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Everything posted by Sioneva
I wish there was a Delorme overlay for Google Earth...
Are we allowing the degradation of this forum?
Sioneva replied to mvigor's topic in General geocaching topics
Sir infiniteMPG: How do know so much about trackable items? Queen PyrateWench: Well, you have to know these things when you're a queen, you know. Cool..... Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed! Ni! Ni! Ni! -
Are we allowing the degradation of this forum?
Sioneva replied to mvigor's topic in General geocaching topics
Thinking???? Me? Oh no, don't tell my boss. Next thing you know he'll make me work.... ::infiniteMPG tries to force a little drool out:: Ahhhhhhh.... much better ...at work we have to stay in character.... hehehehe Oops. You didn't not stop. Your post is subpar. I cannot say I am happy to know you now. I'm sorry. You brought this agony on you. -
Are we allowing the degradation of this forum?
Sioneva replied to mvigor's topic in General geocaching topics
Would it count if it r€ally wasn't thề lЭttЭr Œ but just somЗ charactΞrs that look€d likΞ it? I applaud your thinking. May you not stop. I am happy to know you, and Mushtang. -
Are we allowing the degradation of this forum?
Sioneva replied to mvigor's topic in General geocaching topics
Are we allowing the degradation of this forum?
Sioneva replied to mvigor's topic in General geocaching topics
Mushtang has my amazingly valid thanks. Avatars and sigs do not incur my disability. -
Are we allowing the degradation of this forum?
Sioneva replied to mvigor's topic in General geocaching topics
Hi, my name is Vinny, and I have not logged a find on a cache where I really did not touch and handle the container and sign the logbook in over 33 minutes and I have not logged 400 or more "attended/find" smilies for an event for almost one week. And, I have not logged a fake remote find on virtual or Earthcache in Germany, Austria or Sweden in over 17 minutes. Lastly, I have not logged a fake find on an extreme Terrain 5 cache within the Zone of Alienation at Chernobyl (aka The Chernobyl Zone, The 30 Kilometer Zone, The Zone of Exclusion, The Fourth Zone, or The Zone) in the Ukraine in over 3 weeks. And, I have not submitted an outrageously insane, insanely deceptive and blatantly illegal "this cache listing is sure to be rejected but I am looking for a fight so I am gonna submit it anyway" listing for a proposed 5/5 Psycho cache to Quiggle, Keystone or Palmetto in over 15 days. Hi, my name is Sioneva, and I haven't stolen a geocoin in six days. Furthermore, I did not steal Vinny's GPS, which would have otherwise led to his confession up above. In addition, I do not feel degraded by the fact that every post in this thread so far as contained the letter 'e', despite all my pleas to the contrary, since we all know the letter 'e' is the beginning of evil, and end of all things. Plus, I'm allergic to it. -
I would just like to note that Wahoo is in Nebraska, somewhere around Fremont, and that it has many good caches.
I have learned to be very, very, very afraid of Sioneva. But I still love her unconditionally! Vinnnny, you promised ours would be a secret love!
I've learned to be afraid of Vinny.
Yes, for me too, 99.9% of the posts/threads in the Off-Topic section make no sense to me at all. You mean they are supposed to make SENSE? No one told me that! I read and participate BECAUSE they are silly! Gives me a chance to blow off steam harmlessly... usually.
I agree with what Starband said 120% I agree with what Contryguy said, 120%. My feet are cold.
Are more rural caches muggled in winter?
Sioneva replied to geowizerd's topic in General geocaching topics
I like this idea! -
I hosted my first event between Christmas and New Years - a Holiday Pizza Party. Everyone seemed to have a great time, just gathering, eating pizza, and chatting. While I did do some door prizes, and there was an optional gift exchange, that part was really low key. I didn't place any temp caches, or have any organized mini-events, but like I said, everyone seemed to have a great time. On the other hand, I went to a Halloween event that was someone else's first event (I think) - and they did do a poker run, with temporary caches, and everyone had a blast, including me! The cache hunting came before the main gathering though, so everyone still ended up gathering in one place (a Village Inn), eating, chatting, getting door prizes, and of course seeing who had the best poker hand. It all depends on what people expect/like. I like pretty much everything! Some people wouldn't. Just tailor it to your expected attendees - or go crazy, try something new, and see what happens!
I agree. I remember when California tried this same scare tactic 10+ years ago, citing budget woes. Slightly different set of parks on the list then, including Butano, where I was a docent. No parks/beaches got closed, they somehow found the money....Not this time. Oh they probably won't close them all as proposed, but close some they will. Good move from where I stand.Which I'm assuming is somewhere outside of CA. But still pretty selfish, however you look at it.Selfish or trollish, I'm not sure which. In times of severe budget shortfalls, closing little used state parks makes perfect sense to all but the ill informed, short sighted, self-interested and irrational. They managed to carry the ball this far without my direct input. I have every confidence that they can make the push the last five yards without it also. However if you were to hear that they are having trouble obtaining the orbs to make it to the end zone, please do let them know that I am available. Whatever. I guess I'm a proud member of the "ill informed, short sighted, self-interested and irrational" club! When do I get my membership card? I don't leave in CA, but I still think it stinks. However, I'll tell anyone who asks that a naked, trolling, self-proclaimed 'hottie' is willing to help them with... whatever, I guess. I guess this is the proverbial next step though. Close this state park to caching, close this other one to EVERYONE... God forbid anyone actually get the chance to ENJOY them. Why not just raise the admission fee, otherwise, like previous posters have sensibly suggested?
I agree. I remember when California tried this same scare tactic 10+ years ago, citing budget woes. Slightly different set of parks on the list then, including Butano, where I was a docent. No parks/beaches got closed, they somehow found the money.... Not this time. Oh they probably won't close them all as proposed, but close some they will. Good move from where I stand. Which I'm assuming is somewhere outside of CA. But still pretty selfish, however you look at it.
I appreciate that. I would love to see the evidence of what violated any guidelines and why whatever that was justifies banning geocaching from the entire park. We've done a great job for six years so what suddenly changed? The opinion of a key individual. But you knew that. Watch out for flappers. (Stolen from Gullivers Travels). Good luck. Actually I found out that this guy has been around for a few years. Latest update is that things aren't looking very good at all. There is also a rumor that the county parks are following suit. Some caches in county parks are also getting pulled. I'm really sorry to hear that. Makes me wonder who this guy will try to get banned next!
You'd have to check with Vinny, but I believe it requires a goat sacrifice... and possibly proof that you were abducted by aliens at least once.
Catching up to this thread late... good luck, TrailGators!
My dogs know better than to try that with me. What about the Snooglet?
*spits out coffee reading* Don't DO that!
Has a cache description, or title, or BOTH......
Sioneva replied to Snoogans's topic in General geocaching topics
I've had a cache named for me. I've been used as a hint for one cache. And I've reciprocated by naming caches for others, directly, or indirectly. But then, I'm in an area where geocachers get together weekly, so it's easy to know people well enough to make fun of them. Or vice versa. -
why do people lie about their numbers
Sioneva replied to wbsecore's topic in General geocaching topics
Please do not feed the troll. -
How do I get my virtual event cache approved?