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Everything posted by macas_team

  1. macas_team


    La verdad es que me encanta la idea de este caché y me parece muy pero que muy original. Sin embargo, la principal pega que le veo (y ya lo han comentado antes) es que es muy difícil que nos demos cuenta de que existe ya que sólo los que están cerca de él lo verán (o como yo de casualidad en este foro). Creo que el dividirlo en 17 partes, además, tiene el aliciente del reto de encontrarlos todos (se supone que ahora sólo deberíamos firmar el de nuestra comunidad, no?). Este caché pasa a la lista de misteries pendientes de resolver de los MaCas. :-) Saludos. Jesus
  2. Ok, genial entonces... :-) Gracias a todos por vuestros comentarios (públicos y privados). Un saludo. Jesus (macas_team)
  3. Buenas. Según tenía entendido, un evento (para ser considerado como tal) debía tener un mínimo de 5 "equipos?" que hagan un attended (ésto me lo comentaron en algun encuentro cachetero hace tiempo). He visto eventos en que habiendo un par de asistentes, se han anotado el evento. Alguien sabe qué dice la norma con respecto a un evento normal? (he buscado información, pero no he encontrado nada así que a lo mejor no hay un mínimo). Muchas gracias Jesus (MaCas_Team)
  4. A nosotros nos pasa lo mismo... Me he dado cuenta (por si sirve de ayuda) que si hago el log por la mañana, falla... Y si hago el log por la tarde funciona y me da el souvenir... De momento lo haremos así para no tener que borrar el log y darlo de alta otra vez. Un saludo Macas_Team
  5. One thing you can do is create a list of your solved puzzle caches and then generate a PQ of that list. Save the PQ to to your phone and the corrected coordinates will appear there just fine. I know this is not the ultimate fix but it works pretty well until Groundspeak gets around to fixing the app. (Instead of goofing around with silly things like Challenges.) Thanks for your answer. I tested it and doesn't seems to work (probably I did something wrong). What I did was to create a Pocket Query (in fact I already had it) and store it in the saved lists. The solved caches have the coordinates changes manually in the website, but are not being reflected in the app. What am I doing wrong? (because if it works it's a very good solution for me). Meanwhile, I have found another application (using the API) that works perfectly with this issue. It's called L4C (looking for caches). I think the people of Groundspeak should take a look to it to get good ideas. Thanks again. Jesus
  6. This is the main problem. That the coordinates are not there (in the iPhone app). In the webpage works perfectly (in the map, the coordinates are the "real" ones).
  7. Yes. This is something similar to what I'm finding. Thanks. Really it's a solution. But now I discovered L4C (looking for caches) that is another app for iPhone. Is quite good and solves my problem perfectly. I'll wait for a final solution in the official application (because I like it). Thanks a lot for your answer. Jesus
  8. Hi all. There is a missing feature (or at least I can not find it) relates to the unknown caches. When you find the solution for an unknown, you have the option to change the coordinates to the real ones. In the web page, you find the New coordinates in the map and the old ones are "hidden" for the user. I normally use the iPhone App to search the caches and those New coordinates are not available (as coordinates of the cache), so what I'm doing is to copy the New coordinates as Field Note in the cache, copy to Google Maps in the iPhone and navigate to the cache. IT Will be great for me If once the coordinates are updated, they are considered for everything (maps, distancies,...). Thanks a lot for the hard work you're doing with this fantastic app. Jesús (macas_team)
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