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Everything posted by enfanta

  1. It seems so cool to be able to bike across most of PA and down into DC but I can't find a map that encompasses that collection of trails. I can find *parts* of the trail but not all the trails linked together. And when I try to open the file with the .loc tag, my computer keeps saying it can't open it. help! X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
  2. I stopped to read one of their "Thou Shalt Not" signs when I was considering setting a cache on State Game Lands. I thought I read something about not leaving anything behind: that might be construed as prohibiting caching on SGL. HOWEVER. The point has been made before and is worth making again that many agencies are willing to not look too closely at caching as long as we don't draw attention to ourselves. In this instance that means wearing our orange when we're supposed to and not spooking the game. Should be easy enough. X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
  3. Perhaps your cat is marking out his territory to keep it from the bobcat! X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
  4. and got some pretty good advice here. X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
  5. Had Special Place Encased In Amber? Help! Someone Put Everything In Ammo-can! (Actually, I think Leatherman got it already...) Anscheinend sind wir inmitten des Golfstroms.
  6. It seemed like these coordinates might be close to State College, PA but I'm having a heck of a time locating W 077.41.76XX. I tried dropping it into "Seek a cache by coordinates" but it kept going by the N coordinates and not the W. How do I find out where these coords are???
  7. "Took wedding ring, Left my heart" too sweet. Congratulations to you both!
  8. At least that's what his profile says! Congratulations, sir! And thank you for some great caches. I promise I will finish Dead Presidents in the spring! Again, way to go!!
  9. ...whether you shouldn't just let natural selection take its course. Sorry you didn't get your stuff back. I'm sure the family of that yahoo is grateful for your intervention even if s/he isn't. What a maroon.
  10. ... because I thought it important that all the Christmas Cachers have a chance to ignore this thread.
  11. While geocaching? Mice. Ticks. Some butterflies. Not geocaching? Saw a black bear walking down the road towards me. Maybe I wouldn't have been so panicked if it wasn't for the truck that was herding her towards me! She finally ran off the road and up into the woods where I followed her a while at a safe distance. And there was a tiny white owl on my driveway a couple months ago. Hope I didn't scare her prey away...
  12. True North asked this of Salvelinus in a different thread but I think it deserves a place of its own. My first find was out at Bear Meadows. I still don't recall how I found out about geocaching but I came to this web site and looked for local caches. At the time I was living near Colyer Lake and I chose the Bear Meadows cache for a few reasons. One, it was close. Two, I knew the area the cache was hidden and three, I had no GPS at the time and the Bear Meadows cache had *photos* of where it was hidden. I figured, how difficult could this be?? Difficult enough!! I think it took me two tries to find it! But find it I did and I was hooked. You?
  13. Harder to find, more time spent seeking: that's half of caching, for me. The other half is spending my work day reading and responding to the forums. And the final half is that whole "nature" thing, of course.
  14. quote: It'd be draped in sort of sun-god robes, on top of a pyramid, with a thousand geocachers screaming and throwing little pickles at it. I thought I was the only person who had that dream...
  15. quote: And "ROTwhiler" could be the term for a person who decodes the ROT-13 encrypted clues manually while out in the woods. In the dark. In the rain There's another way?? quote: ...how about "being a Princess" for that particular subset of trolls who derail forum threads by criticizing persons, rather than opinions? Nope, sorry, no can do. As a representative of the Princess class I cannot let the actions of one supposed royal gump besmirch the good (if somewhat girly and demanding) name of princesses everywhere. Let's call a troll a troll. That's the only way to defeat them. (If you must have a geocaching term for a troll how about "golf ball"? Something that takes up room and contributes little or nothing to the group.)
  16. ... I'd hire away some folks from Martha Stewart to make the containers I keep thinking of but never seem to find the time to construct. Any leftover funds would go to creating a wicked huge topiary maze-- at least 10 acres of dense shrubbery that one would have *no* hope of crawling through. One would be forced to follow the twisty turny path, hoping that they'll get to the coordinates somehow...
  17. I have, on occasion, moved caches. Yes. It was me. I moved a teeny-tiny ammo box 3 feet away from the base of a tree where it was sitting out in the open after being discovered by non-cachers cleaning up the grounds. (I won't tell you where I put it. You have to find it.) I moved another cache 5 feet that was sitting out in the open and pinned it under a pine branch. I couldn't see it standing 10 feet away from it. Is this wrong?? To my mind, no. The point is to *seek* and if something's out in the open then what's the point? Additionally, a distance of five feet or less seems insignificant given that most (not all) GPS are accurate to 10' at best. But, of course, if you disagree with me, be sure to say so!
  18. "guard ticks"!! Love it.
  19. Didn't play it much as a kid but it seems like it could be adapted to geocaching, no?
  20. The only problem I could see with this cache is for those folks who download coords and seek caches without reading the cache description. IF that happens (and could be a long-shot) it might be useful for the owners to post an explanation on the cache itself. But that probably won't be necessary. Sounds like fun!
  21. quote: I'm a fair distance from State College, but I'd love to stay informed about this upcoming event. I'm supposing an event announcement would cover this. quote: Look at the 10 caches closest to the site of your event, and e-mail all the recently active finders who have found those caches. I thought of this and will do so, but I want to be sure I'm not excluding anyone who'd like to help out but isn't a webby sort of person. I'm sure there are cachers around who seek and find but don't bother to say so here. quote: Go to Dan Miller's stats site and e-mail all the people who show up as active cachers in Pennsylvania. Qac de feej?? Who is this Dan Miller of whom you speak?? quote: Don't forget to invite people who may live a fair distance away, but are totally nuts Well, I'm not sure this event would be quite what they're looking for-- oh! I cut off the quote! Sorry.
  22. Howdy, all! A step or two closer to the Fox Hunt and I realize that I don't know how to contact cachers within a set of zip codes. Is that explained somewhere, or do I just email the admins and ask that they send a message to all cachers within certain zip codes? Anyone else done this? It's not an official event yet, so I don't want to post it that way. I just want to alert everyone within shouting distance that I'm looking for volunteers. I could just contact every cacher listed in the logs of local caches but I'd hate to miss anyone just because they don't log their visits on-line. Suggestions?
  23. awww, man. I didn't study.
  24. I would *love* to hear how it goes. If you put together a fox hunt and run it before we get a chance to here in Central PA, it would be *very* helpful to hear how it went. Just came back from scouting a site with Salvelinus in State College. Walked a couple trails and discussed some possible set-ups. The trail was snow-covered ice and not at all suitable for any kind of hurrying so we'll have to wait for a melt before we can try this. I'm thinking (hoping) sometime in March and the first event would be a few tests to see what works best. Salvelinus has volunteered to be the first fox, I may set up a route or two and I'll be contacting some locals to find volunteers. HOWEVER, if this is something that really interests you and you are not in State College/Bellefonte/Phillipsburg/etc., please contact me to see if we can arrange something. I'm thinking 5-6 people minimum to make it interesting. Thanks for all the support! [This message was edited by enfanta on January 11, 2003 at 10:20 AM.]
  25. http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=5280962783&m=3290935935 and http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=5280962783&m=3100983545 for a little context here... [This message was edited by enfanta on January 09, 2003 at 03:18 PM.]
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