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Everything posted by TeamVilla5

  1. LadyBee, if you have any left, I'd like 2, please! I can't believe I missed this thread!!! Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  2. Sometimes I think Cache Maggots watchlist TBHotels so they can raid it whenever there's a new guest! Thinking about that, I'd like to be able to know who's watching my cache. Is there a reason NOT to have that info available? In what instances would someone really CARE that the cache owner knew who was watching? I know that I, for one, certainly wouldn't care if any of the cache owners knew that I was watching their cache! Any other ideas/opinions on this? Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  3. Oh, poo! Well, that just stinks! LOL! My TBs in general have had very bad luck... 3 of my first 4 were stolen from 2 caches 200 miles apart... just feeling kind of paranoid I guess... SIGH! Happy Caching! Lori V.
  4. I had an idea for a TB Hotel that I *think* would work, and I'd like others' opinions... The listed cache coords would NOT be the actual coords, but within a mile or so (so that cachers will know what area it is in)... like a puzzle cache. Instead of solving a puzzle, though, cachers would be required to email me for the actual coords; in order to receive the coords from me, they must be a registered member here with recent activity, and they must disclose what TB's they will be placing &/or taking. I know that makes it a big ordeal, but I'm thinking that way, only those really serious about TB safety will bother with the process... Discussion? Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  5. But then, don't people do the same process when finding a virtual? Send an email? Only instead of emailing AFTER caching, one would email BEFOREhand... Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  6. I had an idea for a TB Hotel that I *think* would work, and I'd like others' opinions... The listed cache coords would NOT be the actual coords, but within a mile or so (so that cachers will know what area it is in)... like a puzzle cache. Instead of solving a puzzle, though, cachers would be required to email me for the actual coords; in order to receive the coords from me, they must be a registered member here with recent activity, and they must disclose what TB's they will be placing &/or taking. I know that makes it a big ordeal, but I'm thinking that way, only those really serious about TB safety will bother with the process... Discussion? Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  7. Maybe you missed the story referenced earlier about the teen who died of anaphylactic shock after kissing her boyfriend who had eaten peanut butter sandwich HOURS earlier in the day. I think that any cache in a PB jar should be identified early in the description, and those with nut allergies are usually very diligent about steering clear. Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  8. I think Glenn was speaking facetiously. Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  9. Slow down, everyone... they've only found 18 caches and just started in January. No, it's not great etiquette to put the link on all their logs, but they may not know that... and a simple, polite email should do the trick if that's the case. And they may not KNOW how they'd feel if it were their cache; they may simply not have thought about it, or they may not mind... when they actually hide one, that is! Don't just assume they are trying to publicize their website or have other devious agendas. Also, unless the link in their log takes you directly to that specific spoiler pic, I wouldn't worry too much about it; as someone pointed out earlier, it would take a lot of work just to hunt down your spoiler pic. Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  10. Good analogy... only in my family the tropical fish are FINCHES... Anyway, I'd still be really mad if my first THREE fish all floated belly up the VERY DAY I put 'em in the tank... (as our first three TB's did... ) Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  11. Okay, Sketchy... tell me what all you use the GPSPro for, and then spell out those instructions for me! Pretty please? And I really DO mean... non-computer-savvy... me... simple language necessary... hehehe... really. TIA! Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5 Edit: Because my mind works faster than my fingers!
  12. Right now, just aware of GoogleEarth... where can I find/purchase/download GPSPro? Better/worse/same as GoogleEarth?
  13. Can some kind Mac user spell out, step by step, in non-computer-savvy-understandable language, exactly how to download waypoints to my Garmin VistaC? TIA! Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  14. ...and in what circumstances is it helpful? Color me clueless... TIA! Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5 Edit: Because it's too early to catch typo's...
  15. I'm beginning to think this is not so rare at all... 3 of our 4 very first TBs were taken from their first caches with no logs, no nothing... POOF!!! And it was 2 different caches, 200 miles apart, the first cache being completely cleaned out of TB's and the second cache just being picked of MOST of the TB's... I find it hard to believe that both of these acts were of someone with good intentions , and it makes me incredulous that some people can be so freakin' mean!!!! Happy Cachin'! Lori V.
  16. I'm working on ordering a sig. item... not ready to shell out major $$$ for a coin yet... I found Bic pens that have smilies all over it with personalization available... I was thinking along the lines of: --Who said it's not about the smilies? --Whoever said it's not about the smilies... LIED! --It's not about the smilies... its about the smiles! I would add our team name & our names or gc.com in addition to any saying. What do you think? Any other cute suggestions for sayings? Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  17. We always use "Lexie," my beloved 2000 Lexus LX470... Don't laugh... she has 140,000 miles & is extremely reliable... she off-roads darn well (we actually drove her up to the Colorado River Overlook in Utah when she was only 4 months old!)... she seats 8... and holds a BUTTLOAD of swag bags & CITO'ed garbage! Happy caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  18. I just found an answer to this... hope it helps... URL (cut & paste... too lazy to link right now! ): http://www.markwell.us/ It is in the "additions to FAQ" section! Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  19. Can't wait to hear a response to this... I've been wondering this, too! Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  20. Any thoughts on using the "copy" tags to place on new TB's to replace ones that were stolen? Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  21. Well, I was going to post that I'd try, but it looks as if someone's nabbed one of them from its cache... staying tuned... Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  22. Well, I'm here to whine a little... and cuss... and throw a little two-year-old tantrum... I followed Snoogans's advice and poked holes in the TB's... yes, they were plush, but I don't think their "cuteness" factored into their disappearance in any way. I poked holes in places in them that made them much less cute & would prob. leak stuffiing if you took out the chain or keyring attached... I put our name on them in Sharpie. BUT... I think I made a BIIIIGGG mistake (that I will NOT make again, mind you) by trying to release them in a TB "hotel" (although it was called a "treehouse")... GRRRRR... It was an ammo box inside a birdhouse in a thick thicket of cedar trees... but the whole thing was taken... They never got to go ANYwhere before someone kidnapped them... BOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! Yeah, I know... Anyway, live & learn... and go release another bug! Happy caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  23. Thanks for sharing your experience, S-R-S! I'm not really nervous about the upcoming meeting, although I am going to try to recruit 9Key (are you there, Will? I'm about to email you!) to come as well, since I am relatively new at this. I really appreciate the offer on the PP presentation, but we are a Mac family; does that matter, or is it sort of like MSWord documents that can be seen regardless of your computing platform? Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  24. Apparently my email was being "delegated" to the correct person in P&R... it's not like they were trashing the email... it just took longer than *I* was expecting... not that I'm an IMPATIENT COW or anything... ... MOOO! Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
  25. There's one in a local park here (Altoids tin in a tree) that has eluded us several times... went once by myself, once with 4 kids & hubby, once with just my 2 boys, and once with just hubby... nada, zip, zilch... finally decided to not let this become my "white whale" & get on with other caches... best decision I've made yet! Happy Caching! Lori V. TeamVilla5
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