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Team CeDo

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Everything posted by Team CeDo

  1. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  2. Downtown St Pete also has a bunch of micros that are very cool to do, also while you are there you can see many ineresting places I personally recomend the Dahli museum while there.
  3. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  4. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  5. Over 16 If I could live inside a book, it would have to be a fantastical story full of mythical creatures and great adventures such as the Chronicles of Narnia. I would roam the plains of Middle Earth, discover the secrets of the true Narnia, and comb the corridors of Hogwarts. I would converse with centaurs, elves, and fauns. There are seven books in the series 1 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950) 2 Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia (1951) 3 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1952) 4 The Silver Chair (1953) 5 The Horse and His Boy (1954) 6 The Magician's Nephew (1955) 7 The Last Battle (1956)
  6. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  7. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  8. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  9. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  10. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  11. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  12. Due to some family issues we have not had our children overnight for around seven months, The issues have been resolved and our VERY special Christmas present was to be able to have our two children for Christmas eve through the day after Christmas and in a few weeks home for good. That was the best present we could have hoped for.
  13. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  14. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  15. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  16. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  17. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  18. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  19. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  20. Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!
  21. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  22. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  23. double post sorry
  24. "Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!"
  25. Congrats to the winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for this cointest it had me laughing!!!!
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