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Everything posted by Sioneva

  1. But if there cache is restricted, I would asume they want it private. (I still don't understand that one). If I left my cache in the same place, it would ruin this for her. At the same time I can't move my cache as its a puzzle cache and I would have to reconfigure the puzzle. I don't know enough about letterboxes to say what "restricted" means. Maybe you could add another step onto the puzzle cache, an offset from the current final coords? Something like "go to the coordinates, then proceed x number of paces at angle y?" Just a thought. I'd hate to have to redo my puzzle, but it looks like I might have to. Or archive it. Site is likely underwater atm.
  2. It's restricted. How do I contact the owner? I guess this means that its not geolitter and I can put it back, now what does that mean for my cache? This isn't the first time this has happened - GCR68D has a letterbox very close by, hidden within the same structure, and it has caused a lot of confusion on the part of finders. You might want to amend the description of your cache to make sure people know what kind of container they are looking for... assuming that that's not part of the puzzle. Though that might not be enough. In the case of the cache I mentioned, the letterbox was in tupperware, the cache owner stated that his cache was a magnetic keholder, and people were still logging the wrong thing. You might consider moving the location of the final, if this continues to be an ongoing problem?
  3. Looks like you took somebody's letterbox. It would be nice if you returned it and found another spot for your cache. He was there first. I agree. I'm not sure why someone would ever take something that obviously wasn't theirs. What goes around, comes around.... I'm afraid this cacher seems to have a slight problem with the concept of ownership. Or perhaps it is simply a "my way or the highway" viewpoint on life.
  4. When I was a kid, and even more today, I always dreamed of having a house with secret passages and rooms. The House of Seven Gables in MA was always cool because it had one - I never went there for the museum stuff. MAN, I want this house! Do they give tours? That'd be worth a trip just in itself!
  5. Beware of Vinny!
  6. My goal is to meet Vinny and Sue one day and log one of their Psycho or Puzzle caches. Seriously. Though, given my general wimpy state, it'll probably have to be one of the Puzzle ones. This makes me sad.
  7. I did. But I really wanted to read it, so... Oh... well... Sionevil, in your case, you, and you only, were required to log into the site, but only as part of my elaborate and sophisticated worldwide network which allows me to geo-stalk you 24 hours per day! Keep those 2 AM Autovon-sourced calls coming! Oh, but I am wearing my tinfoil underwear! I was promised it would mess with your signal! *heavy sigh* It is /impossible/ to get high quality these days... Hey, would you build me a puzzle house, Vinny, m'luv? You told me you'd do /anything/ to stop me calling, after all.
  8. I did. But I really wanted to read it, so...
  9. The numbers! The numbers are bad! (As I work on my 100 day streak, the 93 County Challenge, and reaching my 1000th by the end of the year... yes, I know.)
  10. There's almost always a trail or road that you will not see until you've bushwhacked to the cache site.
  11. what i'm doing HERE is having a great deal of fun with this issue. happily, this addlepated practice hasn't reached my neighborhood. with a few well-placed jabs, maybe people will think twice about bringing it in. you've heard of hyperbole, right? Nope, I'm too stupid. (That's called sarcasm, by the way.)
  12. You also don't get it. It's not about giving someone a false honor of being FTF. It's about placing a cache in their honor celebrating some milestone. I'm sure that claiming a FTF is the farthest thing from the honoree's mind. They are just proud to log a cache placed acknowledging them. As stated before, asking that others let that person be the FTF that cache is like asking people invited to a birthday party not to eat the cake before the birthday person blows out the candles. Every cache published belongs to some individual, not to the public. They placed the cache so the public could enjoy finding it. I don't understand what is wrong in honoring any request they might make. Throwing a fit in the middle of the floor like a 3 year old, is exactly how it sounds...childish. El Diablo I agree. I also think it is childish and frankly very mean to start insulting the person being honored by implying that they are stupid and need to have their hand held or their shoelaces tied for them, because someone else chooses to honor them this way. If you can ignore the cache, why can't you ignore this thread, rather then outright insulting the hider or the finder? Oops, time to call Vinny again...
  13. Well, here's my entry, such as it is... this was taken at the 4th Annual Kearney GeoPicnic last year in Nebraska, GC13ZZQ. I'm on the left, 'Lucky Tom' is right next to me - poor guy lost his head in all the excitement...
  14. It's got my vote! I cache with friends a lot, and this would be very handy!
  15. Let us know how it goes, and if you need any more help! Though anyone with a caching name of biscuits&gravy is obviously starting out on the right foot! Mmmmm!
  16. Sure. I'll give you the answer I gave you before. Privately emailing the cache owner prevents this sort of situation from springing up. Maybe you should try that. As for the existing situation - ask a reviewer to remove the other person's notes, and don't be surprised if yours are removed as well. Your personal inquiries about the cache don't belong on the cache page... if you put a note like that on one of my caches, I'd probably email you the answer, and might or might not delete the note, depending on the phrasing. Only I'll add in a bit of advice about losing the attitude... it's not going to help you in the long run. Now I have to go back on the base... time to call Vinny again! Edited to add: It's one thing to post a note like that if you've looked for a cache and haven't found it; it's an entirely different matter to post that sort of note before you've even looked for the cache!
  17. Neither Sue nor I have never hit such a problem in our several years of geocaching across many states in the USA and in four other countries as well. My gut sense is that 99% of the response you are seeing is likely due to the tone of your messages and perhaps the way in which you post them, since you have apparently stated that you post many of these queries as notes on cache listing pages rather than via PMs or emails (if the cache owner discloses their email address on their profile page.) Remember the old adage: we reap what we sow? Lastly, much as the very much adorable CurmudgeonlyGal has noted, your use of the term "geo-stalkers" is way overboard and the appellation simply does not match the behaviors that you have described. Is someone here perhaps having a bit of a drama queen day? Does someone like histironics? Vinny is right. As someone who has been geo-stalking him for years, I have only ever once posted a note to any of his caches... and that was under special circumstances. Emailing the cache owner privately works best for all, I've found. Plus, it doesn't draw the moderator's attention, or gum up GSAK files. I look forward to many more happy years geo-stalking Vinny.
  18. My longest streak IS my current streak - 13 days and counting. And yes, I was wearing clothing!
  19. Oh, definitely!!
  20. I really have to try this! The PDA is so big and clunky to carry around, if I could use my iPod instead, that would be really neat!
  21. Never mind the negativity. I remember placing my first cache - I kept eagerly checking my email every five minutes to see if someone had found it yet. Mine was a large tupperware container hidden in a sizeable rock pile - another cache placement people typically hate. Didn't matter. It was still a thrill to have people find it. I hope you get as much fun out of your first hide.
  22. I drive a Civic, so while it still hurts, I get good gas mileage. Took off on a solo 450 mile trip on Saturday, and the wind was blowing my little car all over the road - there are drawbacks to have a small car, too. For that portion of the trip, I burned twice as many mpg. I think I'm going to start biking to work - it's only 4 miles, it's good exercise, and it saves on gas! Just have to actually buy the bike.
  23. My brother's name is Tom. Coincidence? I think NOT!!!! I love Vinny.
  24. That happened to one of my caches recently. It's still disabled until I can get out there with a new ammo can.
  25. Oh, great! Bulk logging of the same text to multiple cache pages. Just what I like to see... This is a great bulk-find-logging site. I use this site to log my 20,000 to 80,000 new finds after each cross-country trip which I make via commercial jet airliner, as it is my practice to log a find on every cache within 100 miles to each side of the flight path, since I was within line-of-sight of the caches. Well, lookie there! I knew Vinny liked me! He/she/it just gave me my first chance to Markwell! Regarding line of sight caches
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