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Everything posted by fendmar

  1. Imagine while we are all stuck in our caves the creepy crawlies (pathogens) festering while waiting to be released on an unsuspecting public when the mm decides to free us all from our current prisons. Will it spread faster or kill more than corona? Keeping people in confined spaces for long periods has always been a breeding ground for all sorts of fun things. It could be being delivered as I type this. When do you think the last time that delivery van was disinfected? How about the warehouse? The manufacturing equipment? The materials suppliers? Anyone think the restaurant where you are anxiously waiting to reschedule that event is taking this time to thoroughly clean all their equipment? Are we entering a new age of germaphobia/xenophobia? Should we be? The potential has always been there, what is a proper level of precaution that still allows a society to function? I am fairly certain we have far exceeded that and I am not convinced all of it has been in the interest of public safety.
  2. I think most of the pathtag people I remember were just happy for someone to pick up and have their tags. Unless of course it was some kind of pathtag trading cache.
  3. So is all of this setting a precedent on how we as a society deal with things in the future like the flu which has historically racked up a way higher kdr than I expect the Wuhan virus ever will? Imagine shutting down the globe every fall for six months while waiting for this season's flu to pass and hoping that this season isn't a repeat of 1918. If any of the current panic is justified then that absolutely would be too for all the same reasons. I guess just to be on the safe side all public gatherings of any size be hearby outlawed in perpetuity for the good of mankind. Something that keeps nagging at me. After returning home from my government recommended exercise I find that while living in the fourth largest city in the US I can tune in to my local networks for the latest corona coverage and find that all my local news teams (and national for that matter) seem to be oblivious to the single greatest global health crisis in the history of mankind since they continue to air their regular schedule instead of 24/7 updates like they do for so many far more insignificant happenings. The saddest thing in all of this is the devastating impact it is going to have on the most economically vulnerable in our society for years to come. That damage is going to be very real.
  4. I always figured I could carve a smiley face into the end of a pencil eraser and use that.
  5. I have heard a lot of words from politicians and others. Lately (well really never ) I am not convinced they are concerned with anything other than advancing their own self interests including with regards to this particular situation.
  6. Fifty (The CDC's arbitrary number) is kind of high for many geocaching events. You just never know how many are gonna show with cachers. Regardless it's starting to seem that many venues won't be open to host anyway. I am still leaning toward a lot of this being media driven panic. Unfortunately the possibility of this mutating into something like the Spanish Flu is there.
  7. Now the powers that be may consider blanket cancelling events... https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/large-events/mass-gatherings-ready-for-covid-19.html
  8. Again I have to ask is this your opinion as a healthcare professional?
  9. How new are they, because I feel like that might be pertinent?
  10. They are probably using the search feature which shows distance and bearing to the caches in the results including PMO. From there it is just a matter of putting in different sets of coords until you find the numbers.
  11. Can someone please help me understand the definition of a "full log". Pictures would be great!
  12. Please post a video of your launch! What a great way to honor this achievement.
  13. A fairy ring made of mushrooms spotted near Sugar Land ages ago.
  14. Also called a white rainbow.
  15. Some time ago while caching in the Katy, Tx area with a geobuddy, we found a little kid (maybe 2 or 3 yo) in his pj's running alone down the street in forty degree weather. He was just as happy as could be. After a little coaxing he was able to point out his house and we knocked on the door to have the presumed mother quickly snatch the kid up and take him inside without much of a thank you. Does that count as a body?
  16. You know you can just replace the container yourself.
  17. I feel like the search box on the main page should return results for TB's, too.
  18. I think those two examples you gave are acceptable. I am sure someone will point out the error of my ways.
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