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Posts posted by docdigit

  1. It is fast - really fast, it certainly filters far quicker than GPXSonar, also it can connect to a GPS (Bluetooth or wired) and work out how far caches are from that point.


    ...and as stated above, it is available for the PPC 2002! I just got it and won't be using it as a stand-alone GPSr, but just for paperless. I already like what it does! :laughing:



  2. Ah, but do you call them every day and talk with Scott or one of his co-horts? Have you told them that at the exact point of turn around time that they promised you expect a full and complete refund if the repaired unit isn't on it's way back to you? Did you talk with the service manager...twice? It took them EXACTLY 12 days and that is because they overnighted my unit to me.



  3. Vinny, you missed my favorite one about the sky diving for that balloon cache and the fighter jets...


    Seriously, I worry about the same thing. I have been able to go only a few times myself and take my little ones. Around here we have a major meth problem. The only advice I can give you is be aware of where you are, if it looks like the cache is in an area that could be a problem like that, move on. Open the cache first like everyone says. Most of them are small enough that you can shield the contents for a moment or two with your body (in case there is something really strange in there.) I think after a couple of finds, you will have a feel for it and not worry so much (I can tell the ones I will try with the kids and the ones that I will skip now.)



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