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Everything posted by Sioneva

  1. Earthshaker, what part of Nebraska are you in? Which WMA was this? Thanks.
  2. I'll be the (very?) unpopular grinch here. What about those of us who don't care one tiny little bit about the maps? I can't be the only one who only wants to hunt and hide tupperware. I have zero interest in painting "pretty" maps, or paying extra to support them. Support whatever you want, but leave Jeremy out of it. Oh, I know! I know! We could make a third level of membership! Regular, then premium, then something else... hmmmm.... *thinks* PLATINUM! Gee, aren't I original? All joking aside, I'd gladly pay a bit extra to keep the pretty maps... as someone dreaming of completing the Nebraska 93 County and Delorme Challenges, they are invaluable!
  3. But I like pretty colors. Ooooooh.
  4. Flying into Baltimore on May 9, joining up with sibling cachers American Peasant and the Brother, and making a crazy 800 mile drive to St. Augustine, then a day or two later, moving on to the Keys. Maybe camp at Dry Tortuga State Park off the coast. So I imagine there'll be a lot of opportunity to pick off caches in the southern states as we drive, even if just PNGs at rest stops! Man, I can't wait.
  5. How do the Florida Keys measure up? I'm going vacationing for a week there in May!
  6. Huh? Why resurrect a 7 years old dead thread?
  7. I've had a cache thrown in the trash twice - a /big/ ammo can, clearly marked with a geocaching sticker and "do not remove". Fortunately, it's in a rec area where permission was required to hide it - and the staff is extremely helpful! Both times they have retrieved it from the trash and contacted me to let me know to pick it up at their offices. I've disabled the cache, am pondering whether to try putting it back again. I hate the idea of archiving this cache, since it's one of a pair of puzzle caches that I worked hard on. So I'm still considering.
  8. Latest note from the cache in question - it has been disabled now. [cachehider] - To eliminate any further Crocodile tears, I am temp disabling the cache. The snow will inhibit its repair, but will be done soon. Well, there you go. Crocodiles are cachers, too.
  9. I apologize if I'm bring up an old topic, but... I'm tentatively planning a roadtrip to FL in May, mostly between St. Augustine and Key West. What are some caches out there that are 'must-dos' along the I-95/US 1 corridor? Thanks!
  10. [logged as a note] March 27 by tellstruth (510 found) Found first stage. No luck on second stage. Not sure if this could be called a find. [view this log on a separate page] [logged as a find] March 25 by blametheteensandtakeasmilie#2 (109 found) Did this one with blamethefireantsandtakeasmilie and blametheteensandtakeasmilie#1. The first stage was easy, we grabbed the cords and headed off to the next site while trying not to step in crab holes. Came across several teenagers who seemed startled and had a certain odor about them. We headed on to ground zero and searched many times with no luck, after 15 minutes we called it quits and assume this one has been compromised. Will count as a find. [view this log on a separate page] [logged as a find] March 25 by 121 blamethefireantsandtakeasmilie(130 found) We too found stage 1 but, after 45 mins. with both of us scouring GZ to death with dead on readings (and fire ants up the wazoo), we did not locate a final. Based on prior logs we felt the final may have been plundered so we opted to claim a find as well. Quite the crab haven between stages, adding to the fun of the cache. Thanks! [view this log on a separate page] [logged as a find] March 25 by blametheteensandtakeasmilie#1 (103 found) Found 1st cache with coordinates. Followed them to second site. There were a lot of young locals in the area. Don't want to guess at what that were doing. Due to situation there we will claim find, as there was no cache at the final destination. [view this log on a separate page]
  11. Dr. StrangeCache... or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Nano.
  12. No, no, it feels better!
  13. No, it's only MOSTLY dead. Go through the pockets and look for spare change. (Talk about resurrection, this thread outdoes them all!)
  14. What? There's always a reason for not finding it. -- it's not there -- it's there but too well hidden for me to find -- it's there but I stupidly put the wrong coordinates in my GPS -- I just gave up -- it's there but it's covered by ice and frozen in place -- it might be there but there are too many people for me to extract it -- it's right near where it used to be but it fell down behind something or rolled under something No matter what the reason, no matter if it's there or not, if I didn't find it, it's a DNF. I agree with all the other people who agreed with each other already. I agree with your agreement with all the other people who agreed with each other already.
  15. It was the second stage of a multi, there would not have been a logbook, only the coords to the third stage. The third stage was not found and the logbook was not signed; ergo, it's either leave a note or a DNF. In either case, I agree about the 'needs maintenance'. Definitely do that.
  16. 2 hours south of you on I-29 and the only logbooks at events that I've seen are at Flashmobs.
  17. Wouldn't they shoot the ammo can? It might hold a black panther. Either that, or steal it when they run out of bullets.
  18. They told a cop they were going to start shooting at passing trucks on the highway, and the cop didn't do anything? Um... My first instinct would be to talk to the police, but...
  19. Ditto! (Well, not on the new to the game part.)
  20. The one time I found "bad" swag in the cache, I removed it and took it home. Oddly enough, the plastic bag full of wrapped and sealed York Peppermint Patties vanished mysteriously over the next few days, so I can't prove it.
  21. I, obviously, am from the state of Sion. Don't tell me you've never heard of it! I'm actually a Sionevite, but I thought Sioneva would be easier on y'all.
  22. Prospective platinum members are advised that, although this pickup line worked very well for Mopar, for most others it will likely cause a slap to the face. That explains a lot. Can I be platinum now?
  23. Is the secret password... "Ho! Are you a geocacher?"
  24. *scratches head* So there was no evidence "a grenade went off", to quote your first post? But you started this thread without even checking that first? And then you scold people for jumping to the "archive it" conclusion? I'm confused. Wouldn't it have been better to check first and post after, or not at all, since it doesn't seem warranted now?
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