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Everything posted by Sioneva

  1. I consider it a *mortal* insult to a cache hider if one is hidden within a mile of my house, and I'm not on it by the next day. That said, there are multiple caches within a 2 mile radius that I have not found, for varying reasons.
  2. Who is 'we' and what are we waiting for? A closet cache?
  3. The Force is strong in you, TrailGators.
  4. Careful! Don't put that in a cache!
  5. Falling into a deep creek *splash* *gasp* while out caching. Watching a fellow geocacher try to run across a muddy patch and finish the run in his sock feet. Boots stayed behind! Opening the door to Bag End when finding "The Hobbit Hole" cache. Trying to unlock a padlock in a dark tunnel/culvert while holding a flashlight. My friend getting hit by a bird who was in that same tunnel/culvert. Long days of caching followed by Mongolian BBQ in Lincoln, NE Conquering Frenchman's Mountain outside Las Vegas Guess what I'm trying to say is that another reason I cache is for the memories!
  6. All of the above, except #4; I don't have a wife. Add into that, losing at least 50 pounds since I started caching, being able to impress people who have lived in the area far longer with my knowledge of the cool, off the beaten track places, and being able to spend more time outdoors with my family. I've cached, at one time or other, with my father, my brother, two sisters, a niece and a nephew. Been very cool! Plus, it gives me an excuse to take off on impromptu camping trips all over the state. Who could ask for more?
  7. Actually, the religious right wing who try to discredit geological/scientific fact will say the opposite - that "satan made the rock look older" or "satan is deceiving scientists with the numbers derived from radiocarbon dating" - now if he really said "God made it look older" than he is more ignorant the most of the ignorants. Huh, that's the first time I've ever heard that, and I'm a card-carrying member of the 'religious right wing', except I lost my card. Are you sure you're not just making that up? Because most of us believe that God made the world, you see, not the devil. But maybe I'm just ignorant. I do know I'm offended at being labelled ignorant because I don't agree with you. I did not say YOU were ignorant, I just said people who go around saying that geological fact is the "work of the devil" as "he is deceiving you" are ignorant. And even more so, someone saying that God is the one making it "look old" is even more ignorant. If I must, I will dig up the article on how some right wing religious group who went out to the grad canyon and interrupted a tour when a park ranger was discussing the age of each layer of rock and they went of on their tirade about how it is al untrue, the Earth is only 6,000 years old and all scientific fact is are deceptions of the devil. So again, if I *MUST* I will reference that article. But again, I did not say YOU were ignorant, unless of course you agree with such nonsense (even the Catholic church and most non-canonical Christians agree that the science is correct). "Even" the Catholic Church, huh? Nice phrasing there. Whatever. Uhhp!! There it is! There it is! When all else fails, start it picking at grammar and taking things way out of context - very Fox News of you! I *KNOW* you understand what I was saying and I am not going to sit here and have to explain to anyone as if they were 4 year olds the context of that statement. If you are THAT eager to get on my ignore list, you just start playing that game. If not than lets continue to have a heated debate, but keep it at that. None of this petty Hannity/Limbaugh/Bortz/Savage garage. Oh, so that's what that nice little report button is for. Never used it before.
  8. And that is my point. For the record I'm not a Christain. If I am anything I'm a pagen or maybe a believer in the Great Spirit or, as I have been labled by Christian to my face, a heathan. I also think their message is.... off the mark (I'm trying to be nice here). I'm not saying the message is right or that you have to ascept it, I'm just saying you should just ingore the swag. Ignore the swag! And that is what YOU do. Why? Because it doesn't bother you. It is what I do. Why? Because it doesn't bother me either. But the whole purpose and point I am trying to make is what doesn't bother me or you, may bother others. So have a little respect when placing any type of these items to think "my this items possibly offend someone?" rather than "this items doesn't offend me, but if it offends someone else, they can just ignore it" I am sorry, I cannot agree with that mindset. I don't place religious swag, but this thread is tempting me to start. (Temptation does come from the devil, btw.) No, don't worry, I'm not going to do it, but I think the point here is that anything placed in a cache could be viewed as potentially offensive, if viewed critically. Have a FTF prize to a local steakhouse? Vegans could get offended - it shows a lack of respect. Right? Put in a toy globe? A member of the Flat Earth Society member could have a fit. And so on. If you don't like it, ignore it. Swag put in a cache isn't out to get you.
  9. Actually, the religious right wing who try to discredit geological/scientific fact will say the opposite - that "satan made the rock look older" or "satan is deceiving scientists with the numbers derived from radiocarbon dating" - now if he really said "God made it look older" than he is more ignorant the most of the ignorants. Huh, that's the first time I've ever heard that, and I'm a card-carrying member of the 'religious right wing', except I lost my card. Are you sure you're not just making that up? Because most of us believe that God made the world, you see, not the devil. But maybe I'm just ignorant. I do know I'm offended at being labelled ignorant because I don't agree with you. I did not say YOU were ignorant, I just said people who go around saying that geological fact is the "work of the devil" as "he is deceiving you" are ignorant. And even more so, someone saying that God is the one making it "look old" is even more ignorant. If I must, I will dig up the article on how some right wing religious group who went out to the grad canyon and interrupted a tour when a park ranger was discussing the age of each layer of rock and they went of on their tirade about how it is al untrue, the Earth is only 6,000 years old and all scientific fact is are deceptions of the devil. So again, if I *MUST* I will reference that article. But again, I did not say YOU were ignorant, unless of course you agree with such nonsense (even the Catholic church and most non-canonical Christians agree that the science is correct). "Even" the Catholic Church, huh? Nice phrasing there. Whatever.
  10. Actually, the religious right wing who try to discredit geological/scientific fact will say the opposite - that "satan made the rock look older" or "satan is deceiving scientists with the numbers derived from radiocarbon dating" - now if he really said "God made it look older" than he is more ignorant the most of the ignorants. Huh, that's the first time I've ever heard that, and I'm a card-carrying member of the 'religious right wing', except I lost my card. Are you sure you're not just making that up? Because most of us believe that God made the world, you see, not the devil. But maybe I'm just ignorant. I do know I'm offended at being labelled ignorant because I don't agree with you.
  11. The above poster does not speak for me, or the majority of geocachers, I would hope. I think it's an interesting idea, not "nonsense". But you still should clear it through Groundspeak! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed?
  12. I would delete the false find. They've had six days to do it themselves, and they haven't. But also email them again after you delete, explain what you did and why (again), and invite them back to search for the real cache.
  13. Yes Sioneva That is what i mean. I was going to put them into my cache just as I recieved them in the mail. Thanks for the help. -Nebraska- Anytime! I HAVE to ask, though. Why 'Nebraska'?
  14. A set of unactivated TB tags would be a good FTF prize, yes. Is that what you meant? Unactivated geocoins are also often used as well.
  15. To call my topic a "Whine"...is that the same as calling me a "Whiner"? <snip> *thinks about it* I suppose it is. If the shoe fits... anyway, I'm done. Oh, I see...I didn't notice you were from Nebraska. I'm from California, so we are all Whiners out here. We weren't tough enough to cut it in NE, so we all came out this way. Um, okay. If you say so. Actually, I'm from Vermont, so I must be extra tough. Interesting location you list since you're from Vermont. I suppose you can't see how I would think you were from Nebraska. Actually, what I can't see is what difference it makes where the heck I'm from. But I guess it does to you, somehow. *shrug*
  16. What an interesting signature line you have... 'If you're tired of Drive Up Micros...Don't "drive up" to them.' I could draw an analogy here, but since I'm a tough Nebraskan, I won't. I'll let others do it.
  17. Yeah, I kinda got that. That's always the trouble with grinding someone else's axe. They might start cutting down my favorite tree with it if I'm not careful. Which is why you should live in Nebraska! There ARE no trees.
  18. Oh we're only in early stages of angsty lunacy....I've seen it go much higher, much faster. BTW, I'm from Texas, so I'll just throw out that NONE of you are hardy enough to not be considered whiners. (still trying to figure out where that whole thought train came from) Not sure, but I'm getting a good laugh out of it now.
  19. To call my topic a "Whine"...is that the same as calling me a "Whiner"? <snip> *thinks about it* I suppose it is. If the shoe fits... anyway, I'm done. Oh, I see...I didn't notice you were from Nebraska. I'm from California, so we are all Whiners out here. We weren't tough enough to cut it in NE, so we all came out this way. Um, okay. If you say so. Actually, I'm from Vermont, so I must be extra tough.
  20. To call my topic a "Whine"...is that the same as calling me a "Whiner"? <snip> *thinks about it* I suppose it is. If the shoe fits... anyway, I'm done.
  21. This is the whine that never ends... it just goes on and on, my friends...
  22. If its that big of a deal, maybe they need to get more reviewers. As I understand it, there are a number of people who would like to do it, but GS is so picky they only invite a select few. Maybe they need to invite more so they don't have reviewers talking about how much work it is. FireRef, please give it a rest. You said you were out of the thread, so why are you still in it, attacking the reviewers? They're doing their job volunteer work. Are you going to jump on every thead and twist it to yor own agenda (oh, that word!), because you are still upset over that one thread? The reviewers are doing a great job. No, they're not perfect. But they are doing what they're supposed to do here. Enough said. Please.
  23. Will move to PMs or email to spare everyone else - which would you prefer?
  24. Michael said removed at owner's request. Also note that in Michael's archival note, he stated that the owner picked up the cache. Why would the owner remove the cache if it wasn't his choice to archive it? Because that's what you should do with archived caches, regardless of why they were archived?
  25. Well, if they don't fight, people would conclude that the ex-cache owner knew Groundspeak was right, and gave in. So whatever way you slice it, Groundspeak is always right, by that reasoning. And no, I'm not saying whether I agree with the OP or not... this is just an observation.
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