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Everything posted by maldar
I didn't feel right taking full price to a coin that was nicked-up in shipping, or had some other flaw I thought was sub-par. One of the reasons I'm not using that mint again. For the most part the coins are in good shape, even the Fair, but I have standards. Being a collector of various collectibles over the years I thought this was best. Just trying to be an honest merchant. I hope in the future this doesn't happen again or the mint will be more willing to correct their mistakes. maldar
I'm offically opening up the store for the Regular Sale of the 10 Commandments of Geocaching Geocoin. Click Here to enter the store If you have any questions please email me as I check that more. If you want it addressed publicly post your question here, but you will have to wait longer for a reply. I normally check both email and the forums after I get back from work, ~9pm. Sometimes it may take longer as I'm not a Troll of the Forums. Thanks, maldar
Emails sent out to those that have emailed me prior to the above post. Please check your email. I will be posting the website to the store tomarrow night after I get home from work, ~9pm EST. maldar
Finally got PayPal to work correctly on the website. Coins will go on regular sale by the weekend. Those that have contacted me about coins will be getting an email in the next day or two about ordering. Only those that have contacted me prior to this post will be getting this email, everyone else will have to wait until the weekend. Thanks, maldar
Just sent you a message Mission #1 maldar - person 1. Participating: Email sent 2008, Oct 08 2. Received Name: 3. Mission Complete: 4. Package Received!: Mission #2 Mayonaka - Male Black Cat - Pet 1. Participating: Email sent 2008, Oct 08 2. Received Name: 3. Mission Complete: 4. Package Received!: Mission #3 Neko-chan - Female Black Cat - Pet 1. Participating: Email sent 2008, Oct 08 2. Received Name: 3. Mission Complete: 4. Package Received!: Thanks for the mission, maldar
I want to thank you for this information. They sent me an email today advertising their pins and other items. The name seems familar and I came searching for this thread. Now I'll avoid them when I get my coin/pin combo made. Thanks again, maldar
Yeah, more arriving is good to hear. The Thank You cards are just a small way for me to show my thanks and apologize for the delaly. You all were so accommodating during that time. I really need to get that cancer pin/coin done as well as a secret project for someone else. One that is not related to the secret that I gave a peek of earlier. WOW, so many secrets so little time maldar
I don't really know how I fell about the log. On one hand it is a beta-test, but on the other we all know that the GPSr only gets you within 20-30 feet most of the time and then you still need to find the cache. He found the spot that it was to be place and then it was placed. Same basic thing, just a bit different. maldar
I would never torture someone with a candy creme like candy corn. That stuff is gross and is most likely toxic. You all can keep that which you like, I'll stick with my dark chocolate. Oh, and not a coin for me since I got that package of 250 coins. maldar
Personally I don't think that the art on the coin is anything special. Being a fan of fantasy art I am appalled that you call those "demons"; they are only cherebs that had their wings plucked off and replaced with bat wings. I'm really sick of seeing cheap clip art coins. Personally something like the following would be better: A demon should look like one, not some genetic mishap at the chereb factory. In a separte note I do think that announcing this coin here is just a shameless plug for your company, and reflects poorly on both it and you. After all that has happened here I'll be surprised if your company will survive, not that I wish you any ill, but just being realistic. You have a deep hole to find a way out of and if you manage to do so it will be a long and hard road. Expect many more of your coin thread to have similar post. Just because you have a new account does not mean you get to have a new start. Sorry that you had a divorce and all, and that you still feel something for her, but that will pass. It took me close to 2 years after a break-up to realize I was fooling myself. Maybe it will be different for you. maldar
Buy some of Larry's coins, they are cheap and nice to look at for the price. The ones I have traveling always get a comment on how cute they are every other log or so. maldar
It looks like all the domestic shipments have arrived except 2-3, there are a couple that I cannot track due to not using PayPal mailing services for them although they do have insurance on them. I don't know if the international orders will update with the customs form #, but I hope they do something. If you have not received your package by your Monday delivery and live in the U.S.A. please contact me and I will see if it is one for which I have information. Thanks, maldar
LOL, I was planning on sending you a 4 coin set before I even had the samples made; then BrierPatch emails me with his request and I'm like, WOW, SURE THING. Everyone has been commenting on the weight and size. I think now that they have them in had they realize why the shipping was more, as it was a topic of discussion during the pre-sales. It is hard to impart size and weight in a pic. Glad that more coins are arriving and everyone seem happy thus far. I'll be really happy when I see the international orders showing up. maldar
Rod my friend, how could I not do something special for you? LOL, I had it in my head to do that before I even got samples made. Hehe!!!! I cannot wait for the post from the other person to be surprized. maldar ps tell the mail lady sorry for me, LOL!!!!!!!
I am so happy that people are happy with their coins. Hopefully the coins I mint in the future will get such a reaction. As I have posted earlier I have plans for 6-8 coins either on paper or in my head floating around. Though they will be regular sized coins for the most part. Thanks again to all those who ordered pre-sale coins. I also hope to have the website ready for regular sales by the weekend. Thanks again, maldar
I think you should do this as soon as possible and place a link to that thread in BOLD LARGE RED LETTERS stating to click on the link to discuss this thread and to only post about delays in this thread. There will be a few discussion post still posted here, as people won't read the thread completely, but I think we can handle them as they appear. Thank you Eartha, you da MOD! maldar
Yes, there are some left and I will be posting here when I get the website's ordering page finished. Right now I'm installing XP on my mom's and niece's new computers. I made a newb error earlier with the jumpers on the hard drives, but fixed that and now just have to reinstall everything. maldar
Cool, and yours was one of the ones that shipped in the second batch; except that it was priority mail so it would be faster than 1st class. I'm so happy that they are arriving. It's nice that today is my day off and tomarrow I only have to work until 3pm, so I can see these post as they roll-in. maldar PS Thanks John for getting me my TEAL eBay star.
Thank you Naomi. You and everyone here have been really kind in this whole endevour. I was in the middle of designing this coin when the whole pre-sale issue came to the forefront and I almost decided not to mint the coin. I'm really happy that people trusted me enough to take a chance and that I was able to deliver the coins even with the delay. I hope that buyers will point the vendors they are having problems with to this thread and say, "Look, he told us what is happening; it's his first time. Why can't you give us better information?" It is just a thought, and I hope we will see more threads like this one from others in the future. I realize that vedors may have personal issues that arise, but I think if they breifly state the fact of the issue people will be willing to wait quietly as long as there is some communication. Take the fact that my mom had a couple strokes last year, she's doing fine now, but if that happened while I was working on this thing could have been different. But I think people here would say, "Be with your mom, we can wait", and the like. People are understanding creatures; when told what is happening they can try to relate to what the person is going through. If there is no communication they can only see it as the person running off with their money. I would feel the same way and still do in one of my eBay trasactions I never received. I'll get off my soap box now and would like to hear what others think. maldar
I just checked on the status of the packages and I think that they should start hitting mail boxes tomarrow or the next day. Some that have shipped with the first batch are still not showing any activity, but I know that they don't always scan every single package except when it is delivered. Cannot wait to see them in the mail box thread. maldar
I cannot speak for Eartha, but here is what I think. If you can contacted the vendor 2+ times and they give you a reply similar to, "No Update as of this time", "We don't know what is happening", etc; and seems like some sort of stock reply then I would say they are not communicating and to post something here. Personally I think a business needs to be more open, to a point, and communicate what is happening. If they made a mistake then just say so and be done with the excuses. I did this with my coin recently as you can read in it's thread, I made some errors and I explained that to people. More than one user told me how happy they were in my updates in the thread and in emails. Those comments helped lift a weight on my shoulders and made me try harder to get things going faster. I cannot understand how some of these coins can be so far behind. I had issues and it was my first coin, but these here are 1/3 of a year or more behind and that is disturbing to me. I totally think this thread is a great idea and cannot wait to see how it works out with all the issues that have been going on. Thanks, maldar
I would suggest making such a thread to really be a sub-board in the Geocoin Discussions Board and then each vendor or trader would have their own thread started. Personally I like this idea, even though I had a delay in minting and shipping my coins. In the end I think that everyone will be happy with their coins. I have never had a bad experiance thus far, but I have purchased very few coins. While on the other hand I have 6 coin designs I think people will like floating around in my head. maldar
You could solve this by making a mathmatical formula based on number of coins minted, time in business, number of positive feedback and negative feedback. A person could leave multiple feedback, but only one feedback per coin minted. All feedback would be used to calculate the rating since each different coin is a new experiance. maldar
Last of the Pre-orders where sent out today. I'm still working on grading the rest of the coins and setting prices for the remainder of the coins. Once I have the page set-up for regular orders I will post here again. Thanks again to those that have pre-ordered and waited this bumby ride out and to those that have expressed an interest in the coin after the pre-sales. Thanks, maldar
Ran into a small SNAFU, international orders will be delayed until next week. Paypal's shipping service does not allow for 1st Class shipping for international orders; they only have priority and express services. That being the case I will be heading to the post office on my next day off to send out the international orders. I also ran out of Flat Rate Priority envelops so there are 2 people that will get their order delayed until I can pick some up, hopefully tonight if the lobby is open and there are some inside. The 2 people that this affects are the 2 that placed and paid for their 2 orders separatly. Next time I'll pick up more than what I think I need. Sorry for the delay, maldar edit: spelling and extra info