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crazybear and honey

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Posts posted by crazybear and honey

  1. Update:


    Email sent: April 28 2009


    Name received:


    Mission sent:


    Mission received:



    Email sent: April 28 2009


    Name received:


    Mission sent:


    Mission received:


    Best regards René

  2. I have been very fortunate on the mystery coins, but most I got from eBay. I'm very thankful for all of them.


    2005 Mystery Christmas - Trade


    2006 Sinterklaus - Trade


    Mouth of the South - Cache


    Geocoin Fairy Gold - Cache, eBay


    Geocoin Fairy Silver - Cache, eBay


    Geocoin Fairy Copper - eBay


    Geo Leprechaun - eBay


    GSA v. 1 - eBay


    Geocoin Bug - eBay


    Great Geo-Pumpkin - eBay


    Binary Silver - Trade, eBay


    Binary Gold - eBay


    Creepy Crawley Cachers Silver - Cache


    Dark Knight - eBay


    Geocoin Devil - Cache


    Geo-Sasquatch - Cache


    Received a Mickey Diver in the mail today, the first via that avenue. I had pretty much given up hope of receiving one that way and was looking forward to trying to trade for one at GW7. Rumor has it that the Geocoin Devil may be at GW7 also. Will he show up at caches or at the event itself, I wonder?




    You can be so happy about this great coins.


    This are great gifts.


    Regards René

  3. My new mission to get rid of some abstinence is this.


    The Flower Power mission.


    Send a trackable non-activated geocoin along with a card and some small items to refer to your favourite flower. NO SEEDS unless you send inside your own country. Please think of customsrules.


    The items can be just about anything you can come up with. Keyholders, keychains, pins, pathtags, sigitems, cards, paintings, jewelry, fridgemagnets, stickers, just anything.


    Let it be a easy mission, don´t fill huge boxes with stuff, just find a few things to send along with the flowercard and coin, maybe 3-5 things and let it be nonexpensive things.


    This is a quick mission so here is the "rules"


    Sign-ups until sun may 3. After that I will mix and match your names and then you have until may 31 to send the mission out.


    Sign-up for more than one mission if you like, kids and pets allowed but all mixmatched together.


    Email me at: grodanfiabus@hotmail.com with your



    real name and shipping adress (please write the adress with the full state name and as it shall appear)


    I´m sure I have forgotten something but lets go.

    Send me an email if you have any questions or post here and I will answer if I can.


    grodan Karin


    E-Mail sent.


    I´m happy about this mission.


    I also interessted in to send 2 Missions out.


    Best regards René

  4. working on a trade...can anyone tell me if the influenza coins are considered a micro?


    Maybe, but I'll think they won't fit in a micro


    I have 2 of them in my hands. And i can say this are micro coins.


    You can let them in a micro without problems.


    Best regards René


    I hope you mean the first edition last year. The actuall i cant say.

  5. working on a trade...can anyone tell me if the influenza coins are considered a micro?


    Maybe, but I'll think they won't fit in a micro


    I have 2 of them in my hands. And i can say this are micro coins.


    You can let them in a micro without problems.


    Best regards René

  6. I think this just might be my first post to this thread. :)


    I am seeking a Feng Shui coin for a friend. I'm not even sure if there was more than one plating made (info on that would be great if anyone knows) but any metal would be great.


    If you can help, please email me through my profile. Thank you!!


    Trader List


    PN Sent.

  7. What a great Coin. Like the design.


    Congrats to all finders and new owners.


    "fingercrossing" i hope some times there will some arrive in Germany.


    Regards René

  8. I´m realy proud to can offer you an CUS Geocoin Gun.


    Caching under Stars


    You can trade ore sell them.


    I´m looking for the following coins.


    any mysterie Geocoin

    Garmin Colorado Series 2008 Wherigo


    ore other interessting geocoins.


    Please send me an offer via PN.


    Regards René

  9. Hello,


    my first mysterie coins are arrived


    Devil Geocoin



    Mysterie Agent Geocoin



    I hope that sometimes i can received one of my favorit geocoins (Bandit)


    Best regards René

  10. Hello All,


    i also have to leave a feedback.


    Name of Mystery Geocoin: until now i have not received a mystery coin :blink:

    Method Obtained:


    I hope so that some times i can add a Mystery Coin to my collection.


    The future will show how it goes on. :laughing:


    Best regards to all



  11. Hello,


    im looking for some special coins:


    Fear No Cache Cooper LE


    Geosmurfz Geocoin (any Metal)

    Garmin Colorado Where i Go


    I can offer the following coins:


    Beamer Coin Geocoin (set of 6 coins)

    Karma Coin (Fairy Coin)

    Feng Shui Compass Rose

    Team Laubfrosch Geocoin LE

    Mini Seeshell Geocoin Cooper

    Bulgarian Mysterie Geocoin

    MWGB Team Sanddollar (not trackable)

    Caching Caravan Micro Coin

    Future Coin by Sepp und Berta

    Guardian Geocoin by Sepp und Berta

    Gauss Geocoin

    Team Ole Omi All in fun coins several colours

    Silver Bullet Geocoin "Team 9er Personal" Antique Cooper LE

    Use Your Brain Coin (round) - Irish Hunter

    The Lunchtime Gang Geocoin Gun 75 Stk.

    The Lunchtime Gang Geocoin Nickel 150 Stk.

    The Moose Forest GC Twin Set XLE (2 Coinset)

    Labyrinth Geocoin satin nickel / rot

    GEOCACHING Mother Nature Watches Us CITO Geocoin

    Groovy Cachin´ Dude !

    Dorkfish Aquarium Sold-Out

    Anthus Fire Fighter

    Bookcrossing Gold

    Bookcrossing Nickel

    Munich 2008 Geocoin foggy gold 140

    Piranha Coins


    If some one interessted in some of this coins and have other coins to trade so let me know. I also would pay for this coin.


    Best regards René

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