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Everything posted by rhodesisland

  1. QUOTE: Guys... I have a "lot" of coins that I would like to sell. This forum isn't very "buyer-friendly". Has anybody ever thought of opening up a geocoin auction page on Facbook? I have recently become addicted to disc golf and we have a "dollar disc golf auction" on facebook. It has a realy nice system to it. If I created the page, would anybody like to help admin it? Actually I thought the point of this board was TRADING not selling, although some of us are certainly very willing to buy as I have very little to "trade" with, but my point is that this board was never intended to be to be a buyer-friendly auction site. But I'm certainly willing to go elsewhere to purchase--I visit the e-place often! However, I don't have a Facebook account so can't go there.
  2. I have hosted three CITO events and am planning my fourth; it's an annual event for me. Here on Guam we gather, sign the log, have raffle prizes, play a few games, clean the park/beach, and then have potluck. Everyone seems to have a good time! I contact our local EPA office for trash bags and logs, the local parks and rec waive the pavilion rental for us and sometimes I can make arrangements for the Mayor's office to haul the trash to the dump! I also make sure we separate the recyclables from the trash. I haul out the recyclables. What I'm looking for now are ideas for "event games"--I'm out of anything fresh and fun. Any ideas?!
  3. Glad you got one! When I wen there they were out of stock.
  4. That coin is still available for sale here; http://shop.spacecoastgeocachers.com/Space-Shuttle-Geodesic-Geocoin-Polished-Gold-2011-PG.htm WONDERFUL! Thanks! Not sure if you are also looking for the commemorative space shuttle geocoin but it can also be found at the same site; http://shop.spacecoastgeocachers.com/Space-Shuttle-Geocoin-1656.htm seems it actually out of stock there!
  5. OOOH! Me too! Though I'd prefer the black finish!!
  6. Any word on an all black "lump of coal" Mask for XMas???
  7. DITTO everything MrsB says. Perfect answer, nothing more need be said.
  8. OOH! I want one of those too! Any plating and preferably unactivated!
  9. Thanks for asking, Maconb! I've been trying to figure it out myself! Thanks for the great answer, Keystone!
  10. Ditto Steben6. Exactly my thoughts about your situation.
  11. I don't know but I'm going to try to relieve him of this one!
  12. no. but I also now have a second nickel version! Let's put them up on the eplace and see whose sells for more!
  13. My first UJ mask from the Swag place (pre-ordered) had the black nickel on the face. After hearing there might be another one, I went back there and ordered another from them. This second one does NOT have the black nickel. I also read here that there were some for sale at the eplace. Looking at the pictures there, they appeared to also be nickel on the face not black; so I bought one of those too. It also does NOT have black on its face. There are definitely two different UJ coins and the swag place has had both. Anyone have an explanation!?
  14. ljay, now don't you be posting MY pin here! I'm hoping to see it in the mail in a few weeks! Thanks!
  15. sent you an email.
  16. And you're asking how much? Could you post it's picture so that I can confirm it's the one I need? Thanks.
  17. Do you have the yellow/blue pin of the Geoswag Mardi-Gras Venetian Mask geocoin? If so let me know.
  18. Here is the pic of the UJ coin now available at "the swag place". It seems a bit different to me--notice the flowers on the hat--but that might be just lighting. Oopss....I forgot that I don't know how to add pictures from my computer....well see it here: http://www.geoswag.com/venetian-mask-union-jack.html BTW, can someone tell me how to add pics to a post?!?!
  19. So, apparently I'm a little late at seeking this coin, but I'd really like an Oregon Garmin Geocoin. That's the GPSr I use and would love to have its coin. Only trade I have is a limited edition unactivated Guam Geocoin, but I am willing to buy what I need. Thanks!
  20. There have been a few times that I've run into other cachers while looking for a cache and my favorite line to "introduce" myself is, "So. Found it yet?" That always makes folks smile! Just this summer I used it on a young family looking for their very first cache! They were amazed to meet someone with over 600 finds! It was great!
  21. I may be wrong (I often am), but I don't think there are two different versions. I think the pics on ebay from one particular seller are just a bit washed out, making the black nickel look lighter. I confirmed with one seller that it is black nickel on the face highlights like his picture shows. The other sellers have not yet gotten back with me. One of the other sellers got back to me and said that the face highlights on his coin are nickel. Soooo looks like a black nickel on gold coin and a nickel on gold coin. Was one specific for the Olympics or something? There are just too many variations of these.... Ladybee, did you find this brushed nickel UK coin at the Swag place? I found one on ebay. A little pricey, too. Don't have the coin in hand yet, but the picture clearly shows the face with nickel (not black nickel) on it. We'll see when it comes! Don't know why they are different and can't find an explanation. The one with black nickel on the face is still on sale at geoswag.com. I'm still not sure that the one at the swag place is different from what I already have, but I'll gamble the $ on it and IF it is a repeat I'll just donate at the next geoevent in my area.
  22. I may be wrong (I often am), but I don't think there are two different versions. I think the pics on ebay from one particular seller are just a bit washed out, making the black nickel look lighter. I confirmed with one seller that it is black nickel on the face highlights like his picture shows. The other sellers have not yet gotten back with me. One of the other sellers got back to me and said that the face highlights on his coin are nickel. Soooo looks like a black nickel on gold coin and a nickel on gold coin. Was one specific for the Olympics or something? There are just too many variations of these.... Ladybee, did you find this brushed nickel UK coin at the Swag place?
  23. if you're referring to the round pin on my post, it's not a geocoin...it's a pin made for the event that was held in pittsburgh AHA! that's what it is! So, I'm looking for two pins the red mask pin, think it was from a coin club site, and the round Pittsburgh event pin! Any for sale?? Yeppers! Those are the ones I'm still hoping to get my hands on! Interested in selling?? the pittsburgh event was sponsored by the DresselDragons...you might try contacting them...the event was also where i got the coin club pin
  24. Are you talking about the round pin in drneal's picture? And the small red and blue pin in the bottom right of his picture? Neither one of these were trackable. The two small pins (masks) came with the club coin and the Geoswag event versions. I had never seen the round one either, but drneal said it was a pin given out at the Pittsburgh event. Yep those are the ones I'm looking for! I was joking about the "activation".
  25. if you're referring to the round pin on my post, it's not a geocoin...it's a pin made for the event that was held in pittsburgh AHA! that's what it is! So, I'm looking for two pins the red mask pin, think it was from a coin club site, and the round Pittsburgh event pin! Any for sale??
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