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Team CeDo

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Everything posted by Team CeDo

  1. How about sexiest Geocaching team?? If not I enter all four of us!! LOL
  2. This is the entire Team CeDo From left to right Rob, Becky, Adrianna, and Clay. Becky and I met about 5 years ago on-line and them came to find out that we had soome friends in common.
  3. Or me double posting because my computer locks up on me
  4. congrats ladybee4t!!!!! excellent cointest
  5. 1. 7 2. 8 3. something on T.V. you wanted to watch
  6. 1. 7 2. 8 2. had to get home for a special dinner
  7. 1. 3 2. 4 3. someone got hurt? (hope not)
  8. Hmm.....I wonder how many finds Gizmo the dog has?
  9. 1. 3 2. 4 3. Trouble with front or rear end of the super geo-jeep( I hope thats not the case!)
  10. 1. 9 2. 10 3. Had some good food at home for dinner. (big juicy steak)
  11. 1. 5 2. 6 3. Wanted to catch the end of the Steelers/Chargers game
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