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crazybear and honey

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Posts posted by crazybear and honey

  1. I would love it if someone bought an extra of the new Christmas Balls from Geocoinshop.de and traded with me.

    This is a link to "Thyme", the one I want...



    They are still avaliable at the lnk you posted. B)


    The shipping charges to the US and the ratio of dollar to euro make buying from there too expensive for many of us.


    I could sell some coins and if you are interessted in we could trade.


    So please send me an trade offer and i could arrange some deals.


    Greatings René

  2. Here it is:




    This is the '06 version. The '07 has a blue present with yellow ribbon.


    Tha moon glows in ta dark also, cooooooooooooolll!!!!!


    Hi Bell Witch,


    nice to see your mystery coin.


    Now i´m just finished to collect the mystery coins this ar two i don´t own.


    So what i have to do to get one of this great looking and detailed coin. ;-)


    It would be so great if you could sometimes visit germany so you can

    eventualy still leave one of your famous coins.


    Greatings René


    PS: Finger Crossed :-)

  3. Many thanks for this realy great offer.


    But the distance between me and the event are to far.


    I hope you will have a lot of fun there and you will leave more than 1 mystery coin ;-)


    Greatings René

  4. I have an great project for me. This is to get all possible Mystery Coins.


    I think i could have the chance. At the moment i realy would love to get the following coins. (at the moment the last coins i know as mystery coins)


    Mystery - Coin Dropping Fairy (i love fairy coins so much)

    Dark Knight Mystery V2

    Geeocacher's Luck & Protection Mystery coin


    Please help to let my dream can be possible. ;-)


    Greatings René

  5. Hi,


    i would love to sell some of your coins.

    If it possible to find a way to send the coins to germany?


    It would be so great.


    Finger crossed so long if i got an "Yes" ;-)


    Greatings René

  6. I have the following available for trade:


    tsun HooDoo Glow

    tsun Earth Turtle Oceania Bora Bora

    tsun Earth Turtle Oceania Maui

    Elf (the new one by tadpole379 offered by cacheaddict - Blue)

    Geo Coin Club - 6/09 - CITO- Cache In Trash Out

    Geo Coin Club - 7/09 - El Muerto del AmmoCan

    San Diego County Geocachers 2007 (Silver)

    Spiral Dragon (Nickel)

    Toronto 2006 Geocoin (Antique Gold)

    GCPC 10-09 Halloween


    I'm really looking for Muddy Waters Neptune's Compass, the trackable micro Musketeers set, or Deadliest Cache Maverick or Wizard. You can also take a look at my seeking list on geocoincollection.com but it's seriously out of date!


    Mail send.


    Finger crossed

  7. Update:


    Mission honey


    1. Participating: E-Mail sent 17.10.2009

    2. Received Name: 02.11.2009

    3. Mission Complete:

    4. Package Received!:


    Mission crazybear


    1. Participating: E-Mail sent 17.10.2009

    2. Received Name: 02.11.2009

    3. Mission Complete:

    4. Package Received!:


    Many thanks.


    Best regards René

  8. Hi All,


    i´m seeking the following coins:


    The Secret Agent V3 (Gold)

    The Shadow Mystery Coin

    Mystery - Coin Dropping Fairy (i love fairy coins so much)

    Geeocacher's Luck & Protection Mystery coin


    I can offer to trade the following coins:


    Earth Turtle GW6 Copper 2008

    Earth Turtle silver/Nickel (round)

    TQ Nickel on Cooper

    TQ Dark Gold


    I would love to trade one for one.


    Greatings René

  9. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :anicute: I am the happiest man on Earth!!!! Today I received a beautiful mystery pathtag and The Dark knight # 191!!!


    Oh my God!!! The coin is tiny and so lovely!!!! It is shining and it is even more pretier from close!!!! Dark knight, mystery sender.. thank you so much my dear friend!!!! I admit that I am in love with that coin!!!! :D I didn't have the chance for the V1, but I have the V2 now and I am flying from happiness!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!! :D


    Here is the list with me on it.. :(



    I knew that you would receive one of them! :D

    I was right.....I said it :);)


    Congrats. You really deserve it :)


    Also Congrate from me to all who have got this great coin.


    Greatings René

  10. My hard beats for the following coins:


    Mystery - Coin Dropping Fairy (i love fairy coins so much)

    Dark Knight Mystery V2

    Mystery - Geocoin Bug

    Geeocacher's Luck & Protection Mystery coin

    Dutch Lion Mystery Coin


    I hope so much that some times i could have a chance to get one of this great coins.


    I would love to trade them, sell them (if it is possible) or hope that i get a letter in my mailbox.


    I know this are wishes which are very special and the chance to receive one of this coins is realy smal. But the hope dies at last.


    So i sit here and crossed my fingers.


    Greetings René

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