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crazybear and honey

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Posts posted by crazybear and honey

  1. I _confuzzled__by_nillemotes.gifumStunned_by_ApocalipticFaint.gif urr Shocked_by_MixedMilkChOcOlate.gifummm confused_by_forgotten5252.gifOK, this always happens to someone else. NOT TO ME!!


    Today I came home from work and saw that a box of wine and a gold padded mailer were delivered today. Great, my wine is finally here. Wait a sec, I havent ordered any coins.Huh__by_Emotikonz.gif And ITS A GOLD PADDED MAILER. Whats going on?

    I somehow managed to open the package without cutting any of my fingers off and a card that says Fragilis Est Vita, Caduem Est Tempus, Carp Diem!! Life is Fragile, Time is Fleeting, Seize the day!! and an envelope with this inside ( I see some of my cat`s fur made into the second picture...ugh).






    The first picture is not even close to showing howstunning looking it is. And now I notice the picture has my "Life goes Fast, Have a Blast' sticker on my monitor stand in the background. HAS THE COIN SENDER BEEN IN MY ROOM???


    Seriously What, Why, Who, is responsible for sending me this coin and honoring me to show it to the community first. I don`t have a clue why I was chosen. I`m still sitting here speechless and there isn`t room for all the smiley emicons to show what I am feeling now. Nor is there room for all the THANK YOU`s I want to say.


    If i see this picture my heart beat goes up and up and up.


    I fellt in love with this great coin. I would say woooohhhooo. Thats a realy great design and my wishlist has changed. I only want to get this coin.


    I hope so much that sometimes one of this great coins could find his way to me.


    Greetings René

  2. I am working on a trade for the Serial Finder coin right now, thank you all who were interested :laughing:


    We've found some additional mystery coins that my friend is willing to part with but we don't want to list them on ebay to upset anyone. I will be selling all the coins we receive in trade on ebay so please send your best trade offers. I am heading out of internet range for a few days and will answer all emails when I am back in range.


    Please make your trade requests as detailed as possible. Because I am trying to raise as much money as possible for my friend I will be more inclined to accept trade requests that I can sell the coins on ebay for the most money. I will consider all offers though. Thanks to all who are interested :blink:


    You can see what all of these coins look like by typing in the coin names on geocoincollection.com


    Mystery Coins:

    Geo_Bandit Mystery Geocoin

    Merry Christmas 2006 Snowflake

    2005 Mystery Christmas Coin - Twas the cache before Christmas

    2007 Geo_Leprechaun Pot of Gold

    CreepyCrawlyCachers in Nickel

    The Geocoin Secret Agent - I have two of these

    The Easter Coin Bunny Pink/Green

    The Geocoin Fairy Antique Gold


    E-Mail sent. Finger crossed.


    Best regards rené

  3. I am working on selling a friends geocoin collection on ebay and came across a Serial Finder Geocoin. We are pretty sure that this is a coin that should not be sold. When you input the tracking number this information comes up: http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?tracker=pczyez. If anyone is interested in owning this coin we are open to trade for a coin(s) that I can list for sale on ebay.

    Thanks ;)


    If you do not have a trade with dr. neal, i would love to trade.


    Please send me a mail if you would love to trade.


    Best regards René

  4. Wow, I don't think I've ever seen this thread fall off the front page! :)


    I'll bump it back up with my acquisitions from this past week.


    It really has been a great week thinks to Sivota and Capt. Zulu!!

    And of course to Mauison and Jackalgirl for such great new coins!




    Comgrates to the great coins.


    Greatings René

  5. Congrate to all who get one of this great coins.


    I hope also to get a coinset. It would be a great add to my collection and the other two bunnys in my collection would be proud to get a new version.


    Many thanks for the lot of qork you are do for us coiners.


    Best regards René


    and I so not know the coin after the eggs... I cann ot see it clearly...



    The coin after the eggs is the Binary Coin that got banned from the forums.


    Thank you my friend! :P

    The coin was banned from the forums??? :wub:

    Why?? It was not family friendly or something? I can not see the design clearly...

    But it still exists.... right? ..or is it rare because of that? It sounds interesting! :blink:


    This is a picture of the banned coin




    Best Regards René

  7. Hi all,


    i´m seeking the Imagin Peace Mystery coin

    and a Sinterclaase Mystery Coin.


    I have up for trade the following coins:


    Secret Agent Mystery

    Angel Mystery

    Devil Mystery

    Bandita Mystery


    If any one could help, please let me know.


    best regards rené

  8. Ohhooo,


    is there any other posibility the get a set of this great coins outside the US?

    It would be so great if i could add a set to my collection.

    If any one is interested in to trade please let me know.

    Best regards René

  9. :laughing:


    100 numbered Charlie Brown Easter eggs

    100 numbered Woodstock Easter eggs




    Happy Easter Weekend Everyone! B):lol::D


    Charlie Brown:






    Wow. What for great looking coins.

    How is it possible to get one of each???


    I would realy love to add this coins to my collections.


    Best regards René

  10. Hi,


    i have this coins up for trade (all coins are new and unactivated):


    Mother Hen three chicks

    Jorandas Deadmans hand

    Black Scorpion

    Monopoly Board 250000 Caches

    World diabetes Coin

    Piranha Coin

    Bones and Roses Coin

    Gaus Geocoin

    4. Stadtmeisterschaft Darmstadt Gold

    DRunners Jing/Jang (Silver / Cooper)

    Hazzard II Perry

    Leipzig Eventcoin Nickel

    American Flag Coin


    Jersey Cachers

    FTF Coin

    Pursuit of Geocaching Brown

    Pursuit of Geocaching Yellow

    Pursuit of Geocaching Lila

    Megapott GeOlympics Silver LE

    Geobash T_Shirt

    Regions of Germany Der Pott Cacht

    Autism Awarnes Ribbon

    Labrador Wild Man Personal Coin

    Moose Geocoin LE (Geocoinshop)

    NRW Goes Geocaching

    Lord of the Rings Earth Nickel

    Lord of the Rings Earth Gold

    Adventures in Geocaching # 1

    Magelan Armed Police Squad

    Lord of the Rings Earth ant. Silver

    Juckebox LE

    MWGB Team Sand Dollar

    Curse of the Pirates Treasure

    CM/CW 2 Tone (XLE 50 Minted)

    Zoester Nickel

    Staffordshire 2007

    Thunderegg Cooper

    Evil Mastermind Yellow Gold

    Wherigo Coin

    Wildlife Muggels Gold Sneacky Andlers

    Wildlife Muggels Gold Bucky Beaver

    Wildlife Muggels Gold Sniffer Skunk

    Wildlife Muggels Gold Tasmanien Devil

    850 Jahre München XLE (10 minted) Gold Glowing

    850 Jahre München XLE (10 minted) BN Glowing

    Toronto 2006

    The Devil mystery coin

    Angel mystery Coin

    Secret Agent Mystery Coin

    Bandita Mystery Coin


    I´m seeking


    XXL Coins


    Some mystery Coins


    If you are interessted in to trade or buy please send me an mail.


    Best regards René


    Update ;-)

  11. Hi,


    i have this coins up for trade (all coins are new and unactivated):


    Mother Hen three chicks

    Jorandas Deadmans hand

    Black Scorpion

    Monopoly Board 250000 Caches

    World diabetes Coin

    Piranha Coin

    Bones and Roses Coin

    Gaus Geocoin

    4. Stadtmeisterschaft Darmstadt Gold

    DRunners Jing/Jang (Silver / Cooper)

    Hazzard II Perry

    Leipzig Eventcoin Nickel

    American Flag Coin


    Jersey Cachers

    FTF Coin

    Pursuit of Geocaching Brown

    Pursuit of Geocaching Yellow

    Pursuit of Geocaching Lila

    Megapott GeOlympics Silver LE

    Geobash T_Shirt

    Regions of Germany Der Pott Cacht

    Autism Awarnes Ribbon

    Labrador Wild Man Personal Coin

    Moose Geocoin LE (Geocoinshop)

    NRW Goes Geocaching

    Lord of the Rings Earth Nickel

    Lord of the Rings Earth Gold

    Adventures in Geocaching # 1

    Magelan Armed Police Squad

    Lord of the Rings Earth ant. Silver

    Juckebox LE

    MWGB Team Sand Dollar

    Curse of the Pirates Treasure

    CM/CW 2 Tone (XLE 50 Minted)

    Zoester Nickel

    Staffordshire 2007

    Thunderegg Cooper

    Evil Mastermind Yellow Gold

    Wherigo Coin

    Wildlife Muggels Gold Sneacky Andlers

    Wildlife Muggels Gold Bucky Beaver

    Wildlife Muggels Gold Sniffer Skunk

    Wildlife Muggels Gold Tasmanien Devil

    850 Jahre München XLE (10 minted) Gold Glowing

    850 Jahre München XLE (10 minted) BN Glowing

    Toronto 2006

    The Devil mystery coin

    Angel mystery Coin

    Secret Agent Mystery Coin

    Bandita Mystery Coin


    I´m seeking


    XXL Coins


    Some mystery Coins


    If you are interessted in to trade or buy please send me an mail.


    Best regards René

  12. I would like to offer up for trade (4) XLE GeoSmurfz. The varieties I have are:


    Black Nickel with Orange Glow Lightsaber

    Shiny Gold with Purple Glitter Lightsaber

    Shiny Nickel with Sith Red Glitter Lightsaber

    Shiny Nickel with Blue Glitter Lightsaber






    E-Mail sent

  13. The several colours are great. The two tone is one of my favorit metal.


    But i would be happy about every of this coins if you would love to send it to me.


    Greetings René

  14. UPDATE:


    Geocaching name - crazybear and honey (Mission honey)

    E-mail sent - 2-04-10

    Received name - 3-02-10

    Number Of Missions - 1

    Mission Mailed - 3-12-10

    Mission Received -


    Geocaching name - crazybear and honey (Mission crazybear)

    E-mail sent - 2-04-10

    Received name - 3-02-10

    Number Of Missions - 1

    Mission Mailed - 3-12-10

    Mission Received -


    Many thanks.


    Greatings René

  15. coinsy.jpg


    New Mystery Coin appearing soon in six finishes,

    Antique Copper, Antique Bronze, Antique Silver, Antique Gold, Silver on Gold, Gold on Silver.


    Front face of this mystery coin is currently unavailable for viewing, as some plating alterations are necessary.


    Diameter: 2 inches

    Thickness: 5mm

    Base Metal: Copper

    Unique Icon: Yes


    Limited to 50 for each finish, 300 in total.


    Some of these coins will be sent out as gifts. To be in with a chance of owning one of these heavyweights, simply post in this thread and ensure your username and contact detals are on the google 'list'. Usernames will be chosen entirely at random, as will be the geocoin you receive.


    More photographs to follow in the next few weeks.


    Woohoo, what a great design.


    I love the picture.

    I hope sometimes one of this coins will find his way in my mailbox. ;-)


    Many thanks for let us know.


    Best regards René

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