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Everything posted by bertuz

  1. This is happening to me with all Geocaching pages, included the Forums. The loading never ends or it ends with a timeout.
  2. The issue is still there, yes. Can't see anything yet
  3. I have the same problem. I've just wrote to Geocaching HQ Support and they told me "You may need to log out of your Geocaching.com account, clear your browser's cookies and cache, then log back into your account. We also suggest trying a different browser.". Obviously, this doesn't work at all. I'm using updated Chrome.
  4. It would be nice to have this new "basic" feature. It's annoying to not receive any new log to your AL. You have to watch your AL every day to see if there's something new or not... +1 to that feature request!
  5. It would be great if we could be able to hide our own AL in the map, as well. Thanks!
  6. The new dashboard is broken for me as well, one more time. What is happening, Geocaching HQ?
  7. I only use the Browse Map, I don't want (and I don't like) the new Search Map
  8. Forced auto-renewal Premium Membership? Bye bye Premium, I will no longer be Premium!
  9. bertuz

    Serie ilegal

    100% de acuerdo con Moriarty y Llopmesquer. Que vivan la creatividad y los cachés divertidos y diferentes, siempre con sentido común Tela marinera con: ...y con:
  10. Muchas gracias por la info DeepButi! Moltes gràcies per la informació DeepButi!
  11. Buenas tardes a todos, Alguien sabe si se pierden los favoritos que hemos ido dando a cachés al largo del tiempo, cuando se deja de ser Premium? Si vuelvo a ser Premium de aquí unos meses, tendré los mismos favoritos o tendré que volver a darlos uno por uno a los cachés que me han gustado? Gracias!
  12. A mi también me interesaría tener el manual de Wherigo en español! Me gustaría crear algún caché Wherigo aventurero. Gracias!
  13. bertuz

    Order of caches

    Moun10Bike, are there any news from the bug you've entered for engineering to investigate? Any sollution? Thanks
  14. bertuz

    Order of caches

    Ok! Thanks Moun10Bike! The users who found bugs in the geocaching website should be rewarded with a free premium membership!
  15. bertuz

    Order of caches

    Hi? Nobody (from geocaching.com) is checking the bug?
  16. bertuz

    Order of caches

    Thanks Pup Patrol! I successfully changed my milestone! The ordenation bug is still ON.
  17. bertuz

    Order of caches

    Hi! I found 7 caches in 2nd June. I logged the two first caches that I found the same day, 2n June. Today, 5th June, I logged the 5 other caches (geocaching.com date selector format is new!) What happens? The 2 first caches appears in the list like the 2 last caches! My milestone number 300 is wrong, and the order of the last 7 caches too! It's like: <-(older) 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,1st,2nd (new)-> Maybe it's for the last update in geocaching.com website (changes in the date selector format in the register page of a new found).
  18. Bye bye Premium Membership (from Catalonia, Europe). I'm not going to pay more for the same service in US
  19. Abans d'ahir vaig anar a fer-ne un de molt tenebrós, com el seu nom indica, prop de Barcelona. L'afegeixo a la llista! Tenebrae Algú en sap més d'aquest estil?
  20. bertuz


    L'etapa 19 de la Carrera del Segle ja està en el 20è lloc dels mysteris més difícils del món, segons el Geocheck. Mystery Machine, si llegeixes això... dona una petita pista (per molt petita que sigui) ja! Altrament... queda aproximadament un dia pel dret de salt
  21. bertuz


    Estem fets uns bons "detectius" Què podem fer amb aquests 6 rellotges "reals" que hi han? Bona observació! Lo altre està provat i reprovat i rereprovat...
  22. bertuz


    Creieu que hi ha alguna relació amb el carrer? Tal com diu MiTesoro no hi ha Google Street que ens permeti veure'n algun detall...
  23. bertuz


    Estan sortint observacions molt interessants. ·El CHECK SIX com han dit amb el llenguatge dels pilots d'avions, podria ser. He estat mirant possibles parts ocultes a la foto però no he trobat res... ·El salt del cavall, vaig provar-lo començant des del "just aquí, just ara", així li donaríem utilitat al text escrit sobre la foto. No vaig aconseguir res... ·També m'he fixat en els rellotges que tenen la broca dels segons. Les coordenades es podrien agafar del valor d'aquesta broca, no? Som-hi!
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