

    i is pronounced like ta long or short i

    o is pronounced like the a long or short o

    u is pronounced like a long or short u


    English has diphthongs. When two vowels are together each retains its sound and pronounced separately, though when saying a word fast it often sounds like one sound. But that is irrelevant here. I'm honestly not sure why I brought it up.


    Fortunately, the consonants in my geocaching name are all pronounced the way you would expect them to be pronounced, with the exception of one 'silent', or 'not pronounced' consonant.


    In Japanese, with rare exceptions each syllable has the same stress and the same length. Since my geocaching name is not Japanese, there is no need to concern yourself with that.


    The silent consonant that I referred to above is the very first letter, the 'k'. Generally, that would be prounced with a gutteral 'ka' sound, but since it is silent, you only say that in your head, just prior to pronouncing the rest. The first syllable, then, 'knows', should be pronounced as 'nows', but that is not true. English is a stranger language even than that of our possession to the north, Canada. 'nows' is actually prounced 'nose'. Strange, but get over it.


    The second syllable uses the combination letters, or, 'digraph', 'ch', pronounced like 'ch'. And 'ad', pronounced something like 'add'. So, put it all together, and the pronunciation of my geocaching name is, 'NOSE CHAD'.



  10. I will say "Hi, I'm Sioneva", and invariably, they will reply, "Oh, so that is how you pronounce it."


    Never fails.


    How do you pronounce it? SionEEVa? Or SiONeva? Or maybe "SIoneva". Or is the "v" silent?


    Actually, it's more like "SH-knee-va". Accent on the SH. Stole it from Wales!

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