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Posts posted by enfanta

  1. quote:
    ... I had an even better time meeting and hearing all the cool stories from other geocachers!


    You got to hear stories!? I didn't hear any stories!!




    Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

  2. quote:
    A handful of Web sites list the latitude and longitude coordinates of stashes.


    Really?? There's a handful of sites!? I'd like to see some of them!


    Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

  3. quote:
    Are you really going to do this again?




    But first I have to go looking for my wits. I seem to have misplaced them...


    Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

  4. Dear Secret Cacher,


    Thank you very much for my very own Finders Keepers. It was a lovely thought and quite a pleasant surprise. Unfortunately, I was not able to find it...


    It was delightful pawing through the flower beds, perhaps that was to be the thank you??


    I can't help wondering if you chose red on purpose when you stamped that fish, despite the fact it looks nothing like a herring... icon_wink.gif


    Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

  5. quote:
    Who's to say which counts "count" and which are "not real geocaching".


    Um, Jeremy?


    Whether he likes it or not, as his is the only site in town, he's setting the rules for geocaching.


    Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

  6. Do I care if I'm ahead or behind someone? Not really. Do I take folks who have more finds than me more seriously than folks who have less? It depends (who can take Mopar seriously? icon_razz.gif). But as Lothar69 said, the numbers are a badge of honor. I worked dadgum hard for some of those finds and I want something to reflect that. Since we don't get actual badges when we complete a cache, those numbers take on added meaning.


    It also doesn't help things that this whole "No Stats" nonsense hit just as I'm approaching my first century. icon_mad.gif


    Oh, and I definitely wouldn't join a team to get numbers. One of the joys of caching is that you can go alone and don't have to wait on others schedules.


    Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

  7. Dear enfanta,


    I would like to attend your event, however, my dog Gus will not let me go without her. Is she welcome at your event?


    Devotee of Gus


    Dear DOG,


    Yes! All dogs are welcome to attend the Scavenger Hunt. Blue Spring park allows dogs, as long as they are always on a lead which does not exceed 6 feet.


    I am not certain that all the cache sites allow dogs as I have not visited all the cache sites. It did seem that the site for the micro cache has a posted notice stating no dogs, however, there was a dog standing in front of it and I couldn't be sure. icon_wink.gif



    Dear enfanta,


    I was wondering if we will be allowed to present digital photos of hunted items when we check in at the end of the day. Will viewing them on the camera be ok or do we need to have them downloaded onto a laptop or something?


    Questions With Exceptionally Right Tone


    Dear Qwerty,


    Yes, viewing the items is sufficient. I suspect most people will be doing this. There are no penalties or bonuses for how information is presented. Paper, digital, video: it's all the same.


    But don't tell the post office or Xerox that.



    Dear enfanta,


    How can I be expected to bring enough to share if I don't know how many people will be attending?


    Emily, Putting Off Shopping Trip


    Dear E. POST,


    Too true. To date it looks like approximately 30 people will be in attendence, with 7 more dipping their toes in and out of the Scavenger Hunt surf, uncertain of the waters. It is possible we may have even more if we get an unregistered team. Drink, dessert, meat-type foodstuff, salad, meat-type food stuff, cookies, soda, appetizer, salad, drink, drink, salad, and drink are the participants offerings so far. Not including my World Famous In Eastsound Potato Salad.


    I hope that helps your planning.



    Dear enfanta,


    I registered our team and they all want to sleep in. I say we should get there early because You Never Know. What do you say?


    Really Eager And Dropped Your Bribe Off Yesterday


    Dear READY BOY,


    Do not listen to your team mates. When you arrive at the event site at 9 am you will be given your Registration Packet containing ALL THE NECESSARY COORDINATES FOR THE EVENT. The game does not officially start until 10:15. You may want to use this time to plot a course and get a bead on things.


    By the way, exactly where did you drop that bribe??

  8. quote:
    You know that this is the only "New..."state that doesn't require "New" to

    identify it like, try... Mexico,...Y ork,... Hampshire - doesn't work, does it?)


    Yeah, but whenever I hear "Jersey boy" I think of some fellow off in the Channel Islands.


    Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

  9. Hi Czarniecki!


    Have you attended any picnics yet? That's always a good place to start. Have a meet'n'greet where people bring potluck and put faces to the names and avatars. One thing I've appreciated at picnics is nametags. We recognize each other by our nicknames and avatars-- it's nice to see those connected to the actual people!


    As far as games go, just setting a couple caches is usually enough but if you're looking for something else, you could try geo-poker or a bike rally. That's one I've been wanting to try. You set 5-6 caches along a bike trail (try for a loop) and then time folks in their searches. Sillier games could include guessing the number of golf balls in an ammo can or throwing a GPS for distance.


    Generally, if you just give folks clear directions and times and let them know what you expect of them (CITO, picnic, 14 mile hike rain or shine), people will make their own fun. icon_smile.gif


    Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

  10. I ordered the new micro stickers and log book (and a bunch of other stuff) and I like them but I do have one complaint/suggestion/observation.


    The log book is just a little too long for an Altoids tin...


    I suppose I could just take a paper cutter to it, but there's all that nifty writing on the back.


    Were they intended to fit into Altoids tins? Cause that's the very first thing I thought of when I saw them.


    Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

  11. Always contrary... I prefer a good hide to a good hike. BUT! I don't mind a good hide at the end of a long hike as long as I know ahead of time and can plan accordingly. Nothing like hiking for three hours only to find I don't have enough daylight left to both find the cache and hike back.


    And if/when I hide a cache at the end of a long hike, the clue is going to tell you exactly where to find the cache. Reading "You don't need a hint for this one!" after battling mountain laurel, rattlesnakes and charlie horses can make one slightly murderous.


    Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

  12. Does anyone else see an elephant in Geo Quest's avatar?? That trunk right in the middle and the ears off to the side...


    ...probably just me. I also see a poodle in Sissy 'n CR's avatar. icon_smile.gif


    Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

  13. quote:
    I had to give it some thought but I did come up with a way to get rabbits into a ammo can.


    First, grab a cottonball and squirt a little starting fluid on it and shove that under the rabbits nose. You might have to hang onto it a little while as they tend to squirm a touch.


    After they have calmed down, take a sharp knife and make a slit length ways in the lower half of their ears. If the rabbit is not knocked out, this is the time you will find out. Apply more starting fluid as needed, if needed.


    This will allow you enough space to be able to pull their back legs up and poke their feet through the holes. Pull until the knee joint comes through the slit and this will lock the back legs forward and keep the ears down.


    Slide the rabbit into the ammo box with more starting fluid on the cottonball and this should hold the rabbit for a day or so. Depending on how tight the can is.


    You might have to leave the cache goodies in a bag next to the ammo can until the rabbit is removed.


    I can't believe how wrong this is.




    It'll give the location away.


    Sheesh! icon_rolleyes.gif


    Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

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