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Posts posted by MAntunes

  1. ... or will GS register (or say they registered) in another EU country?


    If this is the option, they will have to choose carefully because referendums to leave EU will continue (as referendums for certain regions to leave the actual country).

    Maybe GS should register in all European countries. unsure.gif


  2. One doubt about this issue.


    Therefore, we are recommending that users convert their own logs.


    Will finders have the chance to change the content and/or type of log (DNF to Find, ie) when editing?


    This question is because it seems that log editions are not registered anymore with an aditional line as it used to be.


    I edited this log, several hours after having written it and there is no line registering my post edition.

    There is an allowed window of time for editing without the edit note text. I'm thinking 24 hours, but it might be shorter.



    I just edited this log written on Dec. 16th and there is no edition notificanon line. Seems that something has changed regarding logs traceability. Can you try to edit one of your old logs and confirm?

  3. One doubt about this issue.


    Therefore, we are recommending that users convert their own logs.


    Will finders have the chance to change the content and/or type of log (DNF to Find, ie) when editing?


    This question is because it seems that log editions are not registered anymore with an aditional line as it used to be.


    I edited this log, several hours after having written it and there is no line registering my post edition.


  4. Recently I had to disable two of my caches because I received the notice that they needed the container replaced.


    When It was possible to perform the maintenance visit, I did it and when went to enable the cache listings I wondered why I have to make two logs to do it (maintenance + enable).


    Searched the foruns and ...ok, I found one more feature that it is not priority to GS.

  5. Sou novato nestas andanças, por isso todas as ajudas são bem vindas! Quem me quiser adoptar está a vontade... :)


    No teu caso - posso tratar-te por tu? já tratei smile.gif- abro uma excepção, à regra de só actuar/adoptar em Lisboa, e, como vou estar na tua Mértola de 13 a 16 de Agosto, adopto-te por 3 dias a ajudo-te a colocares a tua primeira cache, conforme já combinámos, além de algumas outras dúvidas sobre Geocaching, que tenhas.


    Depois, ficas 'orfão' novamente. smile.gif


    PS: Mas continuarei disponível através de email.



  6. Tópico inicialmente lançado no forum Geocaching@pt, pelo K!nder, e que agora se tenta reactivar e, se possível, replicar por outros Foruns nacionais e regionais.


    O desafio inicial:



    Basicamente se és novo no jogo e gostavas de ter alguém mais experiente que auxilie na procura da primeira cache ou mesmo se não tens acesso a um receptor de GPS então post as coordenadas aproximadas da tua localização aqui para encontrares-te com um geocacher local mais experiente que queira e possa ajudar-te no jogo! Te ensine os básicos e acompanhe nos primeiros tempos!




    O link para o tópico: Adopt a Newbie! - Adopta um novato!


    O post de reactivação do projecto e discussão que lhe sucede.


    Basicamente é isto:


    Um conjunto de Geocachers mais experientes disponibilizam-se a ajudar quem se está a iniciar, adoptando-o enquanto Geocacher novo. O objectivo é contribuir um pouco para que a entrada, de quem decida aproveitar esta oportunidade, no Geocaching seja o mais esclarecida e correcta (de acordo com as guidelines) possível.



    Espero que esta reactivação da iniciativa do K!nder (que acompanha nos bastidores e vai actualizando a lista dos Geocachers que se disponibilizam a ajudar) seja bem acolhida e replicada noutros Foruns nacionais e regionais.


    Se tal acontecer, são livres de incluir aqui a ligação para esses novos tópicos de replicação do original. Ou, informem-me que eu próprio o farei.


    Cabe agora aos Geocachers novos, que iniciam a sua actividade e têm um montão de dúvidas ou receios, aproveitar esta oportunidade.



    Caso algum Geocacher novo, tome conhecimento desta iniciativa através deste tópico ou outro, decida ser candidato a adoptado, nem sequer necessita tornar-se utilizador do Forum do Geocaching@pt! Basta consultar o tópico indicado acima, escolher o adoptante em função da sua região, perguntar-lhe se ainda está no Projecto (o K!nder vai contactar todos mas a actualização completa da lista pode demorar uns tempos) e pedir-lhe para ser adptado ou tentar outro ou, caso não encontre ninguém, postar aqui que tentarei fazer chegar a informação ao tópico no Geocaching@pt para ver se aparece alguém que possa ajudar/adoptar o novo candidato.

  7. I am geocacher for twelve years and, firstly, I hope that this new attempt to hear the comunity, will prevail.


    The suggestions that I would add are already referred above.


    So, I'll only underline that the main obstacle to comunication between players of this great hobby is the existence of some of them without a validated email address.

    We, as geocache owners and responsible for their maintenance, cannot contact those players to whatever it's needed: to thank them, to ask them information about a cache not much visited, to ask them to change/remove a spoiler in a log/photo, etc, etc...


    I hope this is not considered out of topic but it is important to keep communication flowing that, whoever has access to the geocache's database must be contactable and responsible for what he/she may cause to the geocache status.




  8. ... I have just deleted several logs on a few of our hides, waiting to see what happens.


    Nothing will happen as they don't have their email verified and, thus, they won't receive the log deletion notification.

    Unless they check the finds count and start investigating..

    Please notice; they only do what they're allowed to do. It's Groundspeak that's in fault by allowing this situations (*) and not the persons that use the App.


    (*) access to the geocache database to persons that are not accountable for what they may cause to the geocache/container's status.

  9. Whenever we've had to delete a log, we've sent an email explaining why.

    Maybe a handful returned with angry emails, but most were aware of what they did wrong.

    How would an immediate (though sending one before is close...) email change their attitude?

    Seems the others could care less.

    How would an immediate note with the delete message improve that?

    Lately, we're getting people who have never been in the site and do not have a validated email.

    They're hitting found it when not even in the area and double logging.

    How would an immediate system work? There's no way to contact them.



    The answer seems obviuous for me: Groundspeak should start by enforcing the email validation to everyone who has access to the gecaches database. I know this is off-topic here and that there is another topic to this issue, but if cache onwers are responsible for geocaches maintenance, and for "quality control of logs in the geocache listings" then the geocache owners, and their work, should be protected against persons that are not accountable for their actions on the geocache sites.


    Then, an automatic system that sents an email to the geocache finder explaining why his log was deleted, would reach its destiny.

  10. Seems a good suggestion. I agree with it and would like to have it implemented.


    As a cache owner, I were involved in some of the above situations. Of course one can post a Note in the cache page - and this is what I do, now - but sometimes the finder doesn't check the cache page for an explanation why his log was deleted and reacts immediately against the cache owner, by email. The other option i know, is to ask the cache finder to delete the duplicated or the unduly find log but this barely has effect and those logs remains forgotten.

  11. ...


    I hope no-one signs up for a premium membership as long as the rates for all have gone back to a comparable level.





    In two months, my premium membership subscription will expire (it was renewed at march 2013 before this problem was known) and I'll be another Charter Member less if GS doesn't treat all premium member in an equally manner.


    It's a pitty but the values and self respect is more important for me than a title given by a company that doesn't respect me.


    I'll continue to use GS services, as a basic member, for as many year as i paid the membership fee: 11,5 years. So the health and the joy for Geocaching as a hobby stays with me.


  12. Your "exception" sounds like a fabulous Multi-cache with points of interest for each stage. That would give everyone a walking tour of the area, and still allow them to find one box at the end.
    Here's a multi-cache like that: Downtown Campbell Walking Tour. It has 15 virtual waypoints, taking seekers to 15 different locations, many of which are very close to other caches. Eventually, it leads to a 16th waypoint, where the final physical cache is hidden. Only the final physical cache counts against the saturation guideline.


    It has a major problem: only counts as 1 find and that is the problem with the actual cache saturation policy. Virtual points of multicaches can show historical and interesting places but doesn't count as finds.

  13. I would like to support this Feature Request.


    I am a owner also, and the "to be completed" type of logs says nothing to us in terms of cache maintenance or quality of logs verification - responsibilities that we have.


    As "editing" i would like to add the upload of pictures when it occurs more than one day after as some of them have spoilers and we need to avoid them.

  14. Wow. I don't understand why this thread is still active...

    Groundspeak is a COMPANY, providing a SERVICE - they can charge WHATEVER THEY WANT - that's capitalism. It's a business, not a democracy. If you don't like it, don't buy it; maybe enough people doing that may cause changes. But whoever told you that you could guilt a company into charging less because they were "wrong" and you were "right" was feeding you some bogus information man.


    You just helped to keep it active.



    "If you don't like it, don't buy it" I already cancelled the automatic renewal of my subscription.



    ps: I just noticed that i quoted the original version of your post as I received it in the mail box. The phone caught my attention and my post was delayed. Hope you don't mind that I quoted your first words...

  15. ...

    Perhaps a cache owner or two have been deleting your extra "found it" logs? Have you received emails notifying you of log deletions? Perhaps they are in your spam folder?


    Your statistics show that you have logged more than one "found it" log for the same GC codes:


    Rockama~Fantastica has found 190 caches (184 distinct) since 08/16/2009.



    This may be the explanation, since many cache owners doesn't allows duplicate finds on the cache listings. However, there those who sends an email asking for the duplicate log to be deleted, other just deletes the duplications without personal contact - in my opinion, both are correct.

  16. mh-gettorf, do you use a mobile phone or other equipment that transmits any kind of frequencies right from you pocket / suitcase, etc..? If that's the case, maybe you should be concerned about that and other means that criminals use to triangulate your location.

  17. I support this idea. It seem to me a good suggestion.


    Sometimes I receive find logs with several years old - someone claims to have been in the company of someone that found the cache - and I need to verify it. It is a pain to scroll down through pages of several years aged logs. A filter would be fine for me.

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