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Everything posted by zuge

  1. I am using Garmin-UTF8 lib (https://github.com/WFoundation/WF.Tools/blob/master/Garmin-UTF8/Garmin-UTF8.lua) on all of my cartridges and the reason seems to be "rawget" code in it. Upload works if I replace the keyword "rawget" to "rawget2"...
  2. I am currently getting the same error message and this message appears also to the old cartridges that have worked previously: Error Occurred You are attempting to upload an invalid GWZ file.
  3. Seems, Wherigo.com server needs a reboot...
  4. Error Occurred Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. I'm currently unable to upload/compile ANY cartridges. Maybe a reboot is needed for the Wherigo.com server?
  5. For me the Chrome (v44.0.2403.133) is working just fine (login+download). Phone is S2 with Android 5.1.1 (cm 12.1).
  6. I think the reason might be same as here: http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=332869 For some reason, currently the download is working for me with WhereYouGo, but not a long time ago, it wasn't working. (Connecting: Error) When it wasn't working I sniffed the network traffic with Shark and noticed some "SSL Handshake failed" announcements.
  7. Thanks! That sure seems to work fine in WhereYouGo, but gives nil in Groundspeak Wherigo Player... Btw, item:rawget("Description") method works at least in Groundspeak Wherigo Player and Garmin Oregon 450.
  8. WhereYouGo crashes (you hit a bug! please report...) if I use any item:rawget("Name") or Description... I have added a simple code to example cartridge, which is using that rawget. See the attachment. Am I using it wrongly? Here is the code: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6802326/Wherigo/Garmin_UTF-8.gwz For some reason the attachment isn't showing to me now, so here is the link to it: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6802326/Wherigo/Garmin_UTF-8.jpg
  9. Great work charlenni! Should we wait till new version of Urwigo comes out or does this still somehow work with that little problem?
  10. Thanks a lot! It was crashing at startup, but the user who tested it got it working afterwards. So, the reason might be somewhere else. He also reported this error message earlier: Cannot start game A problem occured while restoring the saved game, therefore Geowigo cannot go on. This most likely happens because of faulth cartridge or save game. If the problem persists, you should contact the cartridge owner, zuge, quoting the follow error messages that were raised during the crash 1> [isolatedStorage_Operation_ISFS] Arguments: Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem... I digged a little bit (link) and made a conclusion that I might have too long file names with media. Longest was "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyza.jpg". I have now shortened those, but not sure if that helps...
  11. Thanks for your info, but isn't these lines doing it correctly? -- Begin user functions -- function start() zones = {} var_cartridge.ZVariables.zones = zones
  12. Geowigo users are having some problems like crashing with my newest games. I have made a demo cartridge, which simply makes constantly (3sec interval) closest 5 zones active. What could cause the crashing? Cartridge and the code.
  13. Sorry for posting in a old thread, but I managed to gather some code from somewhere on the web and it's working at least in GS Wherigo Player and WhereYouGo. Maybe someone could test other players too? Test_SHA1.gwz
  14. function now() local t = os.date("*t") return string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d - %02d.%02d.%04d", t.hour, t.min, t.sec, t.day, t.month, t.year) end Should return something like: 22:19:50 - 21.05.2015, but how come in Webwigo that turns to: 022:019:050 - 021.05.02015 ? I'm also using os.time() to calculate the duration of playing the game etc, but it's also working weirdly in Webwigo. start = os.time() . . (30 seconds passes..) . . end = os.time() result1 = end - start result2 = os.difftime(end, start) Results in Groundspeak Wherigo Player: 1. try: result1 = 30, result2 = 30 2. try: result1 = 30, result2 = 30 Results in WhereYouGo: 1. try: result1 = 30.011000156402588, result2 = 30.011000156402588 2. try: result1 = 30.036999940872192, result2 = 30.036999940872192 Results in Webwigo: 1. try: result1 = 63567844905, result2 = 3011200000 2. try: result1 = 63567845743, result2 = 301550080 How come such a results in Webwigo?
  15. https://code.google.com/r/biylda-whereyougo/source/detail?r=ce9911d888d1a4f07193d232e9d12ff1495afa1a No need to do anything with cartridges, because biylda is reverting those changes...
  16. I have noticed the same problem and it seems to work with simple <BR> tag, but I have no idea if it's compatible with other players than WhereYouGo. I have also included a cartridge to test, how it's working and it would be great, if some people could test it with iPhone, Windows Phone, Garmin etc. Currently all 4/4 tests are working with WhereYouGo, but only the first test is working with emulator (Groundspeak Wherigo Player).
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