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Everything posted by AustinMN

  1. I took the liberty of running your post through Google Translate into Korean: 구글 번역 (및 기타 온라인 번역 서비스) 충분 요즘에 적어도 캐시 페이지의 말씀의 일반적인 아이디어를 얻을 수 있나요? I then used 7 different on-line translation services (actually, more than 7, but only included one that returned nothing at all), to go back to English. I got 4 usable translations. The duplicates below are almost certanly because the same translate engine was used by different web sites. Google Translate (and other online translation service) Can I at least get a general idea of ​​the Word of cache pages in days enough? ( ) ? Google (and the other online Translation Service) These days, at least enough of the word of cache page to get the general idea? Google (and the other online Translation Service) These days, at least enough of the word of cache page to get the general idea? Google translation (and other online translation service) suffice these days, at least a general idea of the word of the page cached? Google translation (and other online translation service) suffice these days, at least a general idea of the word of the page cached? Google translation (and other on-line translation service) sufficiency can get the idea which to recently words of at least cache page is general? Can you get the idea? Yes, I suppose, especially since we know what the original said. But there are languages where translation this poor would be totally meaningless.
  2. Hmmm...I live in the United States, and I have encountered caches here that were entirely in German, no translation.
  3. Things come and go. Right now in the U.S., we're still in the craze of the "big scary child napper" mentality, which ultimately causes parents to (usually inadvertently) teach their children to fear the outdoors. Eventually that will change, but it may take a generation.
  4. A group of us are keeping track of how many new caches are getting published and how many are getting archived per state. I will say this... GS should be worrying. I wont name any states, but some states are flat line and others been dropping in last two years we been keeping track. The rest are climbing really slow, very close to flat line. And that isn't a bad thing at all. The old stale caches that everyone has found will get archived making way for new and exciting caches. Expect it to happen every few years and then a comeback afterwards. Not necessarily. I just checked some parks where I used to have caches... some nice wooded parks... and nothing has gone in there since. Its been at least two years in one of the parks. Plenty of stop sign hides have gone in meanwhile. Have the rules changed in those parks?
  5. My main purpose in geocaching is to find interesting places to photograph, so the thought of leaving my camera is unimaginable. I went with mirrorless so that I could adapt a ton of old manual glass, and that means a lot less weight and a little less bulk. But if your purpose is only to shoot a few images to attach to your logs, I can't see why a good smartphone can't do that job. Unless you jump though hoops, the largest image the site will display is 640 x 600 pixels anyway. Austin
  6. Most of the time, I am the creepiest thing near the cache.
  7. It has been said, no matter how you cache, it is wrong.
  8. I only sign the logs on caches like CJ's Airmail cache were it states you have to sign the log. I think I am gonna start to sign them though just incase. Statements like that are often the result of someone complaining to Groundspeak that the CO deleted the on-line log. The CO is allowed to delete bogus logs. The best evidence of a bogus log is the signature on the logsheet. Austin
  9. I've only found coins. I've never taken them. My understanding is, if you find cash in a cache, you are not under obligation to trade up. I try to remember to leave $2 bills for FTF. They are sometimes called a "Tom", which is a common for of my real first name.
  10. What this guy said.. What? Are you agreeing with the nearsighted dog?
  11. We need a "Must Read Attributes" attribute. +1
  12. All of my T5 caches required a boat (in our case a canoe), but also cost 3 old photo lenses that got dumped in the Cannon River before it was over.
  13. True. In that case, the same argument could (and would) be used against leaving a geocache in a Minnesota WMA. As one who has worked as a press photographer for several of his younger years, I concur with what you say about the expectations of privacy and photographing in public. That MN law has been used to ban geocaches in WMA's (and SNAs). The MNGCA tried to negotiate with the DNR, and what they got was existing geocaches in Minnesota WMA's are grandfathered. (They also got what I consider great support for State Forests and active participation for State Parks that should be a model for other states to follow.) Reviewers will automatically reject new caches in MN WMAs. If one is archived, it cannot be replaced. Austin
  14. Already demonstrated there are no legal issues... What about in Maine? Did you see the links I posted above? Possibly Utah as well, and other states are considering regulation of trail cams. A legal argument could possibly be made for leaving property in place (such as Minnesota's WMA rules about leaving personal property overnight). In those cases, the fact that it is a camera would not be relevant. For the photography itself, such a law would be completely unconstitutional. Remember that the US Supreme Court decided that photographing someone in their own bathroom was constitutionally protected as long as the photographer was on public property. The Montana law would not pass muster in Federal court. The Maine law only strengthens a right that private land owners already have, and does not impact public property at all. Disclaimer: We are both in the US - laws in other countries vary.
  15. Already demonstrated there are no legal issues...
  16. They sure talk funny in your rural areas!. My rural areas are not that far from yours, dog-with-glasses
  17. Fixed that for ya Fixed that for ya
  18. In rural areas, they are also wondering "who the *** are they?"
  19. Funniest post of the week, expecting LoW to find that many.
  20. I'm not trying to change the subject, but the CO's only other listing has some questionable items as well.
  21. It seems we are not supposed to let correct and thought out information go by without a comment any more. But I consider this a well-thought out answer. I remember one of my first finds (now archived), a "high stealth required" find in an urban area. I put eyes (but not hands) on the cache, and waited for the sidewalk to clear for a moment. I believed I was being stealthy. But two men jaywalked straight towards me and when they got so close my defense alarm was about to sound, one of them said "Did you find it?" They knew what I was doing. I suspect though, that nobody else did. That was a great "stealth required" cache. There have been others where I've just driven away without looking. Austin
  22. In a typical city in the United States, you appear on someone's surveilance camera 50-150 times a day. What do they do with those photos?
  23. Disagreeing isn't "trashing." Stop defending yourself. I rarely see you agreeing with someone. When people are correct there is rarely need to comment. That is so true. In my past life I learned that commenting on someone being correct, (or behaving well) really goes a long ways, and should be done regularly. No comment. TFTC!
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