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Everything posted by AustinMN

  1. A multi with several physical stages can hold up a large area. Such a multi could take quite a bit of time to set up, especially if it has a high difficulty. Austin
  2. Not by much. It can be 100 even at midnight. My suggestion then it's time to take a vacation in someplace cooler. How about going to the Last Block Party in Seattle? I was talking to someone in Seattle yesterday (a colleague that lives there). She was saying that it was really hot there now. I know someone else that took the train from Seattle to Portland a couple of days ago and said they had to reduce the normal speed of the train due to the high heat index. Still, I imagine that it's cooler than the desert in the southwest. Yeah, Seattle's not getting spared from the heat, although it's still better than what you're (or I'm) going through. It's suddenly cooler and drier here in the Twin Cities. Just be prepared to soak yourself in DEET (for the mosquitoes) and your clothes in permethrin (for the ticks).
  3. Read the instructions!!! +1.
  4. Thirty years ago, it would have been a small circle in Connecticut. 20 years ago, it would have been in Pennsylvania, New York, and New England. <cue scary music here> If you live in North America, it is coming. If you do rural caching (vs urban caching), it is coming for you. Austin It also looks like it may have started in New York. That map is most dense there. The first reported case of Lyme disease was in a boy in Lyme Connecticut (which is in New England, not New York). My son-in-law contracted it as a child in the 1990's in Pennsylvania.
  5. I only have two hides, I am not retired, and still find this statement absurd. Austin
  6. I find it remarkably helpful. I just wish deerflies read the DEET label. There are places I won't go near this time of year even with a shower of DEET. Also, it doesn't do much to keep ticks off.
  7. Thirty years ago, it would have been a small circle in Connecticut. 20 years ago, it would have been in Pennsylvania, New York, and New England. <cue scary music here> If you live in North America, it is coming. If you do rural caching (vs urban caching), it is coming for you. Austin
  8. Security cameras don't typically record voices. Video cameras do.
  9. About 255:1 (about 510 finds and 2 hides) Ideal? [100 or more finds] : [Zero or more hides]. I really can't imagine anything good coming from measuring a find/hide ratio or expecting a minimum hide ratio. Austin
  10. In the US, except in very limited situations, there is no such thing as privacy when in a public place. Edit to add: The above statement is true when it comes to images, including video. However, it is not true when it comes to conversations, including video. That is treated the same as illegal wiretaping. So remember, if the faces are recognizable, that is legal. But if you can hear them shout "I FOUND IT!" on the recording, that is illegal.
  11. +1. I have a son-in-law who has serious joint issues and will for the rest of his life. For me, it didn't even take long-term exposure to Lyme disease. I had "the flu" for days, was still sickly for weeks, unable to work more than 8 hours in a day, and often sleeping 12 hours a night (my wife reports I once slept 20 hours stright). After numerous doctor visits and an ER visit, we finally nailed down Lyme disease, and in my case it was soon enough that the antibiotics resulted in almost magical symptom recovery and no long-term symptoms. But...like anyone who has had it, I can get Lyme disease again. It is almost impossible to distinguish a new case from the old case because so many of the antibodies used in the testing stay in your body for years. At this point, prevention is my only option. Permethrin is used to treat lice in humans, and in that form, much larger quantites are applied directly to the skin. Putting it on your clothes is a miniscule risk by comparison. Austin
  12. As an American, I try to be aware of the "ugly American" stereotype and do what I can to avoid it. That is why I am careful to convert to globally understood units of measure, and try to overlook gramatical errors for people who are using English as a second language or though a translator. I am keenly aware of Groundspeak's huge gap on this issue when it comes to souveniers. It seems they don't think globally unless forced to do so. The OP is entirely right to bring up this issue. I was aware of it years ago with the 31 days of August souveniers, and wondered why these things were only coming up in the U.S. summertime. There is mnore to thinking globally than just translating a web site. Austin
  13. Think maybe you are looking for any excuse you can find to justify your earlier position?
  14. It is working fine for me, and has been all along.
  15. Spray paint has been around at least since the 1950's. I believe the exact jars can be had brand new today.
  16. Whatever you do, bring a camera. The snake picture is just an example of why I at least carry the pocket camera, even if I don't expect anything photo-worthy. +1.
  17. Agreed. I am a casual cacher, and I've been in it for over 5 years.
  18. Ok.. They should have DNF'ed then as they didn't find the original containers. Since the post I asked you to read (and I quoted it) contained the phrase: It's not a DNF or a NM. But it might be cache theft.
  19. It's the same thing that's been around, and called the viewer, for at least seven or eight years now. Anyhow, no, I am not exceeding my view count. And I can't download a fresh copy, the link off my profile just goes to a blank page and Google Earth does not open. That's kind of, um... silly. It (the KML) isn't the viewer... it is the data! Anyway... thanks for the clarification. Yeah, I probably haven't used it in at least seven or eight years. Didn't really suit my needs. Just technical: The KML isn't the data. The KML is metadata (data that tells Google Earth how to get the data). Even then, you don't get real location data, you get obfuscated location data (data that is similar but deliberately changed). Confused yet?
  20. This Thanks! Is that different than the Google Earth KML from several years back? Same thing, new name, or an altogether new thing? What confused me was the term "Viewer". Google Earth IS the viewer, at least with the old way of doing it. It is updated on one end or the other; using GE to view caches used to be limited to 25 views a day, and now it is 250. I don't know if that change is on the KML end or the server end. BTW, you can also view caches on GE using a .GPX file (from a PQ). Using a .GPX, the coordinate accuracy is not downgraded.
  21. Pocket Queries are a way of downloading a select group of caches to your computer or a device. If I recall correctly, they are only available to Premium members. Austin
  22. It isn't difficult to find them yourself with a PQ. After defining the PQ (be sure it was placed at least a year ago, is enabled, etc.), preview the results, then sort the results by last find date. You may have to click the column twice to find the oldest. Then think about your results...2 years without a find and 6 DNFs in a row probably isn't really a lonely cache.
  23. If you were on a power trail that is acceptable behaviour. Read his post again. Unless I misunderstand, he's not describing Three Cache Monte. TCM (in theory) puts out one new container, then position-shifts the rest. By how I read his post, none of the original containers were anywhere on the entire PT. Austin
  24. Remember that if the GE viewer is set to update automatically, then it will refresh (a.k.a. view) every time you zoom or scroll. When the viewer hits 250 views, you are done for the day (24 hours). You can change the refresh to manual, it will only update if you right-click and choose "Refresh." That cuts way down on the number of views. To change the setting, right-click the viewer, choose Properties, and on the last tab make sure View-based refresh is set to "On Request." Austin
  25. Ultimately, as long as nerds are forced to go outside (or, for a few like me who force themselves to go outside), there will be geocaching.
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